48. pity

ChunHua reached the apartment building and told him to keep his phone on, well, the other person was a woman and YuTang was going to build a career in the show business, if something happened, it would be really too late to correct it later... plus she had a sinking feeling that something was going to happen... and most of the time, her intuitions worked wonders...

Well, for better or for worse, her intuition will be proven correct a little while for now.

YuTang nodded and could guess where she was coming from plus, that woman had already threatened him about bringing his impotency to light... even he had wanted a backup plan because the girl he knew was different from reality and he wasn't sure what she might do... ChunHua was really the professional here, she made sure to attend to the details...

But sometimes things were just fated to go wary and slap those who had given their attention even to the minute details...

ChunHua told him that she will wait in the nearby cafe shop at the front of this building as YuTang himself went up.


YuTang greeted the security guard after very long; this man was a middle-aged man and YuTang had the charm to leave a good impression on anyone he met... the guard saw him and couldn't help but call out even though he was in duty, "xiao Yu, I haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?", this man seemed to really like this child, well, this was the only boy who still talked to him whenever he saw him without putting any show, in this line of work, even that was enough to warm their hearts and that was also the reason why he had been hinting to him for a long time that the woman he had was not good.... in the end, they were not that close and it would seem like he was being too nosy into their lives so, he had kept it to a bare minimum...

He wasn't too sure about what this young man did, but he was definitely quite well off as he lived her, to this guard who had seen a lot both because of his age and experience in a fairly well-off community was, he was pretty sure that the woman was using him...see even a guard who saw them once in a while could see it, YuTang somehow remembered this man's warning from back then and thought that his eyes must have been just their for decoration!!

He felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden and thought how ChunHua actually saw him.

Knowing her, he was sure that, it was easy for her to get information on him and that woman and considering that woman was involved in the act of adultery with her now ex-fiance, she would have definitely searched her up... he felt like it would be little difficult to face her, he had really been a fool.... thinking like this, his face reddened up a little...

Though he failed to notice, ChunHua's position in his heart has risen up to the peak without him knowing because all her cared was how she saw him!!

YuTang talked a little and found that the woman has been throwing hysterics for a while now and the other residents had also filed a complained against her, the security uncle also asked him to take care of himself...

This man couldn't help but pity this child again...' such a good man, but his choices...haaaaah!"

YuTang couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, he had shown a pathetic sight to these people...

He really had to do something about it immediately... he gave a bow to that man and entered the elevator.

He had thought what it would feel like to get back here again the second he had left that place, back then, he had thought that, he would definitely feel hurt all over again and that he will break down from emotional stress...

But in reality, he felt like this was simply a business trip... he will do his job of throwing her and her things out, take his own things, lock the door and it was 'bye-bye' forever... without him realising it, he had become very strong in mere days!!


The moment he opened the door to the apartment, his gut gave a wrenching sensation... it was dark everywhere and he had a bad feeling.

Still, he had to get this over with and after taking a deep breath, he lit his phone light on and walked in...

A few steps away from the lounge, he could hear some mumbling and incoherent sounds... in this dark space, it gave an eerie feeling.

Without caring about it, he directly switched on the lights and his face became even paler than before--

He saw a woman with messy hair, messed up makeup and worn-out clothes looking at him from the sofa... if not for his strong nerves, he would have definitely screamed... the view had scared the hell out of him....

It took him another 10 seconds to realise that this being was actually his ex...

YuTang was not among those who judged others on the basis of their face or visuals... but the way she looked now, he couldn't help but feel goosebumps surfacing all over his body... she could just stand on a third rate ghost movie and she wouldn't need any makeup and could actually earn a hefty sum, it was that scary!!

YuTang saw the woman run towards him, but before he could dodge her, a rotten smell assaulted his nose as the shrill voice entered his ears,

"Tang-ge... I'VE YOUR CHILD IN MY STOMACH! YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!!", she was so loud that a microphone would shy away from her!

Upon hearing her, YuTang froze on spot with his eyes, as big as, saucers and his mouth wide open!

If ChunHua was here, she would have definitely commented, "why did a straight break-up scenario change to a disgusting soap opera?" before dialling for the number of a mental asylum as she pushed that woman off him!

ChunHua, in reality, was listening to this through their ongoing call and the glass of water she had just raised to take a sip from, crashed onto the ground, as the air around her chilled down to a record low!


She had not used any derogative term for that woman till now, but this time a deep-rooted resentment came out of her lips under gritted teeth, "This fucking bitch!!!!!"