Limit of friendship-up till class only

Samuel and Rita spent the days like normal friends do .

Laughing and joking around at break intervals and asking each other weird questions which made both of them laugh so hard that there once came a time that Samuel almost tumbled off from his seat and Rita couldn't control her tears of laughter .

Both of them studied , helped each other and laughed their asses off with jokes , ranging from funniest to bland .

Both of them were feeling somewhat fulfilled in each other's company . And somehow both of them , unknowingly started to care for each other . Somehow at some unknown moment , both of them felt their heart swell with an unknown excitement and happiness whenever they saw each other in the class .

It was just the first few days of their meeting but it was a feeling like they knew each other since long ago .



When the school got over , Samuel and Rita bid each other goodbye and went their ways with their other friends .

On the way to the stop to wait for her driver to pick her up , Rita thought ,

' He's not that bad as I thought of him to be , when I first saw him . He's kind of good and quite friendly . But I feel like we're friends only as classmates because he didn't include me in his group when he went his way to wait for his driver on the other side . '

Rita wondered about the question as she watched Samuel's figure blending away in the crowd of students .

' Why am I even thinking of it ? I must be happy that I at least got a new friend and that too a guy friend to call upon . '

With this thought in mind, Rita smiled to herself and went back home when her driver arrived .


On the other side of the school , Samuel was being with his friends but his mind was floating somewhere else . Samuel thought about these few days he spent with Miss Interesting today .

' She's really cute and lively , but why didn't she call me on to go along with her on the way . Did she not find me interesting enough to pass time with , until her driver came by . Was she embarrassed to ask so or ..... or are we just limitedly classmate friends ? Whatever the case is , I must make her drool all over me . After all , no girl has ever been unaffected by my looks . Humph . '

Thinking of his plan , Samuel smirked to himself and went his way home .

Teenage friendship , teenage love and many new experiences in the teenage life is what makes it the most memorable time of our lives .And also the most distracting one .


We all want to have the teenage friendship to last forever , we all what our teenage love to be with us until we grow old and all of us want to be teenagers for the rest of our lives ...

After all , the imagination skills at the time of teenage years is at its best .

( XD )

To be able to feel the thrill and anxiousness of that confusion and the adrenaline rush when any new experience comes our way's the best part of life .

The option to relive your teenage life back again is something which is just felt and imaginary as it's impossible to complete .... and along with the passing time , buried are the unfulfilled wishes of most of us .

This is something which gets fulfilled only for those who may be considered as kind of very lucky . To be able to live the rest of your life with your teenage love is something very rare but it happens , and when it happens .. it's just the happiness felt much more than winning a billionaire lottery .

On the other hand , to be able to be friends with the one whom you took as one in your teenage life is something which gives a very fulfilling feeling .. making u feel that in this lifetime , even if everyone isolates you , you still have your lifeline which is your best friend .

Love and friendship are quite interlinked with each other . And sometimes their beginnings happens at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected way .

Rita didn't know what her intriguing behaviour had effect on Samuel . Similarly , Samuel was also clueless about his increasing importance in the eyes of the person he had befriended not so long ago .

The newest of feeling made them both awkward with each other at times .. unexpectedly making it embarrassing for both of them to talk any further but looking into the eyes of the person , you slowly start falling for , gives you the happiness that none else can .

Both of them , secretly started to care for each other , without making the other person aware of their efforts . Samuel and Rita's closeness will wreak havoc in the upcoming chapters of their lives and some others' lives too , but when the deed of love is done , it's inevitable to come across the problems .

Samuel and Rita would occasionally steal glances at each other and when they both caught each other at the same time , it sent an electrifying feeling of happiness and glee in both of their hearts and have them smile at each other like love struck fools .

[ Creation is hard , cheer me up ! VOTE for me !

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