The Healing Faction has to Disappear

"That's the fourth. Daisuke's finally done going through them one by one." Nysia muttered while looking up at the ceiling, a slight hint of a smile on her lips.

Although she's the one who advocated for the four to become his Companions, she didn't just decide it without reason.

She had years of experience overlooking an entire organization. Observing people's habits, especially those close to her, was an acquired skill of hers. And being always with him at that time, the small nuances her husband unconsciously showed were enough for her to pick up on it.

Although Daisuke often had a calm and composed expression, he could still slip up sometimes. Nonetheless, most of those times were when it concerned her or his other Companions. 

Upon knowing that, Nysia believed that it was the most glaring weakness of him. He cared too much about his Companions. Daisuke would probably even be willing to exchange his life for theirs. That's how dedicated he is to them.