80. stuck

ChunHua unlocked her phone and opened the message.

It read,

[Hua? Where are you?! It's been snowing hard for an hour already! The paths are already blocked and it would take some time to get rid of it? I've been trying to reach you, but you didn't answer my call. Are you okay? YuTang is also missing!]

The sender was Zhou Xuan and the message just came.

ChunHua had left her phone inside the cart but that couldn't be considered an excuse now when she saw 32 missed calls!

She tried to send him a message but the connection wasn't strong and her phone went into emergency mode.

ChunHua: "....."

She turned to YuTang who had been sitting stiffly for a while now to tell me him about the situation and once she did, she frowned, "Are you uncomfortable somewhere?", her priority changed in a heartbeat.