Chapter 3 Tunnel 1·2

The school bell ranged at 12pm mostly all of the students went home but few of them stayed for different reasons.

Once the bell ranged Wu Bey rushed to the school gate and called for a cab he waited for a few minutes before a taxi arrived.

"where are we going young man?"a middle aged man asked politely

"uncle can you take me to Western Haimin Medical Hospital?"

"ofcourse get in we'll be there in a minute"

After the taxi stopped Wu Bey got off and paid the fare.

A big white building stood infornt many vehicles moving in and out of the area after crossing the pedestrian he quickly searched for a vacant toilet.

Walking inside the cubicle Wu Bey took out the necklace and washed away the blood stain that was mixed with formalin.

He then opened the door and approached the nearest counter.

"Ms can you help me find Which room Mrs and Mr Bey are in?"

"Sure and you are?"

"im there son"Wu Bey awkwardly smile.

"and there"twisting the monitor.

"they are in room 213"

"thank you"Wu Bey walked up the stairs to reached the second floor he glanced at a rose near the terrace and plucked it's stem.

He passed through many sick rooms before he found the room 213.

"here it is.." Holding the flower he gripped the doorknob adjusted his Breathing and gave up a sunny smile on his face.


The door sway weakly he stood by the entrance while observing his surroundings.

The room was neatly arrange there's a small table with blue iris flowers that represents hope and faith inside a white vase.

And two beds that are occupied by man and a woman, he closed the door and then standed between the two.

Placing another flower Wu Bey looked at them and said "mom.. dad? When will you wake up? it's been 3yrs now"

seeing his parents like this Wu Bey's heart ached reminded of the time he realized his parents saved him from the tradegy.

…At the last days of junior high his friends invited him to a camping at a mountain near the city of jiudang.

"mom dad! Can I go with them?"Wu Bey asked them with puppy eyes.

"sigh,okay just don't go to far from them you'd get lost"Mrs Bey said hugging Wu Bey

"mom I'm grown up now!"

"your still mommies baby honey"Mrs Bey replied

"follow your mother she only wanted to protect you"Mr Bey said while reading his newspaper.

"dad is always grumpy"

"what did you say‽"Mr Bey glared at Wu Bey but before he could say a word Mrs Bey glared at him first making little Wu Bey laugh.

Next morning he woke up early and packed his things while waiting for his friends,

After sometime they've arrive Wu Bey waved good-bye then sat down at the back row.

Staring at the two figure once more then switched it's gaze.

"you sure are close to your parents"a man with a jacket talked while driving his name is Xin Qiu

"yeah it's so cute haha"a girl next to Xin Qiu spoked her name is Lin Sie

"wish all could be that close"a big guy next to Wu Bey also spoked his name was Jia Ling and the other next to the window is Liu Min

"but at least I have good friends right?let's start the road trip!"Wu Bey took out bags of chips and drinks they talked and laugh for a few hours.

It was already 6pm, they traveled for a long time before arriving at their destination.

At least they weren't bored They partied inside the car and ate so many jungk foods it was fun but who knows when will the fun end.

"guys now where here let's fix our tent and lit the branches to keep us warm, but before we say goodnight I want to remind you all to wake up at 11pm"Xin Qiu said with a creepy smile before returning to his tent.

"what happened to Xiao Xin? He looks creepy and the trees.. I didn't expect the forest to be this scary at night"Liu Min Said making the others frown.

"geez stop the nonsense Xiao Liu your just making things worst shut your mouth and wake me up when 11comes"Jia Ling spoked before holding the zipper to close his tent.

They all went inside their tent except for Wu Bey a cold breeze of wind flew trough his clothes while the smell of smoke and fire twitch his nose he looked around the place before staring at a particular spot in the woods

He could feel someone was staring back at him he narrowed his eyes but could only see darkness it was like the pitch black was swallowing Wu Bey luring him to go there

Cold wind flew trough his clothes making his skin shiver.

Something was moving trough the bushes

"W-who's there‽.."

Hearing Wu Bey's voice the long grass slowly sway close to him.

"hey.."Wu Bey whispered

Then suddenly the thing went rampage the long grass shake violently towards him thinking his last moments that before he could run the thing that was hiding will grab his leg and drag him to no where.

Wu Bey's heart raced to it's maximum while the movement became nearer and nearer he could not control his body.

His foot was about to step forward but was stopped by a female voice he gained back his senses and hurriedly went to his tent.

few hours passed it was already 11pm Xin Qiu, Lin Sie ,Jia Ling, Liu Min and Wu Bey woked up they all brought their flashlight and walked together towards the darkness

Many tree branches littered to the ground

Just by stepping them could give the group a nightmare.

Inside the Eerie Forest Xing Qiu and Jia Ling lead the way while Lin Sie Wu Bey and Liu Min followed at the back.

A unordinary smell twitched Wu Bey's nostril it didn't smell like a left over food but a decaying corpse.

"hey you guys..can we go back now?"Lin Sie said

"Lin Sie it's fine there are 5 of us here"

"thank's Xiao Wu but I feel someone is watching us.."

"Stop talking where here."

Xin Qiu stopped and found a spot near the tunnel they walked towards Xiao Xin and kneeled down behind a bush.

"my best of friends let me introduce you the cursed tunnel"Xin Qiu said.

"woah really?"

"how is this possible I thought it was a myth"

"guys can we go back now?"

All of them gave different reactions while Wu Bey frozed and looked pale.

"Xiao Wu?"

Jia Ling first noticed Wu Bey's unnatural behavior he called the man's name making everyone stare at him.

"are you okay?"

"yes I'm fine just.."

"just what?"Xin Qiu asked.

"my parents warned me going here.."

"seriously they know the tunnel exist??"

Lin Sie was shock making her face paler than before.

"yes they als-"

"where now here there's no turning back all we have to do is go in and then come out"Xin Qiu respond cutting Wu Bey's words.

Standing up they all followed Xin Qiu,

For safety they tied their self with a long thick rope.

"this should do,now the question is who dares?"Xin Qiu asked while pointing the middle of the tunnel.

It was pitch black like a endless hole if you got in you don't even know when will you come out.

All of them stepped back while Jia Ling didn't move from his place.

"come on?you cowards I'll go."Jia Ling said while glaring at the three.

"nice Xiao Jia you would only walk there in 23 steps and come out"

Then Xin Qiu added "pull the rope if you need help we'll be there Good-luck."

Jia Ling smiled and turned around to head deeper from the abyss they could not even see his shadow the only way they know where Jia Ling was is the long rope.