
"The Circle of Miracle. Why does it appear in Japan?"

"The citizens who started exhibiting a variety of Abilities like the Superhumans after the appearance of the Circle of Miracle retold their experience."

"The notorious Dark Cult bases showed up and were no longer hidden from our eyes inside the Circle of Miracles!"

"The Truth about Earth. An exclusive look at what's really been going on these past three months."

Turning on the TV and surfing the internet, various articles about what happened yesterday filled it and it's still continuing.

There were truths out there but mostly, they're speculations from various media.

Because of what happened, all flights to our country were halted just to calm the general populace who was confused as to what's happening to them.

The crime rate also suddenly spiked up overnight when the previously clockwork-like citizens of Japan noticed the changes in their bodies.