26. as usual..?

ChunHua had a meeting abroad this afternoon and so, this morning, just like any other day, she woke up with the sun...

Her legs automatically took her to the sink and after she had tended to her skin, she freshened up before going to the shower area, where she had a hot shower.

She was acting just like usual... she wrapped a bath towel around her body and went downstairs to get some warm tea, she already had a shower, but she had a habit of drinking freshly brewed warm tea, it helped her wake up.

Steam rose from her body as she walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen.. but just before she entered, she heard some noise from inside... just like usual, she thought it was the working lady she had hired and entered, as usual, but for a fact, today was indeed a bit different... it was not like usual--(!!)

YuTang had a very good sleep, he had scheduled work for tonight, it was another modelling gig... well, he was still professional and didn't quit, even though he had left that house, he still needed some money, though ChunHua had said that he will audition for her company, but he couldn't exactly sit idle.

He knew that she was serious, she was really strict when it came to her profession, the legends she had created proved it and he knew that she really meant for him to share this space with her, but he still wanted to work, this experience will help him in the long run, and he had to have some money with him... He had already decided to live for himself so, he will do just that.... but for this, money was indispensable...

He will give his all to get into the company and even if he can't, it was just starting from scratch again... He was used to it, he will just grit his teeth and work hard... ChunHua told him that he had potential, those words saved that small spark that was going to be extinguished inside him...

He will give his life to prove her vision to be correct... that was the least bit he could do for her.

With a newly found possibility and belief, he had woken up in time to get breakfast ready for them, she had told him that she will be leaving for some business trip for two days this morning, he had to be fast.

Just like that, the diligent little Bun was making some light breakfast and a bento* for her journey and it was just then, when he heard some rustling sound behind him, he guessed that it was her and turned around, "Good morning, jiej---"

Whatever he saw this day, will be imprinted on his heart forever...


Well, this morning marked the very first time in his life, when he found that he was probably not impotent as he had thought...

ChunHua had just taken two steps inside the kitchen when the man turned around and greeted her... but the worst part was actually not what she wore, but that the shitty towel for some fucking unknown reason came loose and 'almost' fell off...

As for why 'almost', well, she had reflexively caught it before it fell to the ground, but in the end, her beautiful bosoms could still be seen partially, the bath towel that came undone could only hide her important parts, but the white expanse and mounds were still visible...

ChunHua had just come out of the bath and her skin was already a little flushed, but in the next instant, it was as if, every cell of her body was set in fire, as her pearly white skin was tinted with a pink blush, her eyes that always held a mischievous and sly light to them, turned misty which in turn made her look vulnerable but at the same time, made one want to tease her...

After a few moments....both of them shouted at the same time--


Why 'x4'..?

Well, even their inner self was shouting the same~

One ran back to where she came from and the other turned back even though the storm has passed by....

YuTang felt his nose warm-up and reflexively looked up. He would kill himself if he had a nose bleed, considering a 'certain' part, which was in a deep slumber for years now, was twitching slightly!!

YuTang couldn't calm down and opened the fridge to get some cold water to calm down, he tried to close his eyes and take deep breaths.... but in the end, no matter what he did, that scene was deeply imprinted in his head... all he could see even with his eyes closed was that beautiful skin that flushed a bright red and her dewy eyes, the fiery tigress suddenly turned into a frail and weak kitten, the gap was too much for him to handle.

YuTang slid down and held his knees...

Just what was wrong with him...?

Just then he heard a pitter-patter sound coming from outside... the sound was getting faster, louder and closer by each passing second...

The next moment, a panting ChunHua came to sit in front of him, she had definitely rushed herself as her hair was still messy and she was just wearing a floral-print pleated dress, without any accessories...

She talked to him with a rushed tone, "YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING! FORGET IT!....please..", that last word was said very softly...

The moment she had rushed back, she felt like giving her a big slap.

Though she didn't forget it, habit was a pesky thing.. so, she had acted like usual....

YuTang was still not ready and the way she had acted plus his stoned reaction, she almost thought that he was traumatised and scarred for life...

Well, he hadn't given any reaction so, she will not lie that, she didn't feel a bit disappointed, but(!) it was her fault and not intentional... and it was at this moment, when she remembered the type of personality that man had... he would probably start blaming himself and so, she had wore a dress at her fastest speed and ran down to confront the scared rabbit!


After she asked him to forget it, he gave her a blank expression...

'Oi! Did I break him? Aish!! this maiden heart!!! No! ChunHua calm down! We can still save this! Hm!! ...probably...', after her internal struggle... she forced herself to calm down and explained everything to him a single breath,

"TangTang, listen. I'm always like this and for a second, I forgot that you might be here... SO, this was not your fault... got it!", she was being a bit pushy because the child looked at her like an alien... as if, he couldn't understand her, those eyes were blank, he was really blaming himself, and as if, to prove her correct--

YuTang who had dived into internal blaming finally responded, "I'm... sorry... I--"




Bento - Japanese styled box meal