Dark Wizards (3)

As the white-robed Transcendent continued to lead us inside, the five women were already geared up to move at any moment.

They're noting the places that were heavily guarded and the places that were seemingly quiet but filled with Energy.

We already passed the residential area of the citizens and entered the Core Area of the Kingdom.

The Main Church of the religious order was erected even more luxurious than the palace in the middle.

Nonetheless, the Palace that should have been the place of this kingdom's ruler was guarded heavily by the members of the order.

Red robes and black robes lined up the stairs leading up to it.

Four tall Wizard Towers surrounded it. And they were all currently emanating a faint hint of Magical Energy.

Scanning my Energy Senses inside one of the towers, it was being manned by a white-robed Transcendent and numerous red and black-robed figures.