[AT]  Revelations...


[After Transition]     


Not caring about the words, the old man is spouting I quickly run up to him and snatch the brown envelope from his hands before turning around and opening it up to see its contents and am pleasantly surprised to see that it is another coded message, using the same code I read aloud the first sheet of music. "Hmm, 'To My Son Sam'. I thought that Aaron Kane only had a wife and a daughter who he took with him in the fire when he died, he has a son as well?" I question since as far as I am aware the Kane family was made up of Aaron Kane, his wife and his daughter with that being it but according to this he also had a son which I find very strange as the legend of Aaron Kane is about the only thing that is special about Moonshade Island so I would have expected every facet of Aaron Kane's life to be picked apart and dissected down to its very fine molecules but the fact that Aaron Kane might have a son and that has just escaped everyone's mind is very strange and confusing, if this is true then that means there is another whole range of options and connections that can be made in this case as no one told me that Aaron Kane's son died in the fire with the rest of his family which means that they might still be alive and they could potentially be the culprit that is running around killing people so we have an unknown variable in the playing field that may or may not exist. 


"Hmm, come to think of it, I believe he had a son too. If I recall correctly the son fell quite ill as a child and needed to be hospitalised, except the island did not have the sufficient resources to treat him and so he was transferred over to the mainland in Gotham City which is why I and everyone else don't really recall him. His name was Sam, I think it was at least." With that a sudden click goes off in my mind and information and facts begin to fit together in my head and theories are considered and expelled while those with some merits are set aside until I have reviewed them all with my knowledge and come to the most likely conclusion which prompts me into breaking out in a run leaving the startled old police man behind me, I run into the building thrusting the door open startling the people inside but I don't really care wanting to confirm my theory as soon as possible which is why I rush past them still carrying the brown envelope which holds the music sheets and I run up the stairs and turn around the corner before locating the room I want as if I had OptiFine installed and I run forward and push the door to the broadcasting room open. 


Narrowing in on the thing I came here to look at I focus on the broadcasting controls and spot what I am looking for which is he tape recording and cd playing section where there sits seven buttons with them being rewind, play, fast forward, pause, stop, record and reverse and with that I have all I ever needed to see as it confirms my suspicions and solidifies my thoughts which allows me to see the situation exactly as it needs to be seen and I see it clearly, the reason the culprit moved Kevin Hale's body to the piano room after drowning him in spite of the trouble when the cause of death would be obvious, the meaning behind the music that was left behind at all three of the crime scenes that have happened just recently on this island not counting the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the last mayor and the death of Aaron Kane and his family and finally the mystery surrounding the code written in blood and hidden within the music, all of this leads me to one conclusion that it is definitely them and they are without a doubt the culprit. 


"Hey, what is wrong with you? Come on, why did you suddenly run into the broadcasting room out of nowhere? Let's go downstairs, it is way too late at night now and I have to let everybody go and then we can also go and get some rest, this case is driving me nuts." Detective Harvey Bullock walks into the room and while usually he would think I'm on to something or discovered something simply because he believes that I am connected to the Gordon family because he is still under the assumption that I am dating Barbara Gordon and am Jim Gordon's future son in law which somehow equates in his mind to me being as smart as them and having a detective oriented mind and because of that he has allowed me unfettered access to this case so I won't complain but it is a testament to how tired Bullock is that he is ignoring my actions in favour of trying to get into a bed faster and as soon as he finishes his words he steps back out of the room and heads back down and I decide to join him and finally bring a finish to this case, walking down the stairs I stop at the very base and look out at the room ahead in which Bullock is talking to everybody with that including the old police officer, Doctor Alex Nichols, the aid Harold and Shaun Masters along with some members of Bullock's team with only Karina Tate and her fiancé Michael Shaw being absent but I assume that is because he is unconscious and she is looking after him. 


"In any case, tomorrow morning we will interview both Shaun Masters and you Harold and when Michael Shaw who is resting at the clinic wakes up, we will then interview him as well. Until then you are free to go, just make sure you come back or else I will be very annoyed." Harvey finishes telling them and they all look relieved to go home except I can't allow that to happen, know that I know what happened I need to put an end to this whole thing now so that I can actually enjoy and relax for the rest of my two-week holiday that has been alleged to me by the Batman because this might be the last break I can get what with how hectic the life of a super hero can get. "Detective Bullock, don't let anyone leave just yet, after all I have figured out most of what has occurred on this island and I you are all just dying to know. First of all, the person that knocked out Michael Shaw in the piano room tonight is in this room, it was in fact Harold. The proof is on his hand, he suffered the injury on his left hand when he broke through the window and fled the crime scene earlier this night, he was using the secret door that was hidden on the underside of the piano to conduct his drug deals with the deceased Kevin Hale." Everyone looks in shock towards the mild-mannered aid Harold who they can't believe has been dealing drugs for who knows how long in spite of the fact that he has a good job as the mayor's aid, Harvey quickly understanding the situation moves towards him and starts his arresting procedure while talking. 


"Drugs, huh? I guess the filth and corruption from Gotham even spreads to these little pleasant islands but it is much harder to catch, at least today we caught a little when we discovered Harold who will be going to prison for various drug related crimes not to mention the murders he committed. I wonder what the papers will say, drug dealer goes mad and begins to murder his clientele after they stiffed him on a deal or threatened to expose him or something, is that why you killed them, because they were buying drugs off of you and knew about your little side project. It doesn't matter, you can start talking after I get us on the next boat to Gotham and get you in a nice little cell, don't resist me putting on the cuffs and maybe I will let you have something to eat on the boat ride" Harvey monologues while walking to Harold and taking out his cuffs while some of his men begin to spread around the room to cut off possible escapes and they start to close in on him, Harold himself is shaking like a leaf and sweating a storm but otherwise remains quiet in face of the allegations against him and he is struck speechless when accused of murder.  


"Hold on Detective, you did not let me finish. Harold probably struck Michael Shaw and ran earlier this night because Michael discovered Harold collecting the leftover drugs hidden in the piano, him being the drug dealer of the deceased Kevin Hale is certainly suspicious but in this case it is irrelevant. Harold is not connected to the three murders that have occurred on this island and he most definitely was not an active participant in the death of Kevin Hale because if he were the culprit then he would not have moved the body into the piano room and onto the chair under the piano, after all he had hidden his drugs into the piano and with a dead body so close the drugs left in the piano could well be discovered." Harvey stops his movements to arrest Harold for the moment though the man will definitely be getting arrested for his drug related crimes later though the man in question doesn't seem to realise that as he drops to his knees in relief of me proving he is not the murder not realising that he will definitely be put into gen pop soon and gen pop is where fresh fish get got, with me exposing Harold of his crimes and relieving him of a few others I can move onto a different suspect. 


"Then there is Michael Shaw who is currently still knocked out though he is not the culprit either, the culprit prepared a suicide note to disguise the murder as a suicide but the culprit fled in such a hurry that they forgot to leave a step under the body so that the framing would be successful. For the culprit to do that, it would be hard to imagine that they would then run and go into the piano room when they were in such a rush so we can conclude that Michael Shaw is not the culprit either but if he isn't then who is? Let me direct your attention to the second case of murder on this island where the deceased mayor Karl Tate was allegedly murdered only a few minutes before his body was discovered, recall how the code written in blood was dry and didn't smear even when we entered the room and some people accidentally stepped on it. However, at room temperature it takes blood fifteen to thirty minutes to fully dry, because there was only five minutes and thirty second of silence at the start of the tape that was playing before the music started, we believed that the murder had only occurred a few minutes before the body was discovered, but by playing the tape from the B side the culprit had delayed the music by over thirty minutes using the tape player's auto reverse feature. Normally when a tape player finishes playing the A side you flip over the cassette and begin playing the B side but the auto reverse feature comes into play here and inverts the tape head to play the opposite side, if you take a look at the crime scene photos that are laid out on the desk there is a switch shining next to the body's neck but in the photo after the body is moved it is gone, this proves that the culprit deactivated the auto reverse function while the police were not looking and there was only one singular person who approached the body at that time." Detective Bullock realises where I am going with this and turns to look at the culprit, everyone else in the room also follows his lead and seeing where he is looking, they also look towards the culprit. 


"The only person besides the police who could approach the body or fake the estimated time of death was the person who examined it, Doctor Alex Nichols. You are the only one who could have done it..." 


I now have a Pa treon up and running and when a chapter is ready it will go up on Pa treon first so please take a look. Some support from you guys would be appreciated and motivate me.

Currently 34+ Chapters.

(www.pa treon.com/GutsyRipper)

A special thank you to my patrons Stormrall, Turtle, Matthew Laird, Sage Honos, Marcus Lane, frank ivkovich, Alex, Jermaine Koster, Ethan Fuentes, Hisham, Eric Baker and Agustin Sanchez. Thank you for the support.