Chapter 58

Takamori rushes to support my head, looking at the deadly wound right on my forehead, and with a ferocious stare turns his head towards the responsible for this as Sean simply grabs another leaf from somewhere and starts chewing at it, almost in a compulsive behavior.

"Such an anticlimactic way to end this hunt, sigh, well, at least you entertained me for long enough I supposed." Those words only stir Takamori more, but at the first sign of lightning the guns turn to point at his head this time as Sean says: "Tsk tsk tsk, don't try anything stupid whore or I'll blast your head too. Actually, no reason not to, so you can try if you want, the result will be the same. Your kind has been around for far too long already, time to cripple you even more." 

The men around breath in and steady their hands, ready to attack, as Takamori, even if knowing he could not deal with so many bullets at the same time, prepares to attack.

But he doesn't have to.