122. NEWS (1)

It's been a week since that night.

In this past week, ChunHua has been going out a lot to be beside her artists, and after all this time, the industry finally saw the face of the person whose presence behind the creation of one of the most selling artists and current Film Emperor couldn't be deprecated.

Wang ChuYi was actually the person who was the most overwhelmed by her accompanying him to his sets. Before this, he was always with his assistant, well, she did accompany him to a few parties during his early career, but that was it. At this point of time, when he shouldn't fear anything in this realm of acting, he was actually quite stiff with her 'watching' him. It won't affect his performance because he had given his all in the preparation phase, but... hm.. If he had to point something out, it would be that he felt like a student who had his teacher coming for a home visit,.. he was a little- no, he was quite nervous.