A Princely Party part 2

Inside the garden were flowers of every shape, size, and color. It truly was a beautiful sight. Up ahead was a clearing where tables seemed to be set up near a small pond.  Each one was only large enough to seat a few people. Three maybe four at most if they squeezed together.

There were nameplates at each seat, their entire evening already preordained.

Walking up to a table farthest from the Crown Prince of their kingdom. Morgianna began reading the names and her stomach dropped. There sat Felix and Fafnirs name but hers was not at the same table. She almost felt as if it was a fluke to have sat a guard... that is unless they were purposely trying to create distance between her and him.

Slowly she made her way to the next table and then the next ignoring the worried eyes of her brother as he sat in his seat. Fafnir stood a moment longer before being pulled down by Felix. They shouldn't draw more attention to themselves than necessary.

She had almost looked at every table present noting each of the capture targets names placed in random spots throughout the garden. Every table that is except for the one Prince Alaric and Prince Alistar currently sat at. Both boys appeared to be deep in conversation but Morgianna kept feeling eyes on her as she moved around.

She finally sighed in resignation not seeing her name at any of the tables she had passed. She couldn't help holding onto the brief hope that maybe her name wasn't at their table either. Then she could come up with some lame excuse and then leave.

As she approached, the table any hope she had was swiftly crushed. There sat her nameplate right between Alaric and Alistar. Gritting her teeth before forcing a smile she greeted them in her sweetest voice she could muster. "Your Highness Prince Alaric and your highness Prince Alistar it is an honor to be seated amongst you." She performed a small curtsy wishing a hole would form underneath her and let her fall straight to the other side of the world.

Moving over to her seat she was surprised when Alaric and Alistar both stood giving each other some weird look. Alistar put his hands up as if in surrender before sitting down and Alaric pulled her chair out from the table giving her an expectant look.

"T-thank you." She internally cursed at her stutter as a blush crept up her neck onto her cheeks. Every second it took for her to sit down she prayed that if the ground didn't swallow her, for at least a large bird to swoop down and carry her off for dinner.

Alaric gave her a smirk noticing her blush. Thinking that she must be infatuated with his charm he gave her a little wink, pleased when her eyes widened in surprise.

Morgianna was shocked at the prince's behavior. She had not played the game herself but her friend told her that Alaric wasn't a target. Supposedly he was engaged to a girl closer to his age and was hardly shown in the game except when helping to punish the Villainess, her. At 11 he was the oldest of the Crown Princes and 3 years Morgiannas senior. Having him flirt with her now was making her head spin. She already had to avoid the capture targets and now the Prince of her own kingdom too.

"I have to say Queen you look beautiful in that dress." Alistar said as he took her hand pulling it up to his mouth to plant a kiss. That one move fried the last 2 brain-cells that were working overtime in Morgiannas mind. Her thoughts screaming. 'Who taught this child to flirt?! I need an adult. Oh shit I am an adult. Well kind of, trapped in this little kid body. Oh god he just keeps looking at me. Say something say something!. "You have a moon on your forehead."

The words escaped unbidden, loud and clear to anyone within 10 feet. Alistar who had still been holding her hand threw his head back in laughter not releasing her for a moment. When he finally seemed to be coming down from hit fit of laughter the corners of his eyes were wet as if he had been crying.

"Why yes I do have a moon on my forehead, do you know why?" Alistar pulled her closer by her hand so that Morgianna was less than half a foot from his face. "When I am older and have chosen my Queen I will transfer my mark to her forehead marking her as my other half. The other side of my moon. Where I am dark she will be light, and shall she ever be dark I will be her light. It is a mark that all of us demons have, however as a member of the royal bloodline we have various stages of the moon."

Morgianna began to wiggle in his grasp feeling as if her face had caught fire. She had blushed more today than she had her entire past life and that only made her blush more.

"Enough Alistar, her tea will get cold if you do not release her." Alaric glared toward the hand that held her prisoner and dark look on his face.

Alistar gave one more chuckle before releasing her from his grasp. A breath she had not realized she had been holding pushed from her lungs as she sat back correctly in her seat. Staring at the plates of cookies and sandwiches she debated on if it would be more harmful to leave or stay as neither seemed like a good choice at the moment.

The whole garden was silent, staring at their table as if they wished to see what would happen next. Morgianna glanced up taking stock of who was present for her embarrassing scene. Locking eyes with a pair of striking blue eyes across the lawn she felt as if they were almost familiar. They were framed by dark black hair and a cute face. She kept trying to remember who he was until all it once it dawned on her. That's the werewolf prince!  She had not seen him during her debut and he had all but been pushed into the recesses of her mind.

He kept his expression blank but did not look away. Morgiannas palms became sweaty as he just continued to stare at her not even blinking. 'Am I supposed to look away? Wasn't there some nature documentary about not staring into wolves eyes or they will think it's a challenge. Oh crap, what if he thinks I am trying to challenge him. He wouldn't attack during the party would he?' She turned her eyes away looking back at the sandwiches before her as if they now held the secret if the universe. She would need to do more research later on each of the races.

"Are you going to eat the sandwich or stare at it all night? The suspense is killing me." Alistar sat with his elbow propped up on the table, chin in hand as if he was watching the most fascinating show.

"I am truly sorry. I shall eat now then." She tentatively picked a sandwich from the pile, unsure of what the contents even were. Taking a small bite her eyes lit up in excitement. The color was different but it tasted like pepperoni and cheese!

She quickly grabbed a few more sandwiches placing them on her plate with enthusiasm. She did not even know they had something like pepperoni in this world. Screw researching the races, she should be researching food!  Within moments she had polished off all the sandwiches she had placed on her plate and felt quite content. Leaning back with her eyes closed and rubbing her belly she had a smile on her face.

A throat clearing to her right made her eyes pop open. How could she forget where she was! She turned her head only to meet the gaze of Prince Alaric who seemed caught between pride and some other emotion at her behavior.

The color drained from her cheeks. The same cheeks that minutes before she had stuffed like a hamster.

"I apologize for my unsightly behavior in front of your highness. I have truly done something shameful." She bowed her head hoping that a fight would break out so she could slip away unnoticed. How could she forget where she was. Even if food is amazing she shouldn't let her guard down around these boys.

Alaric was shocked by her appetite. Any woman or young girl he had ever seen before ate like small birds. Picking at their food as if they did not need anything for sustenance. Morgianna right before his eyes devoured the sandwiches as if she had been trapped for months without food every last bite better than the last.

Quite honestly he was thrilled that she was not like all those he had met before. If his friend Alistar couldn't win her heart he would try himself.

He was just about to comment that she could have more if she was still hungry when Felix slid up to their table.

"Your Highness it was a pleasure to attend your party, but I am afraid we need to take our leave early. I just received word that we are needed back at home urgently." He bowed before taking Morgiannas hand firmly. He felt as if she had been surrounded by wolves and wanted to get her away as soon as possible.

It was true he did receive a letter from home, but it was only to inform them of their father leaving for a trip. They had not been requested home at all.

Alaric squinted his eyes in annoyance. He had gone through many preparations to have Morgianna attend his party only for it to be ruined quickly.  He had been curious about the girl with powers to stop time but he had mainly done this with the intention of helping a friend get a leg over the competition. Though now he felt as if he himself has just entered as a competitor.

"Very well. I shall walk you out then." As Alaric went to stand a hand fell on his shoulder.

"Alaric as the guest of honor you wouldn't want to disappear on your guests would you?" Alistar sat there with a crooked smile and a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why don't I walk them out?"

Morgianna who had just got over the shock quickly chimed in. "I could not have you waste any time on such a menial task. I am sure the guards will walk us out just fine." She forced a smile upon her face and batted her eyes. Pleading that they would both just leave well enough alone.

Both boys stopped arguing caught in her large mismatched eyes as she peered at them.

If she asked cutely like that then they couldn't force her.

"That should be fine." "A wonderful idea."

Their voices overlapped as they both tried to answer her at once. Casting annoyed glances at each other at being interrupted.

"Then we shall take our leave then." She gave them one more smile and a curtsy before turning on her heel and striding away. Fafnir and Felix shortly behind her the whole walk back to the carriage.

She did not dare speak a word until they were safely inside and on their way home. "So what is the urgent matter that required us to return home brother?" She felt lighter the farther from the castle they traveled.

Felix gave a toothy grin. "There wasn't one. I just saw you felt uncomfortable. I am sorry I couldn't protect you." His smile fell a bit at the end.

Morgianna felt a rush of love for the brother she had gained in this world. "Thank you!" She squealed throwing her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek.

She felt that tonight would be one she wished to forget, all but how sweet her older brother was to rescue her.