[AT] Emotional Manipulation...

[After Transition]

I take a deep inhalation of the smoke from my cigarette and then let it out with a sigh because I now know that the ruse is up and the Batman is onto me although the situation isn't unsalvageable as he's only caught onto one of my lies and from where I'm sitting the truth could be easily understood and it might even result in me being seen in a better light. "Right again Batman as always, you're correct I did collect all that information with the inept to eventually murder those two pieces of shit but in my defence I think my thought process was perfectly justified, those two did a lot to me and I wanted revenge plain and simple." I can see all of there faces harden though even though there faces harden I can see Batman's face show a little understanding after all he has to understand criminals to catch them and I'm certain he has contemplated a few times at the beginning of his career just killing some criminals like the joker or something.

"You don't have to kill them, there are other options." Batman speaks out to which I nod. "Options that I am taking right now, as much as I'd love to dress up in some tight spandex and fashion myself after some kind of creature and go spread my own version of vigilante justice I'm afraid that even if I did take that route the moment I came into contact with them I know I would want to kill them and I honestly think I would as well." I tell them before Barbara ask her own question. "And why didn't you murder them? Why are you coming to us?" I notice her little slip up which I'm happy to point out. "I'm not going to you or your father rather I'm going to the Batman for help and honestly I don't know why I didn't go through with murdering them as once I'd collected their schedules I hit a wall which I desperately wanted to get through as I just kept remembering what happened to me and then thinking about all the other boys and girls they did it to during the past thirteen years all the while I kept my silence and allowed them to act as they pleased and I felt a duty to stop these two people permanently, I suppose I realised that they had already taken enough from me (a childhood, a home, a family and most importantly my innocence) and I would be damned if I'd allow them to take away my freedom in the process of getting justice."

"I suppose that's why I'm here as I can't properly trust the police with all the informants and dirty cops in it and I guess Batman is my most sure fire way of seeing justice being served which I desperately want though I can't help regret not doing this myself as I'll forever be haunted by the fact that during these past thirteen years children have been abused and killed because of my silence, I just want it to stop and I'm sure that the Batman is gonna make sure that'll happen." I say to which they're faces soften a little though you wouldn't be able to tell from Batman's stoic face though I'm sure of his feelings through what he says next. "Don't do anything like this again. I'll handle it from here." Saying that I can detect that he's about to leave and leave Jim Gordon to deal with the rest but before he can I realise that if he doesn't go after them with the same level of intensity that I would then there would be a chance that the matron and the drug dealer might get away, and so I need to make this personal for him and luckily for me I know just how to accomplish that.

"If only Thomas Wayne didn't die, things would be so much different." Saying so I drop my cigarette on the rooftop floor and grind with my foot to make sure it's out but out of the corner of my eye I can see that Batman has stepped in his steps and I notice Barbara looking at him in worry just because his father was mentioned." Why would things be different if Thomas Wayne was alive?" Batman asks and through that I know for a fact that I've got him hook, line and sinker and I am soured by the fact that he asked, usually Batman states and demands but never asks and because of the simple fact he has asked I can tell that I've got his attention. "The orphanage I grew up in is the Gotham City Orphanage which was created and funded by Thomas Wayne and it was apparently a safe haven for all orphans or at least it was until he died all those years ago, the second he died things went to hell and the control of the orphanage shifted over to the Falcone mob who used the place for their own profit utterly tainting something that used to be a safe place for children created by Thomas Wayne."

I see the face of Batman (or at least the parts I can see harden) and I can tell that this has just become personal from him which is shown through his next question. "The Falcones?" He questions and I know exactly what he wants to hear. "Yeah, apparently it's under the control of one of Falcone's lieutenants and he pretty much isn't too fussed about what goes on there as long as they're making the same amount of money each month, it's weird really as apparently they practically gained control around the same time that Thomas Wayne was killed though I don't think that's much of a coincidence as it's hard to believe that a rich and powerful guy like Thomas Wayne would be gunned down by a random two bit street thug, if you ask me I think Falcone had something to do with it which I really hate him for because if Thomas Wayne didn't die my life would've probably been a whole lot better." And I know for a fact that that goes double for him as well and I know that this will light a fire under his arse to shut down the operation at the orphanage and go after Falcone.

Batman stays silent for a second in thought before he seems to collect his thoughts and instead of leaving he asks me some more questions trying to get as much information as possible from me knowing that the orphanage was part of Thomas Wayne's legacy. "Is there anything you can remember about your time at the orphanage that might be useful? Did you ever hear them talking about Falcone? Does the lieutenant ever go to the orphanage himself? Tell me everything." He says to which I reply. "Sorry man but it's been thirteen years and everything that I know is probably outdated and not useable plus during my weeks of observing them I've noticed that telling you any more of my experience won't really help you take them down." I notice that Batman gets frustrated at my words and shows it. "And why is that?" He all but practically snarls at me.

I turn around and lean against the railing looking out onto the Gotham streets as I sigh. "I don't really remember much from back then that wasn't to do with running around Gotham and planting drugs plus from what I've observed they've definitely changed how they do things and if I didn't know from my own time there I probably wouldn't have even noticed any illicit activity happening, the main difference between thirteen years ago is and now is you because with you running around cracking down on crime they learned to be more cautious and subtle so they've changed how they do things from when I was there so I'm afraid that anything I can tell you will not be more useful than information you can gather yourself through your own sources, sorry." I tell him and it's true as well as I probably won't be able to help him much with this job I'm fobbing off onto him but he's Batman and I'm sure that he'll shutdown this operation before the week ends but just to make sure I'll be keeping my eye on the proceedings to make sure that everything goes to plan.

I wait for a few moments when I realise that I'm not getting any replies and so I turn around only to come face to face with James Gordon and his daughter Barbara who look at me amusedly, Batman is nowhere to be seen. "Yeah he does that sometimes." Gordon says amusedly to which I mock frown. "That's a bit rude isn't it? To leave without saying goodbye." I say to which Jim nods in understanding while I look around my surroundings into the dark night.

With my enhanced senses and abilities I can clearly see Batman running away on top of a rooftop a few blocks away before he zips of with his grapes into the sky and spreads his cape to begin to glide, that's so frickin cool...


I now have a Pa treon up and running and when a chapter is ready it will go up on Pa treon first so please take a look. Some support from you guys would be appreciated and motivate me.

Currently 12+ Chapters.

(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)

A special thank you to my patrons Tim Brown, Stormrall, Turtle, heller8284, Wanous, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Shawn Smith, Derrick Porter and Alex. Thank you for the support.