Chapter 4

Val opened her eyes and the world started spinning, the colors shifting, looking like a kaleidoscope. She closed her eyes, a throbbing feeling in her head. 'Not what I was expecting when I woke up.' The ache in her head causing pain throughout her body. 

"Are you sure she'll be ok?" Katy asked someone, the noise making pain shoot through Vals head.

"Yes, she'll be fine, this is why I told you not to put a chosen, or anything with soul for that matter, into the necklace." An older man's voice said. 

"I forgot in the moment, and we needed to move faster than she could keep up with." Katy said, picking Val up carefully. 

"Honestly, why do you need a level 1 familiar? Didn't you all just recently hit 100?" The older voice asked. 

"Yea, we did, but I want to build trust from the start with a familiar rather than just finding a stronger one and relying solely on the magic bond for them to stay." Katy said lightly stroking Vals head with her thumb. 

'Considering I was a human less than 3 days ago, I don't think I should be enjoying being pet like this as much as I am.' Val thought, leaning into the touch slightly. 

"Look, she can move and is responding to touch, she'll be fine." The older man said reassuringly. "Just let her rest today and give her some of this and she'll be fine in the morning." I felt her shift to grab something from the doctor.

"Ok, thank you Dr. Rospell, I'll come back tomorrow for a check up." Katy said and started walking away, holding Val carefully in her arms. She covered Val in a blanket to keep her out of the sun. They walked for a few minutes until Katy entered a large house.

"Kathrein, is that you?" Val heard a voice call from a room or so away, muffled by a few walls.

"Yea the doc says she'll be fine." Katy said, walking towards the voice. 

"Good, get in here and let me see her for a moment." They walked to the voice, and Val felt the blanket get removed. "Is she sleeping?" Val tried to open her eyes in response, the world was still spinning, the colors shifting and changing. Making more pain shoot through her body. Val shut her eyes again and let out a small squeak of pain.

"No, but as you can see she is in quite a bit of pain, the doctor says to let her rest today and to give her this." Val felt Katy hand something over to the woman. 

"Ok, go set her up in your room and come back. Your father will be home tomorrow night and we need to prepare a party for him." The woman said.

"Do I have to help set it up? Rose is more suited to planning parties than I am." Katy said.

"You both will be there to help, he's been gone for a year on the raid of the demons." The woman said Katy nodded and started to walk to her room. When they arrived Katy set Val down on a large bed, making sure she was comfortable with water and food nearby. 

Katy left the room and went back downstairs, her mom, brother, and team sitting around a large table, settling into planning the party. Val was still in the room lying there. A few hours had passed and she could finally open her eyes without having searing pain. 

(Your mind has been exposed to the void for an extended duration as a result have gained the status effect {Dimensional distortion effect: Sensory overload tier 8, Headache tier 10, Magical vein tearing tier 3.} [duration remaining: 15:32:56]) 

'I don't like the sound of any of that, but at least I can open my eyes without feeling like my head is exploding.' Val turned slightly, looking around the room, her eyesight still blurry and distorted; she could only make out the colors of the room. It had a dark color palette of browns and reds. Val moved and took a drink from the water next to her. A few minutes later the door opened, Katy and Rose walked in. 

Katy walked over to Val. "How are you doing?" She said as she picked Val up, holding her gently. Val let out a small quiet squeak. 

"Katy dear, I don't think you can talk to her yet." Rose said, sitting next to them and wrapping an arm around Katy. 

"I know, but she squeaked, so she's doing better than before." Katy grabbed a small red vial and lifted it to Vals mouth helping her drink it.

(You have consumed a greater rejuvenation potion.) 

The potion started to help heal Vals mind, her head no longer pounding. As her mind started to heal with the potion, she became tired and started to drift to sleep. Katy layed down holding Val tightly as she fell asleep.

Val woke up, her mind clear, though her body still had some slight pains. She looked around and saw no one else in the room, sunlight streaming in from the windows. She looked around, able to now see properly, she saw a large cage next to the bed, with food and water set out in bowls for her.

'It feels slightly degrading to be eating and drinking like that but I am an animal now so I guess it's what was to be expected.' Val thought and moved over to the cage eating some food and grabbing some water. She opened her status screen to check her current condition. 


(Name): Valentine

(Sex): Female

(Race): Night Stalker bat

(Class): None

(Level): 1/25

(Exp): 5:1000



(Strength): 3

(Dexterity): 4

(Constitution): 2

(Charisma): 1

(Intelligence): 3

(Magic): 3

(Luck): 0

(Will): 5

(Stat points): 0



(Unranked Bite: Level 1)

(Unranked Flight: Level 1)

(Unranked Stealth: Level 2)

[Evolution chance]: 100%



(Sensitivity to light)


(Status effects)

(Dimensional distortion duration: 32:15 {Headache tier 1, Magical vein tearing tier 2) 

'Did I sleep for 15 hours?' Vals eyes went wide. 'Since I have no mana right now I'm assuming I can't use any magic with the vein tearing.' Val sat and ate the food and drank more water. 

Soon after, Katy and Rose walked in with casual clothes on, Katy walked over to Val and held a hand out for her to walk onto. "Glad to see you're feeling better." She said holding Val and gently petting her. 

"Katy, we've got to get dressed, your dad will be home soon." Rose said, reaching to grab Val.

"Before we get ready I have to help Valentine clean up." Katy said picking Val up and bringing her to the bathroom, setting her in the bathtub Katy added water enough so Val could submerge herself , she grabbed a small vial of soap and helped Val clean herself. 

'Again, as a human stuck in an animal's body it feels weird to have someone else bathe me.' Val thought after the bath, while Katy was drying her off. 

After Katy finished helping Val she carried her over and helped her perch in the cage. "Ok, let's get ready now." She said to Rose, both of them walking into the bathroom. They showered and got dressed.

Rose wore a Dark midnight purple cocktail dress, with a slit on the right side, she had her hair up in a ponytail. Katy wore a very nice sleek pair of black pants and a clean black button up untucked, her hair put into a ponytail mimicking Roses. 

"Do we really have to go down there?" Katy asked as she grabbed Val and put her on her shoulder, Val had to tuck her wings tight against her body so she wouldn't fall off her shoulder. Vals full wingspan being 46 centimeters. 

"Yes dear we have to go down there. And, we are already dressed. It would be a shame not to go show off." Rose said, she reached out and helped tuck her shirt in. Katy let out a sigh and nodded.

"Ok, let's go." Katy said, opening the door. As they walked down the stairs, Val looked around the house, it had the same kind of color motif that Katy's room had, with dark browns and reds. They got to the bottom of the stairs and the whole house was set up for a large party, with different kinds of people filing in and walking to a large room to the right of the entrance.

"Finally, my daughter shows her face." Val turned and saw a woman who looked like a 35 year old version of Katy, the only real difference being her hair, which was stark white, in contrast to Katy's Jet black hair. 

"How long till he's here?" Katy asked as her mother walked over and started to inspect her clothes and Val.

"He'll be here in the next few minutes. Now why is she naked, excluding her collar." Her mother said, pointing at Val. 

"She's a bat, and I haven't had time to go shopping for her yet." Katy said. Her mother nodded and sent Katy and Rose away into the large party room. They mingled and talked with others for a while. People walked over and asked about Val, a few tried to reach out and pet Val, Katy stopping them before they could touch her. A small pulse of magic pulsed through the room, the party going silent.

Val looked to the door they entered from and saw a man with a large black coat covering his whole body, he had short jet black hair, one eye had a large scar covering it and the other was the same piercing black that Katy had. He walked over to Katy and Rose and gave a slight nod "It's good to see you Katherein." He said, his voice was rough and gravely.