[AT] Inappropriate Conduct in the Library!

[After Transition]

So here I am once again, the Gotham University Library home to a massive library and more importantly a set advanced computers with a greater connection to the World Wide Web which is exactly what I need for my memory stick to work to its utmost capability, soon the memory sticks contents(consisting of both science and magic) will be spread all over the world and my integration to this universe will be seamless. I left Selina's place very early in the morning so there is hardly anybody at the library at this time except for the really dedicated students who don't have time later on in the day to study and the weirdos who don't want anyone to see what they are researching, I guess I technically class as the second one since I'm not a student and I also don't want anyone to see what I'm doing so, I guess I'll embrace it.

I walk through the entrance and quickly look to the receptionist area but unfortunately Jaina isn't there and it seems to be some sleepy woman with her head down against the desk so I decide to just sneak on by without getting noticed, the less people see me here the better as if I'm caught I'm going to probably be in a lot of trouble and there's a chance I might be caught if the magical people are on point enough to immediately locate the source of the disturbance but that will be difficult as there will be slight magical waves all over the world so they will have to be quick if they want to locate me. I made sure to have my little fortunate mind controlled brain trust make this with subtlety in mind but you can only be so subtle when doing something like this on a scale that encompasses the entire world and a slight chance that it might affect other places in the universe but who gives a crap, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs and I'm making myself a full English breakfast.

After sneaking on by the half asleep receptionist which wasn't very hard I made my way over to the computer area and found it pretty empty apart from a thirteen year old boy that seemed to be doing some research on the computer whilst being surrounded by a mountain of books, unfortunately for me he has seated himself at a spot that is going to make my job a little bit more annoying but it doesn't really matter in the long haul. There are two rows of desks with a length of computers on both sides of the desks so that they are making the most of the space, I can't sit on the first row as that is facing towards the entrance and people might possibly see what I'm doing on the computer and I can't sit on the second row as that's the row behind the boy and if he turns around he could also see what I'm up to. I also can't sit on the same row as that boy as he might get up to get another book and might possibly see what id doing on the computer so the only option left is the fourth row, fortunately for me the computer area is in one of the corners of the library so behind the fourth row is just walls which is great for me.

I make my way to the fourth row and begin to walk along its length to the very last computer on the row which is in the exact corner of the library and coincidently on the opposite side of the 13 year old kid who just raises his head to look at me for a second before he puts his head back down to get to work and I know that it seems a bit weird to sit on the opposite side of the kid after just going through my options to make sure that no one might see my screen but I did it for a reason and that reason is this, I needed the corner computer. I needed the corner computer for the single fact that it will give me the most cover incase someone decides to sit on the row that I am currently on, if I don't sit in the corner and someone sits near me I would have to turn my screen to face the other way to stop them looking at it but what if there are people on both of my sides and that is why I chose the corner even if the kid is sitting opposite to me, I can just turn my screen to face the wall if someone sits on my row and there will be no chance of someone being able to see my screen aside from blatantly getting up and coming to look at it.

I sit down at the computer and easily manage to log into it as the security for these computers aren't the greatest, I quickly go through the computers settings and turn of anything that monitors the computers access or restricts it, I then do a quick check around to make sure that no one is paying attention to me before I reach into my pocket and pull out the memory stick and insert it into the computer. I go to the section that shows my memory stick and I click on it and a pop up immediately comes up asking if I want to open it but this immediately sends of alarm bells in my head as there is nothing asking for a password and I'm pretty sure my memory stick asks for a password, so this is definitely not my memory stick but that brings up the question of what is actually going on and where is my real memory stick. I decide to that the easiest way to get answers would be to open this memory stick and just rip the band aid off so I click open and a video file pops up, I quickly lower the volume so that it can can't be heard by normal human ears(unfortunately I don't have any earphones with me) but with my advanced senses I will be able to pick it up.

I click play and the video immediately starts up and reveals Selina in all her glory sitting at her coffee desk looking into the camera with a sultry smirk. "Hey there slick, your probably a bit confused as to what is going on here and your probably quite angry right now but don't worry cause I'll explain it to you. You see my goggles are special and not only do they see in the dark but they also have thermal vision so that night where you followed me to my stash and I looked up at the ceiling and you were invisible, yeah I had my thermal vision turned on and could see you clinging to the top of the ceiling so I figured out that you took the real memory stick and replaced it with a fake. I can respect that, you couldn't trust me a known thief so you decide to make sure that I fulfil my half of the deal whether I liked it or not and I can't blame you for it. Actually you went above and beyond for me tonight so I decided to give you a special gift, I managed to find out where you put the real memory stick(I'm a world class thief so it wasn't that hard to figure out) and I switched it with the fake one before going back to my condo which means that memory stick you picked up that I left underneath my panties is your original memory stick."

My eye begins to twitch at the sheer annoyance she has instilled in me with her actions and I can't help but let out a sigh of tiredness, if I left that memory stick at her apartment I would be kinda screwed and it would be a bit awkward to go back and get it after I sneaked out of there. " I kinda hope you'll take the panties as well but I won't know till you leave later, anyway since you helped me out and even saved my life I thought I'd give you this gift to remember our time together. See ya later slick, it's been fun. Enjoy the video..." She finishes with a sly smirk and I can't help but dread what is about to happen as I can guess what she is talking about, I quickly try to press X on the video file but I'm too late.

"HARDER YOU BASTARD, HARDER!!!" I just press X before it manages to go any further but the damage has already been done, she gifted me a sex tape of our time together and it has just embarrassed me in this very public place. The voice was low yes but trust me when I say that that was Selina screaming at the top of her voice and the library is dead silent right now, so the boy sitting across from me defiantly heard that. I see the 13 year old slowly lift his head over the top of the computer and stare at me with wide bewilders eyes, eyes that hold shock but I can also detect a hint of regret that he didn't get to hear more.

"Pop ups, adverts and clickbait is so bad nowadays that you can never known where clicking on a link will take you when you are trying to do some serious work.. Such a shame that we live in such a shameless society... What's up kid, do you perhaps want the link?"

Trying to tease this kid into going back to doing his work is my only course of action.. Sigh, what has your life become when your trying to dissuade a kid from asking questions about your sex tape that you made with a voluptuous cat burglar...

{AN:I think everyone is a bit confused. MC has the real memory stick still, Selina just switched them round and left him a gift for him to remember her by. MC still has the original memory stick and will use it next chapter.}


I now have a Pa treon up and running and their are already some chapters on there, please take a look. Some support from you guys would be appreciated and motivate me.

(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)

A special thank you to my patrons Omar Amurrio, Julian Rocamora and Tim Brown. Thank you for the support.