[After Transition]
Having gained a scope of the situation outside of the bank I now turn my gaze onto the inside of the bank and I do this by edging myself over to one of the glass ceilings on the roof and leaning forward to peer through into the building but my view is blocked by a big ass expensive looking chandelier (Dwight would probably be salivating about the perfect crime now, no wonder Two Face decided to rob this place it's fancy as fuck) which irks me a little bit but I pay it no mind as I use a finger to tap the side of my cowl activating an alternative mode (Robin calls it detective mode, but it doesn't really help you be a detective instead of helping to identify people based on their best signatures as well as scan the surrounding for various things) which allows me to see a whole lot more than I should be able to as I can see through the building and see quite a lot of heat signatures through the building and going off of the schematics I pulled up on the small computer interface on my arm and using the alternative mode to apply it to my surroundings I actually have a physical map of my surrounding along with enemy locations, I can tell that right now there are a few people wandering around the halls of the building probably on patrol with some guards stationed at all the exits with more guards stationed at the main entrance and while their are a few more thugs pissing around in a few rooms without the supervision of their boss I notice five people in what should be the vault and going by the actions I can see them performing they must be stealing all of the stuff in the vault so I can leave them alone for now since that will take them quite a while but most of my attention right now is focused on the main hall of the bank where there are quite a lot of thugs standing around one of which must be Two Face (can't really tell just going by heat signatures, he is still just a regular human after all though half of him is badly burnt) but what really caught my attention and worries me is the bunch of heat signature maybe around fifteen or so that are also in the main hall but different to the other heat signatures these ones are on the ground with the thug heat sources surrounding these ones so I can only conclude that there are around fifteen or so hostages down there that are stopping the police from coming in to take these guys down as well as stopping the snipers from taking their shots at these scum.
Realising just how serious this situation now is I take a moment to review all of my possible actions in this situation and just what I can do as well as how the thugs as well as the hostages inside might react in turn not to mention the previous Arkham Asylum inmate Two Face who is looking to be bat shit crazy and a wild card that is too unpredictable on account of his instability but there's not a lot to go on right now which is why I used my enhance senses and push my ears to the limit to hear just what's going on inside and see if I can gather any more information that would aid my current mission, I came out tonight thinking that this would be an easy open and shut situation where I just had to bash some heads together but that's clearly not the case and I'm beginning to realise just what I agreed to become involved in three months ago. "How in the hell did the fuckin cops get here so quickly, we've only been here for a while and the next second there's a bunch of pigs outside with a cordon and snipers surrounding the bank. This should have been an easy smash and grab with Batman preoccupied on the other side of town by that freak Scarecrow Crane but somehow the cops got tipped off, if I find out one of you boys have been talking to people you shouldn't have been talking to then I'll make sure your fates left up to the coin and that is a fuckin promise!"
It seems like Two Face has gotten frustrated at being caught in the act and he's currently taking it out on the guards in the main hall suspecting that there's a rat among his men when in actuality it was Alfred that informed the police about the situation from the Batcave because Batman and his sidekicks were too busy fighting Crane and it seems that that was what ol' Harvey aren't was banking on which was why he put his plan into action now but the cops weren't supposed to catch on so it's only natural he thinks there are snakes around him and there most likely are but they definitely didn't tip off the police. but that doesn't matter right now since Two Face is currently looking at all of his man with distrust so much so that they can't find it in them to make even a slight move which means none of them men in the room are paying much attention to the hostages that are being kept in a corner of the room which would make this a prime opportunity to rescue them but unfortunately there is no coverage or barriers blocking them from view and most of them men are still facing that direction which means they would definitely see a rescue attempt and end up killing some of the hostages which I can't risk and so I'll find solace that the thugs and Two Face are otherwise preoccupied for no which means that the hostages are safe for now and I can focus my efforts on getting rid of the rest of the thugs in the building silently before tackling the main hall.
Using detective mode to see if there were any gaps in the security to work myself into the building I find a room at the other end of the building that's unguarded since it's on the second floor and there's no way up to it and knowing that the Batman and his sidekicks are busy they saw no need to defend it which is fine by me since I managed my way to the window and picked it open gently closing it behind me after I enter the bank and began working my way through the second floor which was largely unoccupied since there weren't too many entrances to the building on this floor and so there was just a few guys guarding the fire escape and the door to the rooftop, so it wasn't too hard to take them out since they split up often since they're bored and unsuspecting people which makes it easy for me to knock them out and use some good old zip ties to tie them up while having there mouths with cloth I ripped from their own clothing and with that the second floor was easily cleared which meant it was time to head down and clear out the first/ground food before heading to the boss battle at the main hall and it'll be much easier with all the other thugs already knocked out.
Heading to the ground floor I immediately found things much harder since this was where most of the thugs were focused and so it made it hard and time consuming to take them out silently which meant I was gonna have to get more brazen which meant instead of waiting for them to split up I had to instead take two maybe three of the thugs down at the same time which I was dreading at first but once I actually did it I found it almost easy to do since I could take out groups of these guys with nary a sound which surprised me a lot since I usually get my ass kicked hard fighting Batman and only just barely managing to fight Robin and Batgirl on equal grounds thanks to my enhanced abilities but it seems when combined with my enhanced experience and expertise I am a force to be reckoned with since nearly all the thugs on the ground floor were taken out in such a smooth manner apart from a few mishaps here and there such as when a guy turned around as soon as I was about to put him into a choke hold and I panicked and punched him in the throat which worked since he couldn't warn his comrades but it still scared the crap out of me which got rid of the small ego boost I was having, it made me more cautious again which was actually good since there were a lot more tough situations I had to deal with throughout the rest of the bank and I would have been in trouble if I wasn't cautious but I was and so I actually managed to clear the rest of the bank except the main hall having a bit of difficulty when it came to the guards on the doors since they were also being watched by snipers but I found my way around that by using my voice modulators and what I observed to lure a guard away from the door with another thugs voice before taking him out and then taking the other guard out by pulling him towards me with my grapple which was so fast that he had no time to react as I clothes lined him and knocked him down for the count.
With all that stuff done and all the thugs in the building zip tied and gagged I made my way back to the second floor and travelled to the main hall which was the size of two floors which means I could approach from the upper floor and look down from the walkways at the main hall without alerting the rest and trying to figure out a way to free the hostages without endangering them, but right now I'm finding that very hard since they are in clear view of the rest which means I can't do anything overt or even try using a smoke bomb since the thugs are liable to start shooting in the smoke and injure/kill some of the hostages and this makes my job very hard so I spent quite a bit of time pondering this but I knew I didn't have forever since it was surely only a bit of time till these guys realise what's up and start hunting me and holding the hostages at gunpoint so I have to act fast with the hostages protection as first priority.
"Hey you, go check on the guys in the vault and see how far along they are. If they're behind schedule come back and get some more men to go help packing up the riches, we've not got a lot of time till the cops start getting itchy fingers so hurry up and get the shit quick. You can take some of the guys patrolling the building if they're working too slow, we've got the entrances guarded and the pigs aren't brave enough to come in like Batman would be so there's no point in having them patrol when Batman busy dealing with that fear fucker so pick them up if you need any extra hands and make it snappy, I ain't paying ya to stand around." Two Face getting antsy just waiting instructs one of the men to go and check up on the progress in the vault which I completely forgot about and get some more men if they needed to hurry it up and so off the man went and I'm just glad that the path he took to the vault wasn't near where others were patrolling which made it so he didn't discover them knocked out which I'm glad for since I followed him to make sure he didn't get alerted and I ended up following him to the vault which he entered to talk to the other guys in there and since I was here I decided to take care of the guys but unfortunately I couldn't waste too much time with the hostages still in danger so when the guy entered the vault I threw in some knockout gas after him and slammed the vault door shut which should take care of them and so I posted a note on the vault door to inform the police when they came that thugs were in the vault before I headed back off to the main hall for my run in with Two Face, I have the beginnings of a plan to save those hostages and take out the rest of these scum…
Currently 34+ Chapters.
(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)
A special thank you to my patrons Stormrall, Turtle, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Derrick Porter, Manuel Arauio, Darth Bane, napier Crawford, Marcus Lane, Arun, frank ivkovich, Alex, Kieta Aki, hisham, Jermaine Koster, Christopher Ames and Ethan Fuentes. Thank you for the support.