The Wrong Turn (11)

"We should become full time babysitters," Shinjin remarked. "Seems like a more profitable job than chasing away ghosts!"

Junho merely grumbled. Gayoon had texted him while with Doyoung that an emergency had popped up and whether they could keep a watch on Jina while she was at the police station. Junho roped in Shinjin with him as well. The exorcist had returned to town that morning and upon hearing about the unusual activities in the hospital, agreed to investigate.

"My miser son wouldn't pay us!" Junho said loudly.

"Just like his father," Shinjin muttered. They were inside Jina's ward where the girl was blissfully sleeping. 

"So the doctor here is a child murderer, huh?" Shinjin asked. "Killed his own son and possible other children."