CCK (14)

"Wait a minute!" Gayoon interrupted. "There was a survivor? But there are no such records! Why didn't the old police file show anything about a survivor?"

"She never came forward in front of the public," he replied. "And she never got the chance either."

"What do you mean?" Gayoon frowned. Minho sighed and continued with his story.


*Flashback 1999*

For the next few days, there was no new news about the CCK. After the failed attempt at killing Mimi, the CCK had laid low in the hills, biding his time. The victim was traumatized and thankfully did not go to the cops. He stayed back in his den, planning his next victim while the city still lived in fear.

Oblivious to the dangers which were looming above them, Minho was awoken early in the morning by a call.

"Minho!" Soojung called him. "There's a phone for you!"

He grumbled and tried to go back to sleep. Soojung sighed and put the caller on hold before going upstairs to wake him up.