[After Transition]
With an almighty crash I knew that my plan had been set into action, all that was left to do now was sit back and enjoy the show. At the sound of the crash Selina's head shoots up out of her 'treasure' chest and she quickly closes it and locks it before turning around and looking in the direction where the sound came from, I guess a thief's priority is making that her valuables are secure in such a situation. With Selina looking of in the direction of the rats nest and cautiously walking towards it I quickly take the opportunity to get my memory stick, I stop the sticking effect my hands and feet are having on the ceiling and begin to fall to the floor facing upwards.
I flip midair as I'm falling and turn so that my feet will land on the floor, my feet then land on the floor and I crouch slightly as they do so as to silently land on the ground and not alert Selina as to the situation occurring behind her. I take a moment to glance at her and make sure that she doesn't suspect anything before moving towards the memory stick on the ground, I begin to hear the slight rumbling of something heading in this direction and with my enhanced senses I can hear the pitter pattering of hundreds of rat feet as they head in this direction to cause general mayhem.
With the rats heading here I don't have much time, if they get here before I can get my memory stick it will be lost beneath the hundreds of rats and I will have missed my opportunity to retrieve it. I still walk slowly and silently though as this is too important to mess up by rushing it, I don't want to lose this memory stick and I don't want Selina knowing that I was here either. I finally reach the memory stick on the ground just when the first rat comes into view and then another and another and suddenly there's too many to count, Selina is standing there shocked and isn't able to move which is convenient for me.
My hand which is clutching the fake memory stick snakes out towards the floor and picks up my memory stick, in the same motion replacing it with the fake memory stick and completing my objective. I look up and the rats are stampeding towards Selina, she starts to stumble backwards a little and I can tell she is about to turn around so I quickly leap upwards and attach myself to the ceiling again and get ready to lay back and watch the little payback I had in store for Selina. I did so just in time too as instead of Selina turning around like I thought she was going to she begins to do a series of back handsprings and on the last one she presses down with all her might and then her arm contacts sending her into the air where she does several backflips before finally landing on the top of her 'treasure' chest where it seems she will be waiting out the tide of rats. I worry for a moment that as a result of the back handsprings she might of saw me on the ceiling but I conclude that she was going too fast and was too frightful of the rats to take such details into account, she wouldn't have clearly seen me anyway as I am fully wearing black and am blending into the darkness.
She has been stationary on the chest for a few seconds and she is now watching the rat mob slowly encroach towards it, suddenly her eye catches the glint of something metallic on the ground and she spots the fake memory stick on the ground just as the mosh pit of rats start to surround the chest. She quickly lays down flat on the chest but it is not big enough for that so she unintentionally ends up doing a plank, she stretches her arm out in a bid to get the memory stick and it doesn't look like she'll be able to make it as the memory stick is about to be swallowed by the sea of rats. Just then she quickly extends the claws out of the tips of her fingers and manages to pull the memory stick into the air by the key ring attached to it(it is just a generic metal key ring that I affixed to it in attempt to make it look like the original memory stick) just before the entire surroundings of the chest is swallowed by the sea of rats and there is no spot you can see on the floor that isn't occupied by a rat.
She manages to eventually get herself out of the plank that she had positioned herself into, until then she was face to face with the ocean of rats and was just watching them go by as she pretty much just stayed there kinda petrified and it amused me greatly. Once she manages to straighten herself out and she is once more standing stably on top of the chest she decides to sit down crossed legged atop of it. I am just waiting on the ceiling to see the full entirety of my payback on her, suddenly Selina places her hands on to the chest behind her back and leans backwards and tilts her head upwards and suddenly she is staring directly at me.
She is looking directly at me and I can't help but worry that the game is over and that I will have made a enemy for life(women are always some of the worst enemies, you should have seen what Black Cat does in the comics to Peter after he get his body back from Doc Ock, it is not pretty) and there is no way to avoid it. I wait there sticking to the ceiling for a few seconds with her just staring up at me before I realise just how much of an idiot I am, she's staring at the ceiling and not me, she can't see me due to my spider invisibility that must have automatically activated when she began to look up. Some of my abilities haven't been working since I came to this world and I can only conclude that it is due to the residual energy that attached itself to me as I made my transition to this universe.
I remember when I first discovered my spider powers and tried to work out all of my abilities, boy was I in for a surprise when I started to discover a lot more different powers after a while that only showed themselves when I was in dire need of them. I still remember how I discovered my ability to go invisible and it happens to be due to an altercation I had with a certain member of the Fantastic Four but that's a story for another day, just remembering it makes me a little embarrassed as well as grateful for the memory. Well I've wasted too much of my time on this ceiling thinking of the past, I need to get out of her and back to Selina's condo before she gets back there.
I take one last glance at Selina who is just sitting on top of her 'treasure' chest and notice that the crowd of rats is starting to thin out and disperse, I quickly crawl across the ceiling back towards the entrance all the while using my invisibility and hoping to hell that it doesn't start to bug out on me. Now above the hole in the wall I look around to make sure that Selina isn't heading this way and that there are no rats near this location, once confirming that I drop to the ground and reach through the hole in the wall to begin to move the little bedside draw.
It's time to head back to the Cat Condo...
(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)