I lost my job just after 2 weeks of hard work. Can't blame why they fired me though. After the faceless man's torment, I became the main topic around the street. Rumors said I was using illegal drugs and I am losing my mind.
They're right about one thing. I'll give them that.
I am losing my mind.
But I couldn't care less. Rumors die as fast as new ones begin. There's nothing to be sad about losing that job. I even achieved what I sought after. I earned enough money toaintain my medications for at least 2 more months, my social skills improved ( I can finally talk to strangers without being awkward), and I learned the true "face" of my madness.
The faceless man.
That thing disappeared right after tormenting me at that unfortunate day. I was shaken, out of mind, and I think I even lost "time" at that day. No, never mind the "I think". I did the math. I DID lost time.
Incident Schedule: (rough estimation)
8:00 am - time in at work
10:00 am - the faceless man appeared
between 10:00 am and 10:30 am - a customer appeared
10:00 am to 10:30 am - it tormented me
10:30 am to 2:00 pm - lost time
2:00 pm - the owner found me
Damn. I didn't even remember if I had my lunch or if there are any more customer other than the first one. There's supposed to be a list of all customers back at the shop but going back there is a bad idea.
No use in crying over spilled tea, the best move here is telling Dr. Olayta about the incident.
Scheduling an appointment is easy. The real problem I'm facing at this time is the opening of classes. With the recent incident I feared that it may repeat and completely destroy my college life.
I have to learn to control myself.
Knowledge however, is in short supply in the next few days. I scheduled my appointment on Saturday; two days before the opening of classes. In the meantime, I surfed through the internet to find various ways to control this " disease ".
Based on my internet findings, there are various ways to control or even cure my condition but at the end of each articles, I always read the same words: " seek help".
Help huh? Dr. Olayta is sometimes helpful, as well as my parents. Sometime I wonder however, why seek help from people who doesn't know what I see? Or even what I fell or what I think? Why seek help to people who doesn't understand me?
The help I badly seek however, came. And with her, is a storm of sunlight.
Her name is Joyce Santos and I met her in the most unexpected place. In a convenience store.
It was a sunny day and I came to the local convenience store to purchase coffee and donuts. It was a pretty normal for me until I glanced upon her presence. She attracted me. Not in a romantic way, no. She attracted me like a moth drawn to a flame. The attraction was fulfilling until you reach the fire and your wings burn in anguish. An attraction whose fate is doomed to die
Anyways, I noticed that she needs help carrying her stuff. I approached her.
"Hi, need any help?" I asked while forming an awkward smile.
"Oh! yes please. I need help carrying these to my bike. It's not heavy... just numerous" she replied.
At that moment I took the opportunity to give my name and steal hers. Afterwards, I proceeded in helping her.
At first I thought her previous statement is a sarcastic joke but it wasn't. She DID bought a lot of stuff.
Joyce's shopping list:
1. two bottles of shampoo and conditioner
2. four bottles of yogurt
3. a large pack of doritos
4. a cutter blade
5. two packs of cigarette
6. seven packs of various cookies and buscuits
7. a booklet of crossword puzzles for some reason
On top of that, she is also carrying a shoulder bag that contains who knows what. I don't really care whats inside it, one thing is obvious though. It certainly is full.
Anyways, I helped her carry her stuff until we reached her bike. It's a simple pink folding bike equipped with an old basket in front of it. She then thanked me with the warmest smile.
I acknowledged the gratitude and said my goodbyes.
Unfortunately, (or perhaps fortunately) the sky suddenly cried. Few droplets of water soon poured on the streets and Joyce quickly drove ger bike into the shade.
"Tough luck huh?" I murmured
"Yeah, well if it rains it pours" she replied alongside a smile.
It's that smile again. Its fascinating.
Too bad I don't have the words or rather the social skill needed to continue the conversation so I just let out a smile and a weak sigh of acknowledgement. We stand idly in silence for a few minutes until Joyce seemingly destroyed our little moment of solitude.
"Hey, let's take this opportunity to know each other" she humbly requested.
I laughed. "Yeah sure" I replied. Her eyes seemed fixated to mine so I continued to tell her about myself. I told her my name, a few educational background and my doomed expectations towards my incoming college life.
For a while I thought she was bored of my bickering, but then I saw her eyes filled with wonder. She smiled again then proceeded in introducing herself.
"My name is Joyce Santos. Right now, I'm an incoming 2nd year college and we are actually studying in the same school and same course. So that makes me your superior" she replied as she let out a cute giggle.
"Oh interesting, care to share any tips for an incoming freshman like me?" I humbly asked.
"Nope" she giggled again and then continued "I'm pretty bad in terms of academic performance so I guess persevere and just be you"
Well that obviously isn't an option. I don't even know who I really am anymore.
"I see thanks for the tip I guess" I replied. At that moment I looked at the bright sky and mumbled "Weird isn't it? The sun is still alive and yet it rains"
She smiled and looked at the sky; "Yeah maybe a bit weird but it's how God made them isn't it?"
God huh? Too bad he abandoned me a long time ago. Or perhaps I abandoned him. But there's no need for her to know my skepticism. I just bluntly agreed on her statement.
"Well it sure is pretty though" I replied
"Yes indeed. Light and rain working together to bring us the water of life. You know what's weird?" shee looked at me and continued; "When I was a kid, I used to believe that when rain pours down with the sun is out, then a storm is happening. But it is not made of rain. It's a storm of sunlight"
"You sure were a weird kid back then" I joked acompanied with a lively laugh.
And she laughed in return.
We talked for a few minutes more until the rain stopped falling. And then we gave our farewells.
"Well looks like your storm of sunlight has stopped" I said.
She laughed. "Yeah well looks like its a farewell then. I'm sure we'll meet again"
"Yes I'm sure we will" I replied and waved my hands good bye.
She left soon afterwards and I was left alone again. Storm of sunlight huh? She may have a point but storms are made out of wind and not born from the sky.