95. "....."

Why was he hearing things like her getting jealous because of him? He could also bet his entire fortune on the fact that he heard her say that she won't allow him to be someone else's!

Without even asking the reason behind it. He made a bold guess... Was it the same for her?

Did she... Did she love him as well?

He wanted to ask her but he was a little scared.

Well, he didn't understand her fully, well, of course, he wasn't her so how could he but he knew that she didn't love her ex-fiance, there was also that 'little bun' in her dreams, but it didn't seem like they were in a relationship so, for now, even if she was using him as a replacement, which he somehow felt wasn't possible for ChunHua was not a person like that, he was still happy with it... if she gave him even a single ray of hope, he will just have to make full use of it and make it into a bundle and then might as well make it the only truth for her!