[AT] Future Plans...

[After Transition]

Well it's been a week since I had a rooftop chat with Batman, the commissioner and his daughter who just coincidently also moonlights as a sidekick to said superhero but despite the action that has occurred over the time I've been in this universe I've suddenly found myself with nothing to do and no plans to follow and so for the last week I've just relaxed in Gotham city occasionally getting lucky at some of the local bars (though I didn't meet anyone that properly caught my eye but that doesn't mean I didn't take any of of the pretty girls home) when I didn't have my ear to the ground trying to find out what Batman has been up to lately and as far as I can tell he's been going after operations run by the Falcone family and has temporarily left the orphanage to the wayside and I can only assume that he's done that because none of the kids are close to ten years old and therefore not in danger so he has time to crack down on the organisation and gather evidence and although I don't like it there's not much I can do about it.

Though after I stopped looking at Batman and actually took notice of Bruce Wayne and what he has been doing lately I discovered that he's been showing some public interest in the orphanage as well as making moves to purchase the orphanage back and begin funding it and updating it stating his reason being that he has recently learned that it was put in place by his father and he wants to return it to its former glory further showcasing photos of the orphanage before Thomas Wayne's death and after his death showing an extreme change in the quality as well as increasing public opinion of himself for showing such a caring side, right now I assume that after he has laid the groundwork to show that Bruce Wayne is definitely interested in the orphanage which will most likely scare the current owners into temporarily stopping all illegal activity giving him time to investigate and collect evidence as well as cracking down on other operations to further dismiss Falcone's hold on the city but I'm beginning to lose my patience with how long this is taking and so I'm contemplating involving myself more with the process of shutting that place down though that does run the risk of me possibly committing a sin since that place is very personal for me.

That's not the only thing I've been doing though as I've also been contemplating what my profession is going to be in this new universe as I no longer have the inheritance I had in my last life and will actually have to work for a living to provide for myself as well as funding my own projects that I might have in the future though I'm not too interested in anything else at the moment and am more than willing to take a break from researching at the moment but that doesn't mean that a project will not catch my eye in the future but I also have to make sure my profession is well paying as I need a lot of money to fund my lifestyles which I want to be of the same level that I had in the last universe or better (money for anything I could possibly want, tech, cars, women and general fun), and after ruminating about it for the last weeks or so I've finally decided on what I want my new job to be and I've finally decided to be an owner and CEO of a company though not just any company but a construction company.

Of course I thought about having a tech company or really any other type of company but I realised that the competition in those fields are too fierce and tiresome with dirty business being done often and so I decided to go into construction instead as there's not as much competition there (no Lex Luthors, Maxwell Lords or Bruce Waynes) but I didn't just decide on it because it was easier as it comes with a lot of other good benefits such as the fact that with a fuckton of superhero fights happening this is probably the most lucrative and stable company to have in these times not to mention the fact that it's currently early days for superheroes with the justice league not being formed yet so it would be better to get in now while the field isn't as saturated as once the justice league is formed and all the alien invasion happen there's going to be a lot of opportunity for butt loads of money, not to mention the fact that in the aftermath of superhero battles there are a lot of tech and objects left laying around that are just waiting for me to pick them up and investigate but don't get me wrong I'm sure that the government is gonna roll up (or Lex Luthor) and take the big space ships and ray guns but they're not gonna be there the whole time we clear debris and fix the place and there's bound to be tech and alien belonging hiding under the rubble which I'll be able to take ownership of without anyone being none the wiser.

I'm basically going to make the Damage Control of this universe though I'm definitely gonna change the name as I don't feel like taking the name as I'd feel a bit shitty doing that though I'm definitely going to take the work ethic and functionality and invest it in my future company though that's definitely gonna take some work and I can't actually use any of the money I'd appropriated from my underground fights as well as my bank robbing so what I'm currently contemplating is going to Bruce Wayne and asking Him to help fund my new company relying on his knowledge on me from Batman and eventually after I'm well set up I'd confront Bruce and say that I've discovered his secret identity and that although I respect what he does I can't have my company that I've worked so hard for be connected to a vigilante and then buy him out with the unsaid threat of his identity though I won't explicitly say that or even imply it as that would get me on his shit list but this is just an idea for now, honestly I'm off two minds right now about involving Bruce Wayne who is the only rich guy I know in this universe who I have blackmail material on (though I'll never use it but I can definitely let him know that I know and therefore make him work to accommodate me or who knows, I might just let it slip) but I also can take a massive loan out from a bank (wouldn't be too hard to find some blackmail on one of the workers there and have him approve it even with my good credit score which is surprising) and I could even be able to pay back the amount straight away with the millions I'd already robbed from the banks effectively laundering it back into the bank and getting rid of it so it wouldn't implicate me in the future and begin using the loan money to buy out existing small construction companies combining them into one.

Though how I'm gonna get loyal employees that would gladly pilfer alien technology for me I don't know aside from some minor mind control though that might be a sin so I'm unsure if I'd be able to do it without some consequences though I can think about that stuff when I get to it as currently that fuckin' orphanage is still up and I don't think I can move on or do anything else till its shut down so I can think about all that stuff later when I don't have this deep seated anger inside of me stopping me from focusing on anything else, actually I've just decided it's taking too long and so I'm gonna try to find out what's the holdup by talking to a gorgeous redhead that has connections to both Batman and the police and as it happens I managed to get her number after the talk on the Gotham Police Headquarters roof though if it's because she liked me or if it's because she wanted me to contact her if I had anymore information I don't knew and so I'm just gonna give her a call and so I dial in the numbers into my phone and ring the number. "Hey Barbara, are you busy today?" I question her after she picks up.

"Hi Nick, dads just left for work and I didn't really have anything planned so as it runs out I'm free, did you need anything?" She says to which I'm relieved as I don't think I can take another day without knowing what's happening regarding that orphanage. "Great, can you meet me for some coffee then?" I ask to which she pauses and doesn't answer for a few seconds, what's wrong I'm just asking to meet up? "Uh yeah, sure Nick I can meet up with you, what time?" I'm relieved when she speaks and so I enthusiastically tell her the time and locations of our meet up. "How about in an hour and we can meet up at..." I tell her the location of the coffee shop that I scouted out yesterday evening which should be a good location for what I want to do.

"Okay, I'll see you there Nick, it's a date." She ends before promptly hanging up and panicking me, did I just set up a date with her? I didn't even mean to though...


I now have a Pa treon up and running and when a chapter is ready it will go up on Pa treon first so please take a look. Some support from you guys would be appreciated and motivate me.

Currently 14+ Chapters.

(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)

A special thank you to my patrons Tim Brown, Stormrall, Turtle, Wanous, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Shawn Smith, Derrick Porter, Alex and Manuel Arauio. Thank you for the support.