Chapter 14

I went straight to class and submitted my assignment to the class representative.

"Good morning. Here is my assignment".

"Good morning. Am Disney".

"Hi, Disney. What a nice name you have".

"Am the only student Kim couldn't make to change her name. She says my name is chic enough".

"I guess that's one thing we have in common, Hollywood names".

Disney laughed.

"You can't submit that assignment today".

"Why not?".

" 'cos, no one has done the assignment and Kim decided that no one should submit till tomorrow".

"That's not fair".

" I am sorry, I really wish I could help you but I can't. Its how things go on around here".

"Have you done the assignment?".

"Yes of course. Am an A+ student".

"Why did you not submit the assignment?".

"I am only the class representative by name. Kim makes the rules around here and she owns the ultimate authority".

"But that's not fair! Have you never thought of standing up for yourself?".

"I have but I don't think I have the courage to stand against Kim".

"OK. We are friends right?".

"Of course we are".

"Will you like to like to hang out with me after school. I usually get a ride home after school".

"I will like to hang out with you but I'm sorry I can't do that today".

"Why not?".

"There is a class outing after school today and I have to be there. Kim will freak out if am not there and I do not want to do anything to anger her".

"Suit yourself".

"I am sorry, we can do this some other time".

"No problem. I can't help but wonder how you manage to be an A+ student".

I walked away. I do not know why I have to be angry at Disney but I just can't help it. I guess am just pissed off that everyone fears Kim. I sat down and began daydreaming about my former school. My friends will probably be having their morning swimming lessons and the boys are probably playing soccer. I miss my old school, the teachers, my friends and every other thing a girl could possibly miss her old school. I picked up my diary and started writing.

Dear Diary,

This is probably the first time am writing about this and I really do not mean to complain but I really miss my old school. Where will Anastasia and Natalie be right now? Swimming class, I guess. They are probably having so much fun without me and it sucks. Do you know what sucks more than my best friends having so much fun without me? My life. Right now I feel like am the world's worst person, I mean what kind of a person should be sad because her best friends are having so much fun without her. Maybe am being a bad friend or maybe not, the bottom line is that miss my old life. I don't feel like Marvel anymore. I feel like Barbara or Barbie or whatever other dumb personality I am called here. Maybe being Barbara or Barbie isn't so bad after all. Rather than being proud of being named after a Hollywood studio, I could be proud of being named after Barbara Walters, the veteran T.V presenter or Barbara Palvin, the Hungarian model who cast in Hercules or maybe even the fantasy doll, Barbie™, interesting isn't it?. I remember I used to have a Barbie doll when I was younger. I left it when I was coming to Duncan and now I miss my Barbie doll. I guess it is true what they say, you don't know what you have until you lose it. I didn't realize what it meant to be happy until now that I understand what true heartbreak means. Isn't that the whole point of fasting during Lent or Ramadan? To know the worth of having food to eat and be more beneficent towards the needy. I never thought I would be this sad.

Perhaps I should just call my friends and see how they are doing. Thanks, the diary you're the best.

Update: Video chatting with old friends.

XOXOXO: Marvel.

I put my diary in my bag and went to video call my friends. I passed Kim and her minions while going out of the class. I tried connecting to my friends but I couldn't get through. I texted Anastasia and hoped she will text back.

Señor Singer walked into the class so I had to go in too.

"Hola Estudiantes,cómo ha sido su día". He greeted.

The whole class went silent.

"Hola señor singer, Nuestro día ha ido bien señor y el suyo?". I answered.

"At least there is someone who understands Spanish. Senorita, can you please interpret our conversation?".

"Well you said Hello students how has your day been and I answered hi señor singer our day has been going well and yours".

"Perfecto Niña". He said.

He asked for the assignment he gave us and no one raised their hands.

"I did it, sir".

"Chica Atta!". "Be an exemplary role model and read out your essay in Spanish".

"This isn't fair". Kim said.

"Why not Chica?".

"Everyone knows you have a preference towards her, you probably wrote the essay for her".

"If I wrote it for her, will I also read it for her?¡Contéstame Kimberley! ¿Lo leeré por Ella?". He asked meaning answer me, Kimberly, will I read it for her.

"Whatever," She said and sat down in defeat

I read the essay out loud and señor Singer gave me a perfect score.

"Thank you, sir," I said.

"In Espanol?".

"Gracias Señor". I corrected myself.

"To all of you who didn't do the assignment, your punishment is to get a whole notebook and write in Spanish "I am sorry Mr Singer, I will always do my assignment henceforth".

"But...?" Kim began.

"¡Suficiente!Am tired of being disrespected. I have patiently taken all your insolence but I won't take it anymore. You either serve your punishment or you wash all the toilets in the whole school".

"We are sorry sir!".

"Can someone translate what I told you to write in the notebook in Spanish.

Disney raised her hand.

"Yes Disney".

"Lo, Siento señor Singer Haré mi tarea de Ahora en Adelante".

"Not exactly like that, any other person?".

Other students tried but didn't get it quite well.

"Yes Nina, you want to help us out," He said to me.

I stood up and answered. "Lo, siento señor Singer Yo Siempre haré mi tarea de Ahora en Adelante ".

"Un aplauso para Nuestra chica inteligente aquí y Nuestro representante de clase Disney ". He said asking them to applaud I and Disney

Senor singer taught us and left the class as soon as the bell rang.

"Hey newbie, I have something for you. Guess what it is?".

I looked back and saw my diary. I ran to her and tried to take it from her but was held back by her minions

"Calm down senorita, I just want to know what you're hiding".

"Don't you dare read my diary, Kim. Don't you dare"?

"I told you I was going to find out what you are hiding".

If Kim read my diary, she will see the things I wrote about señor Singer. I broke free and ran towards her....