[AT] The Batler..?

[After Transition]

"Hey there Bat-Butler? Batler? Whatever, can you tell me where I am, please?" I ask Alfred not knowing what to call him since he currently is dressed as a butler and he has a bat mask on so I end up adding bat before butler and then thinking better of it I combine the two to call him 'Batler' but I realise that that too is stupid since it sounds like Hitler for some reason when I say it out loud even though it is closer to battler but I guess that's just the way my mind works so I decide to just say whatever and get to the important stuff hoping he'll just tell me what to call him instead of me having to come up with something as I'm in restive and very unoriginal, amused by my horrid naming sense Alfred chuckles slightly before he decides to answer my question as well as give me an actual name to call him by. "I am 'The Butler', you can just call me butler though. As to where you are that will not be revealed anytime in the future, perhaps never but know that you are safe and in no danger as we are in the Batcave though you will never know the location of it." He speaks out clearly enjoying the fact that he's dressing up like his master and even having a stage name though that is only momentarily as he then goes on to tell me that he will not reveal where we are only telling me that this is the Batcave which I could pretty much work out for myself since I am being treated to such dark and gloomy scenery as well as the fact that I am safe and in no danger which I already guessed as these are the good guys although I'll still be cautious against them taking my blood or DNA or stuff but I already have defences in place for that, I look around the surroundings and I'm treated to the sight of a big wide cavern made up of dark and craggily rocks though that does nothing to takeaway from the high tech appearance of everything else as the Batmobile is currently parked on a round metallic platform with only a single steel walkway leading away though that is only enough for about three people so I have to beg the question of how the Batmobile got here since I can see no possible pathways for the vehicle to have taken to get here so I can only assume that they have been closed up so I can't speculate anything.

"Well, that's certainly assuring isn't it. I'm just supposed to take your word as a guarantee am I?" I question while trying to subtly see the rest of the cave but I can hardly see anything else apart from the walkway out of the corner of my eye so I suppose that the Batmobile has been parked or the platform it's on has been turned in such a way that I can't see the rest of the cave which must've been a strategic decision to limit the amount of information that I'm capable of acquiring while I'm here, I decide to just forego the subtlety since I've clearly been brought here by them and I've just been told that this is the Batcave so I think it would be normal for anyone to try and see veryhing here so I begin to crane my neck around in all sorts of directions to try and see what I can see though it seems it's not much since I can only see a bit further along the walkway and everything else apart from the platform we are currently on is enshrouded in darkness. "Yes. Now can you stop turning your head around so wildly in case you end up exasperating any injuries you may have since that is what we are here to check for though just by looking at you it doesn't seem like you've just spent the past two weeks buried under a Buliding, though you could certainly do with a shower." He tells me bluntly without any kind of hesitation whatsoever in reply to me question the I should just trust his word and I can't help but be a little amused by his answer and I show it as well by chuckling at it as well as at the fact that he just called me smelly though I guess that's a given since I've been buried under a Buliding for two weeks staring in my own sweat and a pile of my own blood. "I guess I've got no choice, huh. Well Batman is one of the good guys unless you've managed to dupe the entire world with a great PR guy plus Barbara works with you guys and from what I know about her I can tell that the rest of you guys are trustworthy since she wouldn't associate with you guys if you weren't, by the way can I have some pants since it's quite chilly in this cave?" I ask now noticing the stiff breeze travelling through the air and being reminded of my lack of any clothes whatsoever as well as the fact that I've been sat here naked in front of this old dude for quite a while now, I'm just glad that I can see his eyes and the fact that his eyes haven't travelled below my neckline.

"Yes, I had heard that you'd discovered miss Gordon's secret identity just before you told her to get out of the factory with the child and stayed behind to die though that seems to have been an exaggeration. If I can be assured that that information won't be spread I'll see what I can do about getting you some pants, maybe I'll even get you a shirt and some shoes as well as some food to accompany that since I imagine you must be hungry after behind trapped for two weeks." He speaks out while narrowing his eyes dangerously and I'm man enough to admit that I felt some danger from that especially since his face took on a serious frown when he spoke and though usually I would keep my face straight and hide any feelings I decided to let some of my true feelings out and laughed nervously while scratching the back of head, although I was indeed being restrained to the chair my arms and legs were still mobile and I was able to move them around without much difficulty. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. Her secret is safe with me after all I did stay behind to die while convincing her to leave with the child, we both know that if I hadn't convinced her she would have stayed and tried to save both of us and end up dying in the process." I tell him while chuckling nervously and scratching the back of my head, I'm trying to convince him that I won't reveal her secret to the world and I try to emphasise that by telling him that I decided to stay behind so she and the child could live but is seems that he isn't being convince me by my words going by the fact that his face has moved in inch. "You knew you would survive." He says trying to disprove the fact that staying behind while Barbara and the child left meant I was trustworthy and I can understand where he's coming form but even so I'm a bit pissed that he's undermining what I've just gone through, I even show this by gritting my teeth and talking out through clenched teeth all the while glaring at him. "That may indeed be true but that doesn't mean that I didn't feel pain being consumed by the flames and crushed underneath the weight of an entire factory, even if I survived and knew I'd come out fine that doesn't mean me staying behind means any less. There was a chance that Batgirl may have pulled though and saved all of us or saved me while killing herself or the boy in the process (or dropping me but I knew I'd survive) which would've spared me the pain and my newly developed claustrophobia but I chose to stay behind knowing I would be treated to inscrutable suffering as well as the fact that I may have been buried underneath there for who knows how long, I think that proves that I'm not gonna go and tell the world the identity of the girl I gladly suffered through so much pain for." I talk out becoming more heated as I go since I do feel quite strongly about the topic and I'm getting pretty pissed that he's undermining just what I've gone through since it I didn't get out fast enough then there's every chance that I would've had to resort to ripping parts of myself off and eating it to keep myself going and surviving with my regeneration so I'm glad that I'm managed to get out of there quickly, but I'm slightly confused when I realise that Alfred is no longer glaring or anything but instead smiling at me.

I come to the conclusion that he's either smiling at me because he now believes that I'm trustworthy enough to keep the identity of Batgirl a secret and he won't have to go behind Batman's back to get some other trusted superhero to erase my memories (since I'm assuming that Batman does not condone mind manipulation in such a way, moray Batmen don't) either that or he's happy that he's caught me out and basically got me to admit that I have regeneration powers/a healing factor though I'm not too bothered about that since I already knew that I would have to reveal such to Batman since that would be the only excuse which would be able to explain why I was able to survive underneath the collapsed burning factory for two weeks but either way I'm not really fussed about the outcome, Alfred seemingly now gotten what he's after now decides to play a it more friendly. "Very well, I believe that you would not divulge the secret to anyone. By the way, how did you discover your powers since you would have needed to do so to know that you would survive the blaze and collapse of the factory." He says and I can't tell why he's smiling since he just mentioned both scenarios I just thought of so I'll be guessing that it's a combination of the two, I'm not really in the mood to answer right now though. "If it's all the same to you can we discuss that when the Batman gets here because I would much rather not talk about it twice, it's not exactly a nice subject. Plus I though we were here so I could have a check up so why don't we get on with that and save the important stuff for when everyone else is here?" I say and he nods his head to confirm my request.

"Very well I suppose. Let's begin your check up, sir." He says and reaches in his pocket to pull out some kind of small remote which he then points straight In my direction and I worry that he does know that it was in fact me that robbed the mansion o couple of weeks ago, either that or he's about to pull a Men in Black and erase my memories...


I now have a Pa treon up and running and when a chapter is ready it will go up on Pa treon first so please take a look. Some support from you guys would be appreciated and motivate me.

Currently 34+ Chapters.

(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)

A special thank you to my patrons Tim Brown, Stormrall, Turtle, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Derrick Porter, Manuel Arauio, Darth Bane and napier Crawford. Thank you for the support.