Chapter 82

Warning: Mature content ahead

(Though I know most of you are here for that hehe) ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

POV: Asher

Even though he said those words, making me the one in charge of what may or may not happen here, one look at his eyes is enough to see where his intentions lay, the hungry desire burning within, an animalistic glint shinning at his now red eyes, three black spots reflection my image into their endless blackness.

It is such an intense gaze that makes me think of a tiger's gaze locked on its prey moments before pouncing at it.

But not prey, for here I'm the one riding the tiger, charging into battle.

And being desire so profoundly like this… does not seem to be a bad thing after all.

He does not know restrain, and like the half beast he is nibbles at my skin with the tip of his teeth only to strike with his wet hot tongue, tracing a wet path full of red marks on my skin.