Forgiveness and moving on..

Marco held his Earth Demon out pointing at the two generals, spikes and earthquakes began occurring all over the place. Marco then jumped down at them, clashing swords with one of them and pushing him back while kicking the other one making him fall back too. Zofo turned around running away towards the villagers at the house and swung his hand against the fire and the fire quickly disappeared. Everyone began running out, Zofo told them to go away from here to not get hurt and Maria was with them keeping them safe. Zofo the returned quickly and quickly jumped down on the fire user and made a fire explosion pushing him back. Zofo couldn't get a rest when the fire general pointed his sword against Zofo making it shoot fire against him but Zofo easily swun his hand and the fire disappeared then they began clashing. On the other hand Maroc had to fight the general with the indestructible armour, he wasn't an easy enemy to fight against. Maroc kept swinging around his sword without taking a break but the general wasn't losing. Marco then made an earthquake to the general and lost his balance but he just retreated. Marco made an earth pillar pushing the general back towards Marco while he rushed towards him too. He charged his sword and the earth demon's eyes became even lighter as he slashed right through the general and his armour. Maroc fell on his back breathing heavily and sweating a lot.

Zofo kept fighting. He kicked the general, making him lose balance and came closer to the general and put his hand right in front of his face. *Ignite* The General's face was burning to the point of his skull showing. All of his skin was burning away and becoming nothing but ashes. Zofo too fell on his back and took a deep breath.

- To activate the Demon Sword, you have to go through an emotional experience or a loss of someone important, Zofo began explaining, I hid the fact that I could control the flames just for you to be able to activate the Earth Demon..I'm sorry Marco..

Marco went up, his breathing got heavier as he went in front of Zofo. Marco lifted his hand and began punching Zofo in the face but he didnt move an inch..neither did he have his cold blood eyes.

- How could you make me go through this! Do you even know what it feels to lose someone?! Marco kept punching Zofo but he just accepted the punches, his nose began bleeding.. While he was struggling to talk he said..

- Trust me i know.. Zofo closed his eyes and give him a smile.. a smile full of sadness and sorrow.. Marco stopped punching him and became speechless. If punching me will make up for it then keep going. Marco went up and kept looking down on Zofo, he passed a tissue to Zofo and gave him his hand, Zofo took it and he went up.

- Come on Zofo, we have places to be and..i'm sorry.., Zofo patted Marco and they began walking towards the villagers.

Days went passed and soldiers always kept coming. Words began spreading but this was not a solution. Zofo suggested that Marco's village should group up with Zofo's Village. It would just add to their strength and the soldiers won't be able to do anything to the villagers. Maria was going with them to protect the villagers from anyone passing by. Zofo and Marco now were alone and their next goal was to find the third village. Marco kept the cursed boots and Zofo started training him, he even trained him what Vald trained him. They had a map that they found in the general's equipment along with a compass so losing their ways was not possible but it would take them months to get there on foot. But in a way it was good..they both got stronger and stronger as they began to even spar with each other. It came a time when both of the young men sat by the campfire and Zofo told Marco about what happened with him when he was younger and about his father Alex. Marco then got guilty for everything he did at the time and at the same time was grateful for saving the people. There is now two more villages that are cursed while the last one is the Royal family. Next goal is.. The Ice Demon...