[After Transition]
"You forgot to mention the immortality, you also have that. Or is it just a longer lifespan then is feasible for other humans since you are still ageing just a lot slower than other people, you can even be killed so it's a false/pseudo immortality." Batman speaks out and I kinda expected this since the guys so smart but I really hoped he would miss it, it seems I was hoping for the impossible. "Yeah, I did forget to mention that. I'd rather not think about it to be honest since questions of morality can often get you down especially with my ability, I'd rather focus on my intense regeneration which allows me to regrow everything for limbs to organs as well as the fact that with my advanced healing factor I can never get sick or diseased since I fight off all viruses and diseases easily." I speak out hoping to divert him from that topic since I am actually quite worried about it and I'd rather not think about it right now, I suddenly hearing some steps on the walkway behind me coming toward us and so I spin around to see who it was. "Wow, you have an advanced healing factor and can easily beat off viruses and diseases, do you know what this means? You can cut out your organs and give them to people who need them because you can just regenerate another one, you could end all diseases and virus related death on the planet because we could just infect you with them and your regeneration would fight it off and create antibodies which could be used to save millions or maybe even billions of lives. Nick, you could stop so much death with your abilities it's amazing!" The over excited form of Barbara Gordon currently dressed as Batgirl with her cowl off is making her way towards us while also bringing up other topics I had wished to avoid, this is gonna be difficult to explain properly why I can't just do what she thinks I can and I don't think she'll like it but unfortunately it's true plus I really don't want to do any of those things as it's too much responsibility and will most likely get me hunted down by people who want to take advantage of my abilities with or without my approval.
I sigh at Barbara's words and run my hand through my hair because of what she's just suggested and I can already tell that this is going to be a point of debate with her and so I look over to Batman to see if he can help me with this because a guy as clever as him should have already figured out why I can't just do what Barbara says I can and I can tell that he has figured it out already because otherwise he would be pressing me on it instead of staying silent and in reply to my plea for help dealing with Barbara he just stays stoic while staring back at me as if it's not his problem which it's not but I would at least appreciate a bit of help, Batman is clever enough to figure why I don't want to give my organs to every Tom, Dick or Harry or help make antibodies for all diseases and viruses in the world but that's not to say Barbara isn't clever enough because she is but she's got a lot more hope and optimism than Batman so she doesn't see the obvious reason why it would be a bad idea for me to start lending my body out to help the world no matter how nice that might sound. "Barbara, I can't do that. First of all I'd rather not have to keep getting cut open plus I'd rather not deal with the hassle from people running me down to get an organ for themselves rather than wait on a donor list and secondly, I don't know what to actually list next because there are just so many reasons why I can't do something like that and so many ways for it to go wrong." I speak out hoping that she'll listen to reason but it seems she doesn't seem to find my reasons all that good and I can understand why since now that I hear it it does sound selfish in my ears so I wish that I listed my other reasons but it's too late now as Barbara has already got a smouldering look on her face at my excuse and not the sexy kind either (though it is kinda sexy), she looks ready to go to war with me over this and I can understand why because it could potentially help people the world over but she's still not seeing the risks and downsides to it and it seems she's not gonna unless I explain it out of her since she's too hopeful and optimistic to see just how dangerous what she's suggesting actually is.
"What do you, what the hell Nick! Why don't you want to do this, I mean I can understand why you don't want to get cut open but you've been through worse already so this should be a walk in the park plus you'd be put under anaesthesia while they remove your organs so you'd be fine. But even so you could still use your gifts to help people by allowing scientists to discover the antibodies to various diseases or viruses by infecting you with them which you'll regenerate from and help the entirety of humanity, how can you be so selfish Nick?" My face twitches at her heated words and I find myself a little nay a lot irritated at her words since she doesn't know jack about the situation and she's judging me when she doesn't even have all the facts and I can take being hit by others, talked shit at or ridiculed but I can't take someone I thought of as at least a friend doubting my actions and motivations because fair enough if my intentions were purely selfish or something but in this situation my reasons are only a tiny amount selfish because I could make a lot of money curing all the diseases of the world and giving people organ transplants, becoming the richest person on earth wouldn't be too hard and I could probably swing getting Batman to look out for and protect me in some way since I'd be helping the entire world even if it was for a price but I can't take the fact that she would question and doubt me when just two weeks ago I stayed behind to burn to death in a collapsing factory while I pushed her to escape even if I knew I would survive being burnt alive it isn't exactly a nice thing. "First of all my regeneration is so fast that any anaesthesia used on me would wear off near instantly so I'd be in a tremendous amount of pain while they cut me open and robbed me of my kidneys and yeah I suppose that that might be a worthy trade but nearly everyone in the world is born with two kidneys when most of them only need one so it shouldn't be too hard for those who have two kidneys and only need one to give up the spare for someone that needs it desperately but I don't see many people doing that for other people unless they are close to them so why should I do that especially when I would end up strapped to a gurney all day having my organs ripped out for people who wouldn't give two shits about me as long as they got their liver, and that's if it was even possible because from where I'm sitting it's definitely not and you must've not looked at all of the facts since it should be pretty clear to anyone with half a brain why it would be a bad I dead to give organs out willy nilly as well as curing all diseases and virus using my own antibodies."
I take a breath and a moment here to think about what I am about to say as I should put it as clear as possible to stop the foolish though in her mind and open her eyes to reality, it seems Barbara has gotten more angry and pretty incensed at my half a brain comment and she's about to let loose a tirade and probably shout my ear off (though I'll regrow it, ha Brook joke kinda) but before she can do that I've already sorted out what I wanted to say in my mind and so I get to it before she can get a word in edge wise and put me of track. "First of all since you weren't here when I told Batman how I thought my ability works I'll let that slide since my theory is that all of my cells are quantum entangled which means that when any of my cells realise where the true body is then any cells not attached to the body stop regenerating making it just my ordinary DNA without the regeneration included but I don't know that for a fact and so if I give my organs out who knows what'll happen to the recipient aside form some kind of mutation plus if one day I'm somehow fully vaporised I might just start to regenerate out of that organ I gave to a random person and grow out of them killing them in the process or somehow becoming Siamese twins with them which I doubt they'd want so it's best to stay away from that, what I can't let slide however is your thoughts about me using my antibodies to help stop disease and viruses all over the world since you should be smart enough to realise why that a bad idea but since you clearly need me to spell it out for you I'll do it. In the short term the plan to infect me with diseases and viruses and come away with cured and antibodies to form vaccines is great and all but that only in the short term because in the long term it get worse and worse since instead of people researching it every time a disease or virus comes they instead just infect me with it and cure it that way but diseases and viruses mutate over time and so I'll constantly be getting infected with worse and worse viruses that are trying to mutate to overcome me and one day they'll actually succeed and kill me regardless of my regeneration and if that my fate then I doubt anyone else can survive which would mean the end of humanity from a virus that mutated just to kill me and ends up killing everyone, and I bet you'll say that we don't have to go that far and we can only cure the few serious viruses and diseases and then stop but that won't matter as people will be dying from this stuff everyday and instead of waiting for the real search to be done they'll want to get the cure via me and the government will do it too since they don't want to waste money on research and they'd rather do this and crumble to the public opinion of sheep's who only think in the short term so they take me regardless of whether I want to do it and they'd use me for all their problems before eventually humanity gets wiped out by a virus mutates to kill me and I don't know about you but I don't want to be the reason for humanity's extinction, the path to hell is paved with good intentions and it's a slippery slope."
I finish and gasp for air since I rapidly spoke and worked myself up as it got very heated and I forgot to take a breath but that doesn't matter as it's seems I got the point across as while Batman doesn't look too fussed since he already expected it but Barbara looks flabbergasted, speechless slightly ashamed and while I do think I was a bit too harsh on her I don't regret it since I don't like my intentions being called into action when I'm actually trying to do the right thing though I do fear that I've burnt any bridges I once had with Barbara...
Currently 34+ Chapters.
(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)
A special thank you to my patrons Stormrall, Turtle, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Derrick Porter, Manuel Arauio, Darth Bane, napier Crawford, Marcus Lane, Arun and frank ivkovich. Thank you for the support.