24. butchered...

ChunHua got the box and came back.

YuTang was still sitting in the same position, waiting for her.

ChunHua entered the door and YuTang got up to help her with the box...

ChunHua saw her Little gentleman and, "hehe.. thank you, TangTang~ You can put it on that table", she gestured towards the one between the sofas.

TangTang gave her a nod and put the box, which was of average size and average weight on the desk as asked.

ChunHua then rushed towards it and cleanly opened it and only then did YuTang saw the label on the box, "The Crown"...

It was a shop which made exclusive desserts for their patrons..., well, just like the label, the patron was similar to the nobility of this country and as far as he was concerned, they only did orders based on the reservation.... but he was sure that, she had placed the order just now, though he didn't know that she was placing it in that place!! He was again enlightened by the value of money and connection-- no, he actually saw another page in the life of this mysterious person!

Anyway, the box contained a layered cake that was immaculately designed, if one didn't know, it looked like a piece of art from a famous artist... the cake itself was purely white, he wondered if it was because it snowed for a while today... on top of it were two little figures of a snowman, they looked really cute together, plus the design of the two-layered cake was similar to a castle on a snow mountain, it was indeed a sight to behold, so much so that, he would have liked to watch it for a little longer until, ChunHua took out a prepared knife, made him hold it as she grasped his own hand with her own and they butchered the whole thing like no tomorrow... (T^T)

The worst part being that because he was unable to take his hands away, he was the direct culprit of this... he was crying without tears...

Finally, ChunHua calmed down and ran away, leaving YuTang to get more depressed over the holy cake that had turned into a hellish mess... well actually, the inside of the cake was still not visible, but the way she had cut the whole thing down, the beautiful pair of snowmen and the castle had fallen into oblivion... and just when he was about to say sorry to these, he heard her vice again--

"HAPPY BREAK UP TO US!!!! I'M SINGLE AGAIN!!!!", she had brought an expensive-looking wine with two wine glasses.

Without care, she passed one glass to him and held another for her own, filled the two the brim and--


She excitedly clinked it with his and gulped the whole glass down as a few streamed down her lips making way for an enchanting and sultry view.

ChunHua was a heavyweight in drinking and didn't get drunk easily, but her face flushed red even with a single sip or so!

As a result, YuTang who had mechanically drunk a few sips by now and was relishing the sweet and astringent taste of it saw this scene--

A defenceless ChunHua, who was mumbling incoherent things, her face deeply flushed with her eyes barely open, which in turn had turned misty, her pink pyjama was a bit messy and maybe because she was feeling a bit hot, she had opened her first two buttons, well, a beautiful expanse of flushed skin was visible as drops of wine were now being held in the groove of that seductive beauty bone... she probably felt his eyes on her and turned to give him a look, her eyes closed into crescents, her dimples finally showing up, as her plump lips that held a bit of moisture opened up into a beautiful grin...

YuTang was entranced by this.... maybe because he had drunk a little or something, but he felt unusually hot and a bit thirsty... he took another sip from the glass, but rather than quenching his thirst, his throat felt dry...

He saw ChunHua get up from her seat from across her and came with wobbling steps towards him... his heartbeat quickened and he felt his face warm up.

ChunHua came and sat beside him, she scooted very close till he could smell her unique fragrance, her soft thighs were in contact with his sturdy ones, YuTang knew that he should get away from her, but it was as if, a binding spell was cast on her.. he couldn't move.

He saw her bend a little to get some cake, this time she cut it whole and YuTang saw that the inside of it was actually a rainbow cake... it happened again...

A memory flashed inside,

"xiao jiejie... I can't choose~ I want to eat everything... pwease~*", it was the honey-laced voice of a young child...

"Is that so? Then the next time I'll order a cake that has all the flavours that my Little Bun likes..hm?", the voice was of a very young girl...

"xiao jiejie, Little bun loves you the most!!!"

"I too love, Little bun the most"


There it was again, another memory that resulted in a headache, but this helped sober him up a little.

ChunHua by now had brought the cake closer to his mouth, "aahhh~"

YuTang was again taken aback, she was actually trying to feed him..." jiejie, I--"

ChunHua's eyes misted over, "Tangtang, doesn't like it? But I ordered it for you~ Won't you eat it...? Pwease~", her voice was cleary a spoiled one and she wouldn't take no for an answer, plus the way proud and cheeky person he saw a while ago, when turned into a needy type, the gap was too moe*~

He again resigned himself to it and opened his mouth....



Pwease – it's not a typo. They were just trying to act cute.

Gap-moe - simply put, when someone does something that is unexpected from their character settings, for example, a cool, aloof CEO blushing like a maiden, the gap it creates is moe( you know, how you want to protect that innocent and pureness~)