[Before Transition]
I stay absolutely still and watch the man like a hawk and I'm relieved when Gwen turns to leave and heads to the exit but even then I don't take my eyes off of the older professor making sure to keep an eye on him as he moves through the hallway and talks to other students and faculty members even as I get abuse thrown at me for blocking up the hallway but I just ignore it and focus on the man for I don't know how long before I watch him finally open a door in the corridor and go in before closing it behind him, I stare at the door for a few minutes more before I realise that the halls are absolutely silent with no one else around except me but all that does is give rise to the deep seated negative emotions I'm feeling right now only exacerbating the worry and dread I'm feeling at such a dangerous man being so worryingly close to Gwen, quickly shaking my head of those bad thoughts I quickly leave the buildings front doors in the hopes of spotting Gwen and catching up to her to try and pry some information out of her but when I exit through the doors there are hardly any students left in front of the building which makes me realise just how long I spent watching the man in the hallway but that doesn't matter as I try and spot Gwen but she's nowhere in sight and so I give up on finding her knowing that she will show up at my house at some point during the next couple of weeks and so I instead head towards my car and instead of how I can equally great the car with a gentlesness I can find it within my to pull forth the same car that I one showed it and so I get into the car slamming the door closed behind me before starting up my engine and zooming out of the car park and off of university grounds.
I'm probably speeding through the streets of New York right now but I can't seem to bring myself to care as various thoughts run throughout my mind and not a single one of them is positive for the simple fact that today I saw Miles Warren otherwise known as the Jackal laying his hand upon Gwen's shoulder whom he's known to have a sick obsession with in the original 616 universe and so far I have seen quite a few similarities to the 616 universe in this universe so the simple fact that I've seen them in close proximity intoxicates my mind with various negative emotions that I have no clue on how to handle, even if I want to cut ties with Gwen and act as horribly as possible towards her such as when I have sex with her whenever she visits and then leave her sleeping never saying more than a few sentences to her during the whole meeting but that's only because I'm worried that my connection to her is gonna stop me from leaving this universe but I can't seem to bring myself to properly straightforwardly break my connection to her and so I act horribly and hope she'll do it instead but she never seems to do it but even so she was still my first friend in this universe and probably still remains the single person I care about most in this world and so the fact that she might possibly be in danger is driving me mad and quite possibly making me a little unhinged which is why instead of heading home and ending up focusing and losing myself in thinking about what I saw today I am instead heading towards the Baxter building to focus on my work their and helping out Reed with his projects which will hopefully take my mind off this subject at least for a little bit, I forgot to think about the car ride over though because right now my mind can only think about one thing.
If I remember correctly Miles Warren was a professor of Biochemistry at Empire State University in the 616 universe which so far lines up with what he's doing in this universe but if I recall in the 616 universe he fell in love with the Gwen Stacy of that universe who was the girlfriend of Peter Parker at that time and I think he managed to collect their blood samples and started to clone Gwen and Peter but after Gwen was killed by the original Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) Miles blamed Spider-Man (who he new to be her boyfriend Peter Parker because he was cloning him) for her death and started to work on cloning Spider-Man starting with the first clone who I think was named Kaine who was suffering from degeneration but before Warren could dispose of him he escaped and he lived to become one of the Spider-Men of the universe (and I'm pretty sure he was also integral to the downfall of the Inheritors as he had a special role, he was called the other or something), becoming mad with grief after the death of Gwen Stacy the girl he loved (who he was double the age of, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't love but a mad obsessive fixation) and wanting revenge on Peter Parker for her death he became the Jackal and after perfecting his cloning and making all his preparations he started his confrontation with Spider-Man by trying to manipulate the punisher into killing him which didn't work and so he sent one of his clones of Gwen Stacy after him to torture him emotionally and after a long debacle the Jackal defeated Peter and took him back to his hideout or some kind of stadium where Peter was forced to fight his clone unaware of who was actually the original Peter Parker and the place ended up exploding killing the clone of Gwen, the clone of Peter and the Jackal who was actually later revealed to just be a clone Miles made of himself.
Afterwards Miles put into action his next plan where he found both of the Peter Parkers who were unconscious after the explosion (as the clone actually survived) and he injected a drug into the original to simulate death which forced the clone believing himself to be the real Peter Parker to dump his body into a smokestack to dispose of it and not rise any questions but the Jackal actually rescued Spider-Man from the smokestack and replaced him with the body of a failed spider clone to create further confusion in the future and after erasing and implanting new memories into Peter to make him think he was the clone and force him to wander the world as Ben Reilly also known as the Scarlet Spider but unbeknownst to the Jackal his equipment had been messed with by one of his lab assistants which (I think was orchestrated by Norman Osborn) resulted in Ben Reilly in actuality being the clone and Peter Parker still being the original but even so it still caused the both of them quite a lot of heartbreak and anguish and at one point resulting in Peter giving up his mantle of Spider-Man to Ben Reilly believing he was the original and while in actuality the original and the clone were correct about who they are if Miles equipment was messed with then this diabolical plan would have worked perfectly showing just how deranged and crazy this mad is, Ben Reilly eventually died at the hands of Norman Osborn but even then he wasn't spared as the Jackal managed to collect a DNA sample from his dissolved remains to use in future experiments and at one point the madman actually managed to take Peter DNA cells and manufacture a virus which he placed in thousands of bugs which he then released throughout New York to infect people before the Spider-Virus eventually became airborne and while at first it granted people powers like Spider-Man it eventually transformed them into huge/humanoid spider monsters which resulted in New York becoming Spider-Island before a cure was eventually found but this should demonstrate just how dangerous and deadly this man could be if he had the time to further his research since he just casually creates various clones and sends them after Peter willy nilly with such ease.
I also remember that Miles Warren was far from being done with Ben Reilly and brought him back to life through a new cloning procedure he devised that allows the subject to retain all of their old memories even to the point of death but realising that the procedure wasn't perfect Miles continued to kill Ben and redirect him numerous times till he perfected the process twisting the once stellar superhero into a facet of his former self and warping his personality into something nasty after killing him so many times which eventually forced Ben Reilly to break free but instead of being merciful like his old self he was instead ruthless and he cloned Miles Warren creating numerous clones of him before convincing them all and the original that they were all clones and forcing them to work for him to keep receiving pills to keep the cellular degeneration at bay and afterward Ben used them all to put his own plan into play by creating New U Technologies which ends up being a very interest story line but that's neither here nor there, what actually concerns me most about he man is his craziness and his obsession with Gwen as he was so crazy that he actually injected himself with Jackal DNA which aloud him to take on a green form similar to his old costume but for real and his obsession with Gwen Stacy was so strong that he found out about Spider-Gwen which is a Gwen from another universe with spider powers and he followed her back to her own dimension with his deranged stalker ways to find her and capture her and convince her of their love even if it was in actuality a altogether different Gwen from the one he once new but that didn't matter to him which should showcase how far he is willing to go with his obsession for Gwen Stacy and I can't risk this Miles Warren being the same kind of guy.
I've been so caught up in my thoughts that I was pretty much speeding and driving on autopilot as when my car stopped I had realised that I was at the Baxter Building which I got to be relying on muscle memory and my own subconscious actions as I worried about Miles Warren and what he could potentially do to Gwen or what he already possibly could've done but I don't know if I'm worrying over nothing since this Gwen is two years younger than she should've been since she graduated early because of me so maybe Miles Warren doesn't have an obsession with her due to her younger age and even if he does he wouldn't start going crazy and become the Jackal since he only did that once the original Gwen Stacy died and he had a target in the form of Spider-Man but even so I can't run the risk of it without properly investigating the man and finding about all I can about him including how far along he is with his research because I swear to god if is guy has already started cloning Gwen then I'm going to fucking burn him half to death before chucking him into a saltwater ocean where he'll drown while suffering from the salt in his wounds, I should probably also find out how far along he is with his research as well as his mental state of mind and if I don't think it's good enough then I'll either have to destroy all of his research or eliminate him altogether as I can't be careful with such a threat though I suppose a lobotomisation could do the job pretty good as well.
Shaking myself from my daydreaming I quickly switch of the engine of my car before leaving it and locking it before heading up the stairs to the entrance trying not to think about anything I witnessed today so I could focus on my work, it's really he's to forget about it though and I can't help but have my mind keep running back to various scenarios but hopefully once I'm inside the building and working on something I'll forget about it, at least for the moment…
Currently 34+ Chapters.
(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)
A special thank you to my patrons Stormrall, Turtle, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Derrick Porter, Manuel Arauio, Darth Bane, napier Crawford, Marcus Lane, Arun, frank ivkovich, Alex, Kieta Aki, hisham, Jermaine Koster and Christopher Ames. Thank you for the support.