40. side

ChunHua saw their faces, which by now looked pale, and they were probably sweating as well!

She shook her head in disappointment; these women are already grown-up adults and even older than herself by half a dozen of years, but here they are, trying to show off their non-existent 'authority' to the young artists who they think could be bullied... but the moment see something otherwise, they start acting like this...

As an adult, one must be responsible for their actions and words at all times, well, at least if they are psychologically fit....

Watching these two, she couldn't help but lament how this sort of thing has so naturally become a part of all paths of life.

Though the thought of this business being only for the strong and those who could stand the selection was true, ChunHua still didn't like this sort of oppression that satisfied the puffed ego of a few and didn't have much to do in the line of selection.

She took YuTang towards a remote corner with a double seat and made him sit there before taking out some water for him to drink from her bag... if no one knew their positions, ChunHua with her cute outfit and sincere expression looked every bit a newly wedded wife taking care of her sick husband~

Anyway, after she saw some colour return to his face, she turned to the silent audience and walked towards them.

"Where is the make-up artist? I'll try not to make a huge issue out of it, but if he doesn't accept your apology...", she said as she pointed towards YuTang who was looking at her with a confused look and gave a charming smile in contrast to the threat she softly spat out, "...I have enough money to sue you back with whatever charge you were going to push against him~", she had taken a great offence, you see.

Even she hadn't tried this delicious meal so, how dare these women to try to buy it... mind you, that man could only be him... though it may hurt his pride as man, one among the many reasons, she could still allow that toxic relationship between the two to continue except for her being at a point where interfering anywhere became impossible for her was that, she found that he couldn't get it up for her... she really didn't mind his impotency,

A. it could be cured if he wanted to and she was not a sex addict plus,

B. even if he couldn't be hers, he would not belong to anyone as well...

Her brain was a little warped, but it was still better considering what she went through for over a decade without anyone to lean on... she had grown a lot and not all of it was in a positive sense.

Still, their words did push a wrong switch inside her...

Normally, she didn't care about the so-called back door or the unspoken rules, the ones entering were adults, they should be responsible for their action plus, she wasn't into altruism and helping everyone in sight... she was nothing close to being the same, but if it came to her baby, the matter took a 36000-degree turn!

'If they are so horny.. they should go and fuck themselves', she was so pissed that her beautiful face was pasted with a charming smile that almost gave her a halo but actually didn't reach her eyes and if you noticed carefully, a few nerves were popping out here and there on her face and neck...

The only person who understood the severity of the situation was actually Zhao Tao as YuTang had yet to see her when she got 'royally pissed'; to these people who were still ignorant of her power, she was unknown and they might say something that gets into her and before that happened, he simply stood up and walked towards YuTang, he didn't care about those people or, what they thought of him, he just knew it from his instinct that this man was the safest place on earth right now... he was Noah's ark*!!

YuTang didn't have anything to say and just let him stand beside him... maybe because his fever was still ongoing, he was a little out of it and also a bit dazed even now.

The newbies kept their silence, they were not involved in the first place and once they saw Zhao Tao's stance, they kept their head down.

At the centre were two girls who had become the victim of their own actions and words, but when they saw the Zhao Tao, the Zhao Tao whose pride reached beyond heavens, take his position, they knew it was over... but this woman, didn't leave them any chance...

A. Once the make-up artist got involved, who was a stern man himself, they would be done, and

B. she didn't even leave them a choice to choose; her words were a little different... instead of asking them to apologise, she had told them that they should do it till he accepted them.. as if, an apology was a foregone conclusion for her and what mattered his stance on the matter.

But before they could say something else, another huge slap came at them through the door.

"Hua...?", came the seductively deep voice of a man from behind her.

ChunHua was again shocked by how many acquaintances she was meeting today and turned to look at the man....

He was a man in his late twenties, with his beautiful blonde hair tied to one side. He was on the leaner side and his face was androgynous with delicate features, his light brown eyes that shone under the light gave him a sexy charm as his thin lips held an evil smirk...



Noah's ark - Noah's Ark is the vessel (similar to a boat) in the Genesis flood narrative through which God spares Noah, his family, and examples of all the world's animals from a world-engulfing flood!