36. repective thoughts

With her small preaching done, she was reminded of the reason she came to him in the first place.

"ah! TangTang, I almost forgot what I came here for..", she had a pouty look on her face that made her look a little too cute, very different from what she looked like with the serious face from earlier!

YuTang couldn't help but feel a little amused by the gap in her character... on that note, he has noticed that, no matter how excited she was, she has been trying to deepen her voice for a while now...

Just the day before, whenever she was teasing him, her voice would become little high-pitched, it was very normal for girls and he also liked her cheerful voice that sounded similar to beautiful chimes.

But just now, it was a bit different... even though it sounded natural, it was fairly deep with a husky effect to it... he wondered why she was doing it?

On a side note, he would like to learn this from her, he was quite proficient in changing his tone, but compared to his normal deep and magnetic voice, everything else sounded a little fake, at least to his ears, because he didn't have enough money back then, he couldn't get into the advanced voice lesson course that was recommended by their professors so, everything he learned was self-taught without practical experience so, if possible, he would like to make it as natural as her. He took note of this in the back of his head before gently asking her, " What is it, jiejie?"

ChunHua gave him a look and checked the time, they had exactly an hour before the scheduled time, and because the location was at a remote location, a little far away from here, they will need to go out a bit early too.

She was still a bit distressed about him continuing his work even when he couldn't keep his eyes open for long, but this child was as stubborn as he was kind... and it could get to an annoying level at times!!

But she knew that this was not simply because of that, she heard from him that it was offer presented to him by a senior photographer, if he didn't go there, it would be disrespecting his kind intentions... and he was definitely not one to do that.

Even with his condition, he will still do everything to show his gratitude... he was indeed stubborn and kind to an annoying level... but didn't she fell for this too... she was also hopelessly in love.

He had taken the medicine and will be wearing warm clothes to the shoot, the temperature outside was indeed freezing, but she heard that it was going to be an indoor shoot today, well, she could accept this.

She didn't answer his question, but said, " Go and change into some warm clothes. It is time already... I'll bring you some vegtable porridge, you can eat that before taking your medicines. Okay?"

YuTang finally saw the time on his phone and was shocked, he has been resting for over an hour without knowing!

He suddenly stood up only to feel a bout of vertigo and fell forward...

ChunHua who was standing to the side saw him like this and instinctively tried to catch him.

"TangTang!", her voice raised up before she again deepened it after noticing her mistake, "I'll help...", her voice sounded a little distressed, if possible, she still didn't want him to go and get rest.

YuTang's body was heavy but that vertigo came because he had suddenly stood up, after a second, it went away but he didn't say anything otherwise...

There was this calming fragrance around her with a light hint of coldness to it, he wondered if it was mint... anyway, his defences were really lowered because of that cold and he didn't mind leaning on her for some support.... plus, just now, he noticed something else which made him feel very warm.

The reason she was deepening her voice was probably that, the high-pitched voice could cause a slight irritation during these time, it causes a ringing sound inside one's head and that was annoying with the headache from the ongoing cold... he didn't have any problem whatsoever, to him, her voice was very pleasant to listen to... but she was deepening her voice for him... 'this person was indeed too caring', he thought as he sneaked a peek at her beautiful side profile and subconsciously tightened his grip on her small shoulders that was helping him... even though she was this frail and slender, which made him feel like she will break from him applying a little pressure, her heart was way stronger than his own... the look in his eyes was unfathomable, even he wasn't sure what he was feeling right now.

What ChunHua did was actually instinct to her because she cared too much for him, but it had unconsciously brought them a little closer without her knowing.


ChunHua helped him choose and in contrast to her childish choices when it came to her pyjama and comfort wear line, she had a knack for this.

She went for a simple pair of faded jeans with a formal shirt in pastel blue, the look was completed with a custom made wide shoulder woollen sweater in light pink and a slim fit trench coat when they go out.

YuTang was fairly young and rather than a mature look he always went for subconsciously, this was closer to his age and because he was a bit out of it because of his fever, his dazed look gave him a rather cute appearance, ChunHua asked him to let his hair down as it was and compared to how much of a gentleman he looked, now he gave more of an aura of a handsome boy-next-door.

Happy with her choice, she asked him to get a pair of sneaker out as she ran back to wear a pleated dress which was not among the first choices, but rather had a monochromatic pattern on it... she couldn't wear something that would give away their relation, as of now, but she felt that this dress would complement their looks.

After he ate his medicine, ChunHua who had combined her look with thick stockings, a fluffy poncho and cute ear muffs, and looked every bit cute like a teenager than an adult, went out for the shoot~

Throughout the journey, YuTang was looking at her from what he thought was a secret angle, but of course, gave himself away as ChunHua had mastered the same thing and was also looking at him... but nobody said anything.

ChunHua was like any other normal girl and liked to dress up a little in front of someone she loved and was all the more ecstatic if he was looking at her!

On the other hand, it was the first time for YuTang to see such a blatant gap between how she looked normally that is, how she liked to wear her cute pyjamas when they were inside, and now, where for the very first time he saw her like this.

When they met for the very first time and the time when she was going out for business, she gave a mature and strong air... she was like a fiery tycoon with a mighty and superior aura around her, but now, as if, she changed her personality, she looked so cute with her cherry lips and light blush and for the fact, everything about her, that he almost wanted to hide her...

It was a feeling he didn't know where it came from... but he didn't want anyone else to see her like this.

'What is going on..?', he wondered.. well, this was probably the very first time in his life where he felt a possessive feeling towards a person who was a total stranger just a few days ago, but since, he had subconsciously put the feeling of 'love' out of his radar when it came to her, he felt very strange.

With their own respective thoughts, the two of them finally reached the site without speaking a single word.