Chapter 35

My own article stared back at me. I didn't believe my article would attract such attention from the students. All I wanted was for me to get into the press club so that I could be qualified to run for class president. Things are taking a wild spin and I am high on a roller coaster ride.

"Hey" It was Ryan.

"Good morning Ryan".

"Great article". He commented


He held my hand and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I blushed.

"You should really run for the editor in chief. Elections will be decided today". He suggested.

"Oh no, that will be way too many posts to handle"I joked.


"I am running for class president and I would not want to be club president too. That would be too much responsibility".

"Wait you are running for class president?".

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?".

"No, it's just that Rhyme is running too".

"Oh," I said monotonously.

"No it's nothing, I am running for student welfare too. Best of luck anyways".

I smiled.

"I have class now. I have to go".

He said and walked away.

I walked into the class and everyone went quiet. I could bet my life that they were talking about something before I came in. I do not need a soothsayer to tell me it had something to do with the article. I walked to my seat and didn't care if they kept talking or not.

"Barbara Marvel Jesus to the principal's office". Principal McAllister's voice rang.

I stood up reluctantly and walked out of the class.

"You are going down". Clara said behind me.

I walked out of the class and headed down the hallway.

"You didn't do anything wrong Barbie, no need to be scared". I reassured myself as I approached the principal's office. I knocked.

"Come on in".

I opened the door and took the room in for a few seconds. She was sitting on a sofa and drinking a latte. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Sit down Marvel". She offered me the opposite sofa. I sat down and felt a bit calm.

"Since she was offering me a space opposite her sofa then she probably wasn't angry at me". I reasoned.

"I knew you had it in you Marvel, I just didn't realize you are this good".

"What are you talking about?". I was confused.

"What else would I be talking about Marvel. Of course, I am talking about the news article that featured in today's episode of Duncan Chronicles".

"Oh that. Actually, I thought you were going to be angry at me".

"Why would you think so?".

"Well I don't know, I just thought...".

"Stick to me Marvel and you are on your way to the top".

"Okay ma".

She sipped her latte and wiped her lips gently with a towel.

"Why didn't you come to our last meeting? I thought I told you to come the next day".

Oops, I forgot.

"Yes, I had plans". I lied.

"What plans?". She interrogated.

"Such a perfect scheme like that doesn't come in one day. I had to strategize carefully to make sure it goes as planned". I lied again.

The truth is I didn't even want to bring down the "high school hierarchy" like everyone thought I did. I never even wanted to impress anyone, I just wanted to get into the press club. I know Kim would probably be angry at me right now but I couldn't care less about what she or anyone else thinks. I was going to make sure I become class president, give Kyla McAllister what she wants, get a scholarship into the university and watch the world go by.

"Tell me something,g Marvel. What class do you like the most of all the classes?".

"The science class I think. They are really nice".

"Which means you have friends there".

"Well, a few".

"Look at me". I stared at her and she stared back.

"You can not afford to have friends Marvel. Kim's greatest mistake was to have been friends with you. Look at what her friendship with you had cost her. Now she has to start all over again and who knows? You already have the upper hand now, she might never make it to the top again". She paused. "The hero has fallen. You do not want that to be you someday, do you?".

"No, I don't". Seriously, I didn't. I was feeling uncomfortable about the way she was talking.

"Can I leave now?" I eagerly asked and hoped she would say yes.

"The class splitting is today and I really hope your classmates would not try to create a nuisance. Who cares if they do anyways? Most of them should have been expelled a long time ago, this might be just the opportunity I have been waiting for". She didn't answer my question about leaving.

"Well they would not try to be rebellious, I hope".

"I hope so too but if they turn out to be then what else would I do? The management would have to take actions and look I am the management".

She said to me and emphasized the word I. Its sucks that she has so much power and so much confidence that she can do anything.

"Wait, she can do anything?". The idea stuck to my head and I was boiling with fury.

"So you mean you can do anything you want to. Like, you have the final decisions".

"Yes, darling. The management is only a group of teachers and a few parents. The parents are always busy and couldn't care less about some rebellious child. I am superior to the teachers so most times I barely involve the teachers or ask for their opinions".

"Why then did you have to make me go through all of that detention with Kim since you could do without that. You claimed it was the Management's decision and here you are saying that "YOU" are the management. You even said that the scandal case might be reopened by the management".

"Calm down and hold your piece before I I get angry". She shouted at me and stood up. "I thought you are smart. Can't you see it? You are my pawn and I am using you to get what I want or maybe I am using my power in this school to get to you. Don't you ever think? If I do not get you into detention,you and Kim would not become friends and I wouldn't get the results I needed. The detention made Kim hurt and only I know why. Blackmailing you into believing that I can still reopen the scandal case and that if I do there is the possibility that you get expelled made you bend my way".

"What happens if I stop bending your way?". I retorted.

She grinned wildly which grew into a terrible villain like a laugh.

"You wouldn't, I know that. You are already way too deep and you have hurt a lot of people than you realize. You will only end up losing on both sides".

She was right, I was way too deep to back out. I had written the article for press club and had gotten wide recognition among the students and even Ryan liked it. Maybe I had hurt Kim in a way I am yet to understand but I had also had fun doing what I love (writing) and getting into the press club will get me closer to Ryan.

"Care to join for a latte". She offered.

"No way. Thanks".

I walked away. I didn't care if she gave me permission or not. I wanted to get out of her office as soon as I could.

"Marvel". She called back.

"You are already in this. You can not afford to back down now. You are way too deep in this and trust me you are good at getting your goals. Those who you call your friends probably don't like you anymore and backing out changes nothing expect that you are never going to get into the university.

"I... I'll..... I..... will...think about it". I stammered.

"Please do and I hope you make the right choice".

I walked out of her office and ran as fast as I possibly could. When I stopped, I was already panting really hard and was having an even harder time to catch my breath. I could not recognize which part of the building I was but I guessed it was probably the staff block. It was off-limits but I couldn't care less.

I sat down and cried for all I was worth.

"Cual es el problema mi niña? ¿Quieres compatir?" He asked me what the problem was and if I would like to share my burden.

I looked up and saw señor Singer. Truth is we haven't seen each other since the scandal incident.

"How am I to face him?". I said to myself