The Portal Location in View

"Boris, dodge!"

Hikari shouted while flinging a huge boulder she cut from a rocky hill at the side towards his direction.

Heeding what she shouted, Boris flipped backwards letting his whip be kept in front of him to hinder the Transcendent who was about to chase after him.

Using the incoming boulder, he kicked it towards the Transcendent who blocked his Energy-enhanced whip. The boulder was unexpected which resulted in it landing squarely on the Transcendent's face, flinging him away and down to the ground.

"Why, of all things, did you choose to throw a boulder?!"

Boris, after landing back on the ground, complained to the girl who's wiping her glasses off the dust it accumulated from doing that unconventional move.

"I saw it in one of the simulation scenarios. Pretty effective, isn't it?"

Hikari playfully responded before she flew to the sky once more while carrying more boulders