
{Room 103; Shuchiin Gakuen}

After 10 minutes, the proctor came he has a slender and tall pale-skinned appearance with a messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and often half-opened black eyes. He put down all his things on the table and said, "I'll be your proctor for today's examination. My name is Aizawa Shouta."

"Before we start, I'm going to tell you that if you tried to cheat in front of me with your magic...I'm going to erase it and disqualified you from continuing the exam.", Aizawa threaten as he looks at us.

"You. Distribute this.", Aizawa pointed at the girl from the front beside the door. She had a slender and athletic figure; she was the tallest girl in the room. She had waist-length, long pink hair with straight bangs covering her forehead and a pair of red horns on her head and a white limiter headband over her horns. She had sharp, cyan eyes with rings around the pupils and pinkish-red markings on the sides. She had a dangerous, cold, yet alluring aura that would make every guy drool. (Except me, of course)

Takeshi continues to examine her when Aizawa asks, "What is your name?"

"Zero Two.", she coldly said

"Okay, Zero Two. Distribute this written exam paper.", Aizawa said and gave her the examination paper. Zero Two just nodded and take the examination paper.

'...so she's the rumoured 'Cold Beauty Killer'?', Takeshi thought when he remembered the news he red from the bulletin board. The news was all about a girl killing all the monster and challenger who tried to challenge her. On that picture, beside her was a big looking robot that she calls 'Strelizia'.

'That robot was cool, though.', Takeshi thought as he look at the owner of 'Strelizia'.

[A/N: This time Zero Two doesn't need a partner to control Strelizia. There are also robot users here but the robot need to be compatible with the user. Zero Two is using an Ancient Robot, it means much stronger and indestructible. Her Strelizia could also resize it shape. It could turn small, medium, large.😆]

'Should I create a robot for myself? How about a torturing rob—'

"Here.", a cold voice said as Takeshi looks up, he saw Zero Two's cold face. Takeshi takes the 5 examination paper as he passed the 4 examination paper to his back.

He looks at the examination paper and examine it, '...Hmm. Some of them are about Magic, Fighting techniques, Solving, Robots and Lastly, Monsters.'

"Start answering, now!", Aizawa shouted. Takeshi starts answering the question perfectly and not even hesitating if his answers are wrong or not.

After sometime, he finished answering the test so he stands up and gave the papers to Aizawa, "I'm done."

Aizawa tiredly look at Takeshi and then his watch, "You're done? You finished the exam withing just 30 minutes? Are you sure you do—"

Takeshi coldly look at Aizawa, "I'm done.", he firmly said.

Aizawa sighs and said, "Okay. Leave then. You have 2 hrs and 30 minutes break."

Takeshi left the examination room and teleported where the big four is.


{Office; Shuchiin Gakuen}

"Yo.", Takeshi greeted as he appeared right in front of the four who was talking with each other merrily.

"Oh? You're done?", Greyworth simply said.

"What do you expect? My grandson is much more intelligent than Einstein.", Sullivan proudly said

"...but he finished the exam in just 30 minutes? I couldn't even do that.", Minori commented as she pouts.

"As expected of Sir Takeshi.", Gilthunder said with a slightly proud smile on his face.

"The exam was too easy. I already read all of it on the book and I even created a research for it.", Takeshi said as he sit on the couch. Beside him was Greyworth (left) and Gilthunder (right).

"Why did you seat on that couch, my son?! Don't you want to sit with your grandfather?", Sullivan screamed.

"I'm sure you're going to hug me like a leech. And Minori...would do the same. Gilthunder is much more sane than you two.", Takeshi simply said.

"Am I sane too?", Greyworth asks.

Takeshi look at her and answered, "No."

Greyworth wiped her faked tears. Takeshi ignore her and asks, "...do you know Aizawa Shouta? Which school he's currently teaching?"

"He's teaching in our school, my son. Why?", Sullivan commented.

"I see. It seems that he would be a good teacher.", Takeshi said with a smile on his face.

"For some reason, I could feel that you are thinking something bad...", Minori said with an innocent look on her face.

"Takeshi-kun is a bad boy, after all.~", Greyworth seductively said while blushing.

'...this girl.', Takeshi thought as he look at Greyworth's face. Greyworth is actually manipulative so Takeshi don't understand her purpose of getting close to him that day when they first met.

And until now, he still doesn't know her purpose.

Takeshi sighs and said, "Let's just play, I'm bored."

The three just agreed while Greyworth 'tried' to teased Takeshi with her best teasing techniques.


After 2 hours and 30 minutes, Takeshi and co. stopped playing because they all hear the announcement that come from the speaker.

[ANNOUNCEMENT!! All the examinees should enter the Gymnasium within 15 minutes.]

[ANNOUNCEMENT!! All the examinees should enter the Gymnasium within 15 minutes.]

[ANNOUNCEMENT!! All the examinees should enter the Gymnasium within 15 mi—]

"I'll be going now", Takeshi said as he vanished right in front of them.

"Ah. I forgot to say goodbye to my good son.", Sullivan said with a disappointed look on his face.

"Me too~" Greyworth teasingly said as she smile when she remembered Takeshi's blushing face, "Haaa~ I miss looking at his face without his eye glasses."

"Oh? I couldn't forget his face when I saw him remove his own eyeglasses.", Minori agreed as she even nodded aggressively.

"Sir Takeshi's eyeglasses is made by him, right?", Gilthunder asks.

"That's right. I even asks him to create me an eyeglasses too and I'm currently wearing it now. Isn't it good?", Sullivan arrogantly said as he even showed off his small circle shaped eyeglasses.

"That eyeglasses cannot be removed by anyone right?", Greyworth asks.

"That's right! And it's even unbreakable too. I tried to break it with my magic but to no avail, I can't. I asks him what he did to the eyeglasses but he said that he's practicing enchanting magic and put some enchantment on the eyeglasses.", Sullivan explained.

"What kind of enchantment, is it?", Gilthunder asks seemingly interested with this. Maybe he can asks Takeshi to enchant his armor, later.

"Hmm. As I can remember, Physical Attack Nullification, Magic Attack Nullification, Infinite Durability, and lastly, Owner's Permission. There's still more but I don't remember the name hehehe.", Sullivan said.

"That's some weird enchantments...", Greyworth simply said as she stares at Sullivan's eyeglasses.

"Why? Is it weird?", Sullivan asks.

"Well, it's like this...", Greyworth started explaining how enchantment magic words and how it works.


{Gymnasium; Shuchiin Gakuen}

Takeshi arrived at the Gymansium by the use of his space manipulation magic (Teleportation). He could now manipulate a lot of things for example like his Elemental Manipulation Magic, Physical & Mental Manipulation Magic,Enchantment Manipulation, and lastly his favorite, Mana Manipulation.

Some of his skill are on Intermidiate-Master level but he doesn't want to end up being beat up. Takeshi sighs when he remembered his fight with that bald guy wearing a weird hero costume.

He was still not strong enough at that time but when he saw that bald man, Takeshi wants to fight that guy so badly. Sadly, he was beat up.

Thanks to his exercise techniques, Takeshi improved a lot.

'...I still don't have the space and time magic at that time, though. Along with Mind Manipulation Magic. I'll fight him again when I see him...and maybe, asks him as an ally.', he thought while nodding his head.

"Your the guy who finished the test earlier...", a cold tone said. Takeshi turns his head and saw a pink hair girl.

It was Zero Two.

Takeshi looks away after that and said, "It was easy, after all."

Zero Two didn't answer back because the Principal of Shuchiin Gakuen already ascended on the stage, "Did you rest well after that 500 question test? I hope you did blah blah blah."

The Principal starts talking nonsense as Takeshi starts to get annoyed since he wants to finished this test as soon as possible because he have a lot of research about his Manipulation Magic.

"This bald Principal is annoying.", Zero Two commented.

"I agree. Who the hell would speech nonsense in front? F-ck him.", Takeshi calmly cursed the old poor principal.

Zero Two curiously look at the nerd-looking guy beside her. She thought that he's some decent guy because of his outfit and weakly appearance but she didn't expect him to say something like that to the principal.

Takeshi noticed her stare and said, "Stop staring at me. And I'm not some weak bastard, 'ya know?"

"You have a foul mouth for a nerd...", Zero Two said.

"...and you have a talkative mouth for a cold beauty killer.", Takeshi said.

Zero Two slightly smile and said, "You're interesting."

"We just met...so I'll be rejecting you now.", Takeshi firmly said and look at Zero Two, "Do you want me to fast forward this shitty speech?"

"You can do that?", Zero Two curiously asks.

"Of course and you'll be my subordinate soon so you're going to find out about this, anyway.", Takeshi calmly reply and used his Time Manipulation Magic as he fast forward the Principal's speech.

Zero Two who watched him and was stunned in her mind, her schoolmates are also fast forwarding along with their Principal & Teachers. She looks at Takeshi with an eyes filled with interest and fear, '...if he could do this, it means that he could kill me anytime he wants.', she thought.

Even though, she's interested and fearing the guy beside her. Zero Two was smiling widely as if she just found the right man for her.

But sadly, Zero Two doesn't know about his sadistic side. The author was sure that Zero Two would love this guy (Takeshi) more.

The time stopped and Takeshi looks at his watch, "I guess he's already finished speeching nonsense."

"What time is it?"

"I just fast forwarded 3 and a half hours, is it good?", Takeshi asks.

"No. The Principal takes 6 hours speeching nonsense before he go back to the real topic. Earlier, we spent two hours listening to his nonsense and you fast forwarded it to 3 and a half hours, we still need 30 minutes.", Zero Two computed in her mind as she looks at the frozen stature of their Principal.

Takeshi look at the Principal's face, "...he looks stupid."

Zero Two nods.

Takeshi proceeded and he fast forwarded the time,again. After that, he snapped his hands and everything was back to normal.

The Principal was done on his speech and finally said, "The teleportation circle is ready. All of you would be transported randomly inside of the Velliuka Monster Forest. You'll also received a necklace with your number along with a Health Potion and Mana Potion. I'm sure that some of you has already brought their weapons so it's all good. Now, I'm going to tell you how we will know the ranking. First, we will know your ranking with the monster core you have. Second, if you steal your schoolmates necklaces and steal their monster cores. I'm telling you that your necklace is very important because that's where you will put your monster cores. You'll be staying in the forest for 3 days! So good luck!"


Takeshi and others have already received the necklace and they each received 5 Health Potions & 5 Mana Potions. Takeshi looks at his number and saw '1691' under his number was another number '0'.

'...it seems that this would show the total number of monster core I'll be collecting.', he thought and remembered that he still have a few monster cores on his space magic inventory.

"What number did you get?", Zero Two asks.

"1691. How about you?"


"There's still Zero and Two at your number, huh?", Takeshi mumbles and look at Zero Two, "Zero Two is a weird name."

"Hmm. Call me...Honey?", Zero Two said with a smile plastered on her face.

Takeshi pondered for a bit and shrugged, "Where does that come from?"

"O= Zero and Ni= Two. O-Ni... Honey. They sounds like.", Zero Two explained.

"Hmm. I don't want calling you Oni, though. I also don't want to call you, honey. How about Reine? Rei (0) and Ni (2). I'll change the Ni to e, isn't it bet—"

"Just call me honey. And I'll be calling you darling."

"No, I don't want to. It's better if you call me sweetie cause I like swee—wait. No, don't call me that. We're not in a relationship so that's not good."

"Does that mean we need to be in a relationship so that we could call each other like that? Then we're in a relationship now.", Zero Two said

Before Takeshi could protest, all of the students inside the Gymnasium vanished.


{Velliuka Monster Forest; Tokyo,Japan}

"Hah! That woman...", Takeshi mumbled when he was wandering around looking for monsters.

"I knew it! A sadist isn't compatible with another sadist! She's more troublesome than Greyworth.", Takeshi said as he continued walking around the forest. He still haven't met any monsters around so he's pretty much chilling.

'...hah, my sadistic desire was already filled up earlier but it suddenly decreased because of that teacher's goddamn Speech. That's why, I'm acting like this.', Takeshi thought and then saw that the sun was setting.

"I should look for a river.", Takeshi said and starts manipulating the air around him as he floats. He looks around and he could only see a lot of trees.

While he was floating, he saw Zero Two flying towards him. Takeshi frowns and thought, '...this would be a troublesome 3 days.'

[Chapter Ends]

[Chapter 2: Sweetie]

Chapter 3. (5:00 PM)(Philippines' Time)

1 Next Chapter= 4 random days/ per week. (Week: Sunday-Saturday)

I don't know if I showed Zero Two's personality here (I actually didn't finished the Darling in the Franxx anime because of poor internet).Some of you, might asks why I'm putting time interval here because I want to read your comments and answer your questions, if you have one.

Anyways, thanks for reading and waiting the next chapter.

PS. Don't forget to give me power stones since it would power me up! One power stone is enough, though!

Words (all included): 2453