
Samuel was just getting more and more nervous as the time passed on and he couldn't help but just be worriedly fidgeting his sweaty hands again and again . He seemed more like a husband waiting for his wife delivering his child than a mere school boy .

People in the hospital who were entering , leaving or just waiting for their turn , couldn't help but turn to look at this handsome species of a boy and his ever changing expressions . Sometimes he seemed angry while at other times he seemed sad , sometimes he seemed to doze of into some far thoughts while he'd look like he was a getting mad with each passing second , the other moment . Samuel just ignored the stares coz he couldn't be bothered by such foolish matters . He knew he was handsome , so handsome that people had to turn their heads to look at him for some reason .

He felt like banging his head somewhere coz the consistent feeling of well being of Rita was eating him up . He was just feeling awful .


When he saw the doctor finally coming out of the room , he hurriedly sprinted and asked about Rita so hastily as if his life depended on knowing how she was . The doctor told him not to worry about anything coz she was just fine .

But the doctor wanted to be a part of this cute love story which may earn him some goodwill . After all , loving a person is not a crime and it's such a heavenly deed to fall for someone that all those who help the lovers come together are also given the credit to be a part of this damn thing called -LOVE . Hence the doctor decided to tell him the truth but in an ambiguous way coz love is that feeling that could only be assisted in feeling but not forced upon .

He said ," The girl you brought in here is alright . All she has is a small bump on her head due to the impact of something hard and her dizziness is noting but just a symptom of flu so you should be just well aware of this ."

Hearing that Rita was alright , Samuel heaved a sigh of relief when the doctor's next words made his bright lit mood dampen into the deepest pits of darkness and coldness .

The doctor continued ," But did she ever tell you that she has a heart problem that she had contacted recently ?Did she ever tell you about the discomfort she felt when she was suffering from the effects of this disease?"

Samuel could hear his heartbeat drumming inside his ears . It was as if he was splashed with cold water .

'When and how did she contact a heart disease? WHY..why did Rita never tell him about her discomforts ? Why had she never told him about what she had been going through? Did she take him that distant ?'

A moment ago , he was feeling happy that he has confessed his feelings for her in medical room at school . He was relieved .But now , all he felt was just feeling of being left out . 'How could she do this to him?'

However, he didn't let his feelings take the best part of him as he steadied himself and asked with a slightly quivering voice , trying to bold back his emotions by biting his lips hard . The doctor could see his emotions of confusion and everything that resembled sadness in his eyes . So he decided to end his ambiguous game here and spoke before Samuel could even utter his next words . " She is suffering from the disease that I suppose you too are going through . The disease that she goes through sometimes gives her happiness and sometimes the unbearable pain . So let me tell you the problem that she is suffering and so do you . The heart disease is -LOVE ."

Samuel was quite stupefied by the words that the doctor had said to him at first . He was feeling his world crumble down that unfortunately he too was suffering from the same problem . But what the doctor said at last , made his heart jolt with something unknown .Was it joy? Was it happiness? Yeah , at first he was rejoiced for a moment that Rita also was the one to feel the same thing as him but his train of happy thoughts was interrupted by the harsh reality of his life .

All he did was just stand there in front of the room he was about to barge in , like a person who had been drained of his whole energy . The doctor was long gone .