[After Transition]
I finish my shower in what must be the most luxurious shower I've ever used and that's saying something since I've used some high tech facilities in my time but not beat the extravagance of this bathroom though I guess that's what you get when you go for efficiency and care with all the products available for me to use which I took advantage of since it has been two weeks and so I used all the expensive care products as well as having a good shave to get rid of the scruffiness that grew on my chin during the two weeks I was trapped under the factory and I must say that after all that care I feel great and look great as well and I know that Alfred said not to take too long but he's also the one that said I smelled so in a way I took my time showering so I could smell nice for Alfred (I wish I didn't think that), I exit the shower expecting to have to do the customary naked quick dash out of the bathroom to get those things you forgot to bring in with you and on this case I was expecting for Alfred to have left a towel and some clothes outside of the bathroom for me to pick up but to my surprise when I got out of the shower which had its glass sides all fogged up I notice a towel hung up on a rack next to the shower that definitely wasn't there before and when I moved my eyes around the room to see if I could spot any other changes I noticed a pile of neatly folded clothes layer out on the counter that I left all messy with care products and shaving foam but now it's compulsory clean so I guess Alfred must've cleaned up while he was silently placing my towel and new clothes in here which I didn't even notice since I was so preoccupied with enjoying my shower and feeling clean after being trapped in a dark, dirty and damp place for the last two weeks but I guess I can't account it entirely to that as Alfred was apparently a great MI6 agent or something (I think? It's a bit muddled actually) like that which he's shown before as he snuck up on me when I was robbing the Wayne Mansion because even if I didn't have my Spider Sense I still had my enhanced senses which he had somehow managed to evade entirely during our last encounter so it would be best not to underestimate that man in the future proceedings.
I quickly pull the towel of the drying rack and use it to dry off wanting to not waste anymore of the old man's time and after some finishing touches with some more care products one of which I forgot entirely wanting to get into the shower immediately which is a toothbrush which I pulled out of a fresh new pack (there was dozens in the cupboard under the sink and even then each of them is a very high quality and feels great on the teeth, I might take this with me since it feels so good) and use to brush my teeth which haven't been brushed in the last two weeks but then again I haven't eaten anything in the last two weeks though that doesn't mean they aren't dirty but lucky for me if I ever get my teeth ever get too dirty, bent, yellowed or even chipped I can just rip them out a regrow new ones (shouldn't hurt too much, can't compare to what I've already been through so it should be relatively easy to do) but even then the only situation I see myself having to regrow my teeth in are if they are knocked out of my mouth since with my regeneration I won't get cavities or anything matter of fact I don't think I can get any viruses or diseases (at least not ones that aren't tailor made to kill someone with high regeneration, I'm at least glad that I can't get STD's though that's no reason to risk it) with my regeneration so I don't really have to worry about that which is cool, having taking care of the rest of my body and dried off I begin to put on the clothes that were left out for me which consist of a black pair of men's underwear (the expensive kind, not used before), a pair of black dress socks, some beige dress slacks, a brand new collared white shirt of which I leave the top few buttoned unbuttoned and roll up the sleeves before finally slipping my feet into a pair of black leather shoes which were promptly laid out for me with all the clothes looking brand new and then I begin to apply the finishing touches such as styling my hair (don't want to go out with it being all over the place since it's grown quite a bit in the last few weeks and seems to be a little long, like the Christian Bale Batman length hair so I'll have to get that sorted out eventually though for now I think it looks alright) and making sure that I've not missed anything before I straighten my shirt and walk to the door to leave the bathroom though I become a little confused at how to leave since there is no door knob but that's answered for me when the door slides open by itself revealing to me Alfred Pennyworth waiting on the other side.
"Hello sir, it's good to see that you are finally done. If you would follow me we can begin to finally do the tests that are need to be done, nothing overly complicated just a physical check up and maybe taking some blood samples of course with your consent just to make sure that you are actually fine and that your 'unique skill' doesn't turn out to have any nasty consequences and after that we can finally get some food in you and then wait till the Master returns." Alfred talks before tuning on his foot and walking off with a proper posture befitting of a butler with his arms behind his back and I make haste to follow him resisting the urge to wander off a start fiddling with all the possible cool stuff in here plus the technology and it takes my all to refrain from moving to the giant animatronic T-Rex when we pass it and Alfred clearly notices as he laughs at my dilemma though doesn't comment on it and so I resign myself to follow him to wherever we are going, eventually we finally come to a doorway and since I was following Alfred the entire time I realised that he took me on a long route that kept me away from any important things like the BatComputer and any other Bat themed things (as it seems only the important tech and the right to have the word 'bat' put in front of it, I really need an identity to put before my own devices) though I can understand that since he can't fully trust me after meeting me once (twice actually though I hope he doesn't realise that) and so we move not the room which looks kind of like a regular doctors office having a weighing scale, a height measurement thing and all sorts of other things that a doctor's office would have and so I follow Alfred to where he sits down on a chair with me taking the chair opposite him and getting ready for whatever tests he's going to be doing though I'm sure I could refuse any test I don't want to do and he won't argue probably because he knows Batman will find out they information one way or the other with or without my consent if he deems it necessary.
It turns out the tests weren't as bad as I was expecting them to be since he started of just asking me questions about my health history, my job (of which I have none), relationships (of which I have none so I saw no reason not to answer so), medications, allergies, supplements, or any recent surgeries and then he took my blood pressure reading and checked my heart rate and respiratory rate before he then finally started to observe my appearance doing a visual examination looking at my head, eyes, chest, abdomen, my musculoskeletal system (hands and wrists) and then my nervous system functions checking things like my speech and walking, after that it was on to the physical examinations in which he used tools to examine my eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart and lungs before he started to touch parts of my body to check for abnormalities checking my skin, hair and nails before testing my motor functions and reflexes and although he wanted to examine my genitalia and rectum to make sure there was nothing wrong with me I refused to let him do so which he honestly looked grateful for since I'm sure he had enough of that when he was a war medic (was that before or after he was in the MI6, losing my meta-knowledge really screws up some of the information in my mind since I relied on some knowledge that I never even think about but always know though now I don't know), finally it was down to brass tacks and he asked if he could take some of my blood for several tests so as to get a complete blood count as well as a complete metabolic panel which would check my blood plasma count and test for any issues that exist in my kidneys, liver, blood chemistry and immune system And he seams immeasurably surprised when I offered my arm for him to draw blood from though he doesn't let that stop him from quickly capitalising on it and drawing my blood afraid that I would suddenly change my mind.
"So, you sure that you only wanted my blood to check if I have any problems in my body or did you want it so you could try and see how I survived under a collapse factory building for two weeks. Either way I'm not really bothered and I don't have anything to hide, check my blood in that microscope there if you want but I can guarantee you'll be disappointed at what you find." I speak and he watches me with one eye before he decides to drag the microscope closer and put a drop of the blood he took from me between two glass before placing it under the telescope and beginning to look into it, as he does this he speaks to me not really trying to deny anything. "You're right Mr James, I do want to see what resulted in your 'unique skill' and allowed you to survive two weeks trapped under a building. I'm sorry but I have to check whether you are a meta-human or if this ability has been gifted to you through the use of technology and if so that would mean that there would possibly be others out there with your ability, it is our duty to try and prevent such things as more often than not those powers end up in the hands of those unworthy of it." After that he goes silent and resumes his work trying to see what he can observe from the drop of my blood under the microscope and I too remain silent knowing that he's gonna be surprised at what he finds and it seems he's starting to frustrated and confused at the same time by the results he's finding, this is the first time someone apart from myself has examined my blood and it's quite amusing.
"H-How is this possible? Y- You. There's nothing even remotely special about your blood, it's completely ordinary!" He says in disbelief and I'm quite offended that he just basically called me nothing special though it doesn't put a dampener on my mood swings him find the results I expected him to, I already knew that he would find nothing...
Currently 34+ Chapters.
(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)
A special thank you to my patrons Tim Brown, Stormrall, Turtle, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Derrick Porter, Manuel Arauio, Darth Bane, napier Crawford and Marcus Lane. Thank you for the support.