Between Life and Death (3)

When I recovered enough energy to lift my body out of the rubble, I was surprised at the scene happening in front of me.

Irja was once more in her Vibrant Spirit Form. Inside a triangle made by her and her two Lesser Spirits, a literally smoking hot mess of a body was currently shivering in anger.

With most of her clothes burnt or destroyed from the amount of energy Irja poured onto the attack I failed to witness, Rowena's closed wounds opened and a mixture of red and gold flowed down to the ground as it seeped out of her opened wounds.


An ear-piercing scream echoed as she ignored her bleeding wounds to jump towards Irja, aiming to end the woman.

Because Irja strained herself by prematurely ending her recuperation and possibly using that Transformation of hers once more, the wound that should've been closed during the period I bought for her opened and the gush of blood once again blotted that side of hers.