Chapter Five

Michael's p.o.v

When Rita told me that she's pregnant I was a little scared...scratch that, really scared. I can't imagine how she feels right now. She's 18 and hasn't even finished high school. I know I'm still in college but at least I'm in my 20's, she's still a teenager, and not even at the end of her teenage years. I don't want people to judge her because of this and think that she sleeps around or something because she doesn't. I begged Taylor to get her to come to that party so that I could talk to her, so in all honesty this is all my fault. I got her drunk and I pulled her upstairs, which I shouldn't have done. I feel really bad. The fact that I'm scared and worrying about it all doesn't matter though, this is about her and how she feel's, and making sure she knows that I'm not going anywhere, besides back to college that is. I need to grow up, I'm really immature and I need to grow up if I'm going to be a dad.

If it was anyone else I would probably be questioning whether I was the dad or not, but I know Rita and she really isn't like that.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and looked at it to see that I had a text from Taylor.

From Taylor: Hey Michael. How you dealing with everything?

To Taylor: I'm fine thanks

From Taylor:

Are you sure? I really want to know what's going on! Rita won't tell me anything!!! I swear down if you did anything to hurt her I'll kill you!

To Taylor: I didn't do anything!

From Taylor: So what's going on?

To Taylor: Well me and Rita are dating and I'm gonna be there for her with whatever she want's to do!

From Taylor: Thank you Michael! It means a lot. I know it's technically nothing to do with me but thank you. She's my best friend and I love you both.

To Taylor: Love you too baby sis xx

I'm not going to deny that having a baby and being away at college is going to be extremely hard, I feel like I'm going to miss so much, especially it's early life. But after this year she's going to be going to college as well and if she get's into the same college as me, like she's trying to, then I'll be able to see her more often and spend more time with the baby.

I sighed when I heard my phone vibrate again, I love my sister but she ain't half annoying sometimes. But it wasn't Taylor it was Rita. I don't mind her texting me all the time.

From Rita: Hey Mikey x

To Rita: Hey babe x what's up? x

From Rita: I've been thinking about everything x

To Rita: Yeah? Have you decided what you want to do?! x

From Rita: Do you care what I do? x

To Rita: No baby this is all up to you, I honestly don't mind x

From Rita: I think I want to keep the baby x

I smiled to myself when I read that. I want her to keep the baby but if she didn't want to then I would have to be deal with that. I understand that it's her body and I can't tell her what to do but I was secretly hoping he would decide to keep it.

To Rita: That's fine x If you want to do that then it's up to you. I'm here for you no matter what. Love you x

From Rita: Love you too Mikey x