44. warm :)

Zhou Xuan actually hadn't wished to give YuTang the shorter end of the stick, but maybe it was still in his subconscious considering this man was still facing a ban, even though he knew that with ChunHua backing him, it won't stay for long, but in that offer, he had definitely expected to make use of him a little bit... it was at a sub or unconscious level, but it was probably still there... For a second, he got drunk on his own achievement and even though he had been losing the passion for the path he chose and was now concentrating more on these official works, and YuTang reignited that flame inside him, he still had been a bit complacent... well, just a look at her smile and he was slapped awake!

Though she would never do it, finding opportunities was as easy as breathing to this woman, because you see, if she can't find them, she will simply create it and the person at the centre is the person she had chosen for herself and will do everything for as well... just what was he trying to do...?

Anyway, since she hadn't talked yet, there was still a chance to save the situation.

"YuTang, you don't have to worry about the fees and other things. I'm very professional and you'll get the contract that you deserve so, please do think about my offer", and he was safe! ChunHua was not unreasonable with her own people and also those who right their wrongs~!

ChunHua who was thinking about how much money she can get out of that man and when he will pay her for that broken engagement and for the mental stress he gave her and for stomping on her Little Bun's career, the money turned into something very astronomical and she won't lie that she was a little greedy about it and the evil smile had turned into a sly one... and it was at this time when she heard Zhou Xuan talk big about paying him what he deserved...

"Xuan-ge, I'll talk to you about the contract~ I knew that you are a good person! You are my brother for a reason..hehe", giving him a charming smile that reached her ears, she turned to YuTang, who was still in a little daze because of this surprise opportunity that fell on his laps and asked, "Is that okay with you, TangTang?"

YuTang came out of his daze and it seems, he had still listened to her for a while, "Yes... I'm sorry about this. I'm not very efficient".... well, if he was, he wouldn't be duped from the basic pay that every model got from these gigs, right?

Sometimes, it felt like, he was really a little hopeless in everything other than cooking and his career!

Well, that was why ChunHua came into this business so, in the end, everything works out!

By this time, YuTang was finally called again and even Zhou Xuan followed him, if allowed, he would have liked to do a photo shoot right here and now, but for the time being, he will support his newfound partner!

In the meantime, ChunHua turned to the corner and after her eyes focused on the shadow of a man, who had definitely seen her, but was now running away, she started walking towards him... from her findings, this little brat had also been abusing some of his power and weight, she will make everything clear to him~


When she came back from her 'short-talk' with that brat which resulted in him becoming as meek as touch-me-not plant when it was touched, she walked towards the shooting area with a proud look... she will never acknowledge it, but taking care of these brats was one of the best past-time activity of hers~

She felt that brat following her from a distance, but she didn't say anything... asking for forgiveness of your wrongdoings is the first step in improving yourself and your relationship with the other person... apologising was a very brave thing to do!!!

By this time, they were finally done with the shoot and as expected, YuTang couldn't be a part of this shoot... but for this, old Su publicly apologised to him... which came as a shock for everyone including YuTang... many things have been done to him, but this was probably the first time he was being apologised to, but considering the person who was doing this, he didn't feel good at all.

He immediately gave a 90-degree bow to him and spoke with a respectful tone, "I'm sorry for not being able to keep up to your expectations. Thank you for the chance, I'll continue doing hard work!", this child was indeed good and kind to others... and this high EQ was also another reason, he could still continue with his jobs even when some bigshots were against him!

ChunHua saw him like this and part of her was really proud, but the other half lamented about it... with his qualification, he should at least be among the rising new stars of both the industry by now, but all because she was not strong enough to go against the path her life had gone on or, simply that she couldn't stop that man from abusing his power, this might not have turned into this... he wouldn't have to be the one to take a step back... he could have still been there...

But regretting the past won't take her anywhere... she preferred to fight the present and act for a better future!


The situation ended very cleanly and YuTang still got part of his fees even though he said no, well, here the culprit was, of course, ChunHua who had wanted a certain someone to give away money for what he had wanted from now on.

Zhou Xuan: ....

Well, at least he got to work with YuTang so, he was fine with it and what also helped was the last words that ChunHua said before leaving, "Artist Xuan, I have got an offer for you...", well, the answer or the statement she wanted to make was very clear... it was simply, '..pay him the money he deserved and I'll get your wish come true sooner', this time she was definitely abusing her authority and position, but like she said, as long as YuTang deserved it, she would use everything in her hands to support him and what was wrong with using her family's money and power on someone she loved, why else was it there then?

Anyway, the day ended with the Zhao Tao apologising YuTang in a roundabout manner and also telling him to get into acting and how he will beat him...

YuTang who got to know this awkward side of this seemingly proud young master, couldn't help but feel warm... it seems, there were also other people who had acknowledged his potential as an actor...

It felt really warm...