135. The story of the two princesses(4)

Seeing her shouting like this, making it seem like she was the only victim in this world and justifying her actions because of the same, he was really disheartened.

He never cared about her face, to begin with, and her blocking that fire for her had just confirmed how much he wanted to love her and protect her... He has been trying to thaw that ice, he was really trying... but he was really tired.

He swore to love her and protect her, but it seems that was not enough... it seems, he wasn't able to give her a sense of security... He has always thought that, if one day he fell in love with someone, he will love them for all of eternity... But it seems, he was not strong enough, just one year and he was depressed and heartbroken beyond help.


"Why are you not looking at me? Or, what? Did you fall for her?", she shouted

'No, this is not what I want to say!!'

"Was your love so cheap!!"

'I know you love me... what am I saying...?'