What ? A leg game !?

Rita swiftly turned around and raised her eyebrows in an attempt to provoke and also question the bullies for the reason of bringing her troubles .

The bullies just scoffed and laughed at her , as they gave her a hard glare . One of them who seemed like the leader gave the other two girls some message in expressions . Rita couldn't have any time to react as her hands were bound by one chubby girl and her hair was pulled by the other .

The other leader girl just saw her with what seemed like jealousy , hatred and contempt in her eyes for Rita as she slapped her hard , right in the face .

Rita could feel a buzz in her ears until in a few moments she felt metallic taste in her mouth and stinging pain on her cheeks . But she just smirked provokingly and glared at the other party hard , with what seemed like double powered up disgust .

The leader girl was infuriated at her provocation beyond limits as she shouted at her ,

" You whore . How dare you scoff at me ? What do you think of yourself ? don't you dare go near our precious Samuel . You ugly piece of shit . "

Saying this , the girl holding Rita's hair , pulled it up even more , making her hiss in pain , while the leader just laughed , like some sadistic maniac . Her hands held down by the chubby girl was squished like it was going to break any moment .

But Rita had expected it all . She could feel her blood boil but she just held it in as she took deep breaths and collected herself . She didn't want to give these nuisance bullies a chance to overpower her with their words . In just a few moments , she maintained her composure back again as she just looked at the leader with cool eyes but utter coldness dropping from them .

The other students standing there could feel the tension in the air and the temperature of the corridor seemed to have lowered down considerably . Many of them , felt a sudden creep and shiver run up their spine as they saw the look in Rita's eyes .

The coldness that she showed in her eyes at that moment was something that none had ever seen .

The leader girl was a bit scared herself of such an intensity with which Rita was looking at her . But she masked it all with utter anger that overpowered her senses . She raised her hand again , wanting to ruin the other side of her face .

" Go to hell , you piece of bullshit crap . "

But .. at the last moment , just at an inch distance away of the leader girl's hand from Rita's face , she was stopped .

And the person who held the bully's hand was none other than , Samuel himself . He held the bully's hand so tight that the girl could feel her nerves aching and her bones crushing .

She yelped in pain , while the other two girls left Rita's side and rushed out to help their leader . Rita slumped to the ground , losing her balance .

But in the tick of time , Samuel rushed to her side , giving a yank to the leader such that the she felt herself lose balance , making her fall butt faced .

Samuel took off his own overcoat and draped it around Rita to avoid the onlookers' eyes on her body . He could feel her stare at him with incredulity in her eyes , but he just met her eyes with his usual mischievous smile . All unlike the cold Samuel that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere .

Samuel didn't bother to argue with the bullies for now as he helped and carried Rita to the infirmary for treatment . Rita also didn't bother to look back at the yelling bullies who were cursing her and crying in pain .


Having received the proper treatment and some rest after changing into new uniform , Samuel helped Rita back to the class . All the while , both of them didn't speak anything but their actions did the talking . Samuel carefully jotted down each and every detail that doctor told Rita to do for caring . While Rita just silently stared at him , with a new found light in her eyes and a newfound realisation .



The class started as usual but Samuel was lost in his own thoughts even when Miss Priya called out his name for attendance .

Rita nudged him a bit in an attempt to draw his attention in class to which he hastily came back to his senses and blurted out , "Present , mam . "

In this way , the class carried on where on one side , Rita was concentrating as much hard as possible on her studies while Samuel was superficially in class pretending to be studying .

In actual reality , Samuel was thinking of ways to draw attention of Rita as soon as possible so as to get rid of the confused feeling he was having ever since he got acquainted with her . Samuel was just having this one thought ,


Although the thought of making her swoon over him was already dismissed soon enough . For lightning up the air between them , he was thinking hard for getting an idea .

Suddenly , Samuel got his brain light bulb lit up and he hurriedly whispered to Rita near her ear ,

" Hey Rita , let's play a leg game from now on . It'd be fun !"

When Rita felt him whisper in her ear in such a way , she felt goosebumps all over her body . She could feel his breath brushed against her sensitive skin , making her to shiver . Samuel was , on the other hand , quite amused by her reaction and decided to do so often .

Samuel as per his message to her , stretched his long legs under her bench such that his leg could now brush against Rita's leg . He then started to nudge his leg against her in an attempt to pull down her shoes . It may seem quite confusing but actually only those two people playing this fun game could understand how much teasing and fun was involved in the same .

Rita at first couldn't understand his moves but slowly when his foot came over in an attempt to tease and pull down her shoes , she gave him a slight kick making him groan in pain quietly .

And next time when he did the same , she attempted to kick him but failed because of his fast reflexes and dodging skills .

Rita turned around and gave him hard glare to stop it and let her concentrate at the lessons in class , but Samuel just won't stop , instead he kept on teasing her . And in this way , Rita also vowed in her mind to give him the taste of his own medicine by playing as hard as possible .


From other side of the class ....

Another girl of shoulder length hair pulled up in a small pony saw the giggling , teasing and amused expressions of the two new friends .

Seeing them giggling and Samuel whispering in Rita's ear something from time to time , made the girl smirk as she turned and returned to her own work after having sent a secret small message .