[AT] Gotham University Library

[After Transition]

It's been a few hours and so far, I can say that Gotham isn't that bad. In the daytime at least and I have no idea whether yesterday night was a slow one. In fact I can't really say whether today had been a slow one, well the days not over yet, maybe I'll have a cliche meeting with a villain while going about my errands.

Anyway, as I've been traversing the city I've noticed that most of the crimes that have been happening are in the dark alleyways. And even if other people hear noises or a scream from an alleyway, they'll either ignore it or walk a bit further and make an anonymous call to the police and go about their day. All in all I can say without a doubt that Gotham is still a pot of crime but it's just covered by an illusion of civility, you need to know where to look to find the cracks. I guess all the criminals in Gotham adapted to the Batman, keep things quite, don't take unnecessary actions and premeditate your crimes to make a quick getaway hopefully before the bat gets there.

The criminals I've subdued so far have swiftly been availed of their wallets to which I helped myself to their funds, after all I have no idea when I'm going to be able to get a good source of income and these acts of 'borrowing' are taking care of all my short term needs. At least until I get my memory stick back.

I've so far done what Catwoman wanted me to do, which is get myself an attire fit for my job that will occurring later today. I have so far picked out a black combat trousers, a skin tight black shirt with a Kakashi-esque mask to cover my face, a pair of skin tight black gloves that allow my sticking powers to work through them, some black sun glasses with very dark lenses and a black cap to cover my head. My sticking to wall powers work all over my body so that means I will be keeping all my clothes stuck to my body so I don't reveal my identity. I'm currently picking out my boots which should be able to let my sticking powers work through them.

It took a while but I've found a a pair of 'VivoBearFoot' boots that are pitch black. Apparently these shoes are made so that the bottoms are really thin or something which makes it feel like your bare foot, which will work perfect for me. I've also taken the time to buy some makeup, which felt kind of awkward with all the women around and giving me advice on it, but I've acquired some to add another layer to my disguise. Most of my face will be covered by my cap, my glasses and my 'Kakashi Mask'. Actually all of my body will be covered except for the parts around the glasses, above the mask and below the cap. That is why I've bought some makeup to darken my skin in those areas so that even if Batman sees my abilities he will not have an accurate description of me that will affect me in the future.

With that done I don't have much else to do before I have to be back at Selina's condo. I've got quite a bit of money left but I don't think I'll spend it except on some food, I've already had breakfast at a coffee shop and I'll probably get something else before I go back to the condo.

I've just realised that I don't really have any hobbies, most of my life I've been researching and building my machine but I've not done anything else. And I've completed my goal and I.. I'm glad about it but it feels a little lacklustre, like I've given up something or left something behind and I know what it is. Or rather who it is, but it would never work between me and her and it's better this way. I guess science is my love now and I might as well visit the library again and try to get an image of this universes technology standards and see if I can find anything useful.


It turns out that the library I went to yesterday is not actually the best library in Gotham, it is actually the official library of Gotham but because of all the corruption in Gotham the funds that were supposed to be used for it went missing. This means that the library is not well kept and most of its books are no longer factual and have no relevance, people still use that library but it's mostly the homeless and people who really want to learn but can't get to the best library.

The best library in Gotham is actually the Gotham University library, which I suppose makes sense. It's rather hard to be corrupt and hide it when educating students. Everyone uses this library and the university has allowed it but if you want to take books from the library you have to buy membership and if they find the books damaged you will have to pay more than the actual book price for it.

Anyway, I've just entered the library and have approached its receptionist, which just happens to be a fetching dark skinned woman by the name of Jaina. I guess sex is my vice and I don't really have any hobbies, I guess seducing women can be my new hobby. After asking Jaina about the science isles I started to flirt with her. She is quite shy but she is actually very receptive to my advances, after a few minutes flirting I make my way to the science isles.


After an hour of going through the aisles and checking various books, I can conclude that the overall technology level of this universe is fairly similar to my original universe with a few Anomalies here and there. The laws of the universe are the same as well but I suspect that I'll eventually find some differences in the future. But like I was saying, the technology level is lower than marvels, that's not to say that the technology is worse it's just that most of the advanced stuff is being horded by the rich and the stuff you can buy is too expensive. Companies like Wayne Industries, Queen Industries and surprisingly Lexcorp are trying to make new technologies more accessible but its gonna take a while. I'm a little surprised by Lexcorp but I suppose it makes a little sense, Lex Luther only really hates aliens like superman or has issues with trusting them and has some aversion to them but he is actually quite the humanitarian apart from that. That is why he is so well received by the public (and managed to become the president in a few realities), but he keeps making more weapons and tests them on superman and that's why superheroes don't like him, he is making weapons to try to kill superman.

Anyway, I'm currently reading a new book written by Doctor Ray Palmer about atoms and molecules and in it, his new discoveries. I'm guessing due to this book he already has the technology which made him into the Atom or he's currently developing it, he might already be doing some superheroing, it's kind of hard to spot a guy who can shrink. I'm coming towards the end of the book when someone enters my peripheral vision.

I look up and standing before me is a stunning redhead who has stunning green eyes which are covered by a pair of glasses which give her an intelligent look, she's absolutely gorgeous and her perfect pink lips begin to open. "Excuse me, are you done with that book? The library is closing soon and I need to sign it out for my thesis, can I have it please?" Damn I nearly didn't hear what she was saying she's so beautiful, I really have a thing for redheads and her glasses just make it better.

I close the book and go to answer her...