Assisting the Five Otherworlds (3)

With the five of them moving out to our ambushers, I used the freed time to check their identities.

The attacks they directed at us didn't contain any hint of Dark Energy.

And that only means one thing. The people who ambushed us right after coming out of the Portal were natives.

However, even if I realized that, there's no stopping the girls anymore. Their skills, abilities and Pillar Guardians were already moving

"W-what happened? Why are they this strong?!"

Someone shouted from behind the encirclement. Just from his tone, he couldn't believe that their well-timed ambush attacks were thwarted easily.

Seeing how the girls effortlessly turned the situation around, those at the forefront panicked and staggered backward. Some even stumbled and lost their balance, dropping down on the ground.