Gotta distance myself from him/her...

Samuel lost track of time as he stood there outside the room .


On the other side of the door , Rita could clearly see the faint body frame of someone standing by her door but she decided to ignore it at first but when she noticed that the person stood there for quite a long time , she grew restless . She was contemplating whether she should call for help or not but decided against it . She thought maybe Samuel was the one standing outside but she grew uneasy as she thought of why hadn't he turned up yet .

"Was he angry or something? Did the doctor tell him about my feelings ? Did he start to hate me for this ?" Thinking that such might be the possibility , Rita started to drown herself in the abyss of sadness and a heart wrenching pain started to seep into her heart .

She didn't know why can't her life be somewhat normal ?

' Why couldn't she have been born into a normal family where happiness and goals to achieve in life were complementary to each other?'

But she braced herself up . Although deep down in her heart , she felt pain and it made her grow uneasy by each passing second, she tried hard to not let the emotions get the best part of her .

Her father had always told her that for being successful , one must be focused on the goal of their lives , rather than just thinking of the probability of some other distractions .

And yeah , she couldn't deny the fact that Samuel was like a slow poison for her .

Hence she decided to stay away from him from now on and distance herself from him so that the feelings will not go on seeping into her heart for any long or else she herself didn't know what she might do in the future . She might better be just out in the open and make him drown in danger . She didn't want the life of someone she cared for to fall into the dangers of her enemies at such an age and that too , all because of her.

Samuel finally came out of his trance when he felt crowd around started to disperse a bit slowly and that he had lost track of time thinking about all the kinds of problems in his life and the dangers that he may inevitably bring upon his Rita . So with a new resolve in his eyes ,he set his mind straight and decided to distance himself from her so that he may not feel the pang of pain every time he would see her not being by his side .Although it broke his heart and turned them to shards and pieces of glass , he couldn't bring himself to be selfish to tie her to his side and watch her in danger .

He slightly pushed open the door and saw that Rita was staring at the ceiling without even blinking as if she was lost in some thoughts of her own .

At first , he thought of teasing her a bit but then he dropped the idea as he didn't want her to fall in deeper for him and so does the same rule applied to him .

He now wanted to escape from this sweet and sour love poison that was seeping deeply into his veins for Rita.

With a monotonous tone , he said ,"Hey! What's up with your head now? Are you feeling okay now ? "

Rita knew that someone had entered the room . She thought it was the doctor who came in but when she heard his voice , she could only blink once , then twice , then thrice and nod her head slightly in approval that she was okay now .

There was suddenly a strange silence between them .Pure deafening silence . They both were at a loss of words to speak .

Had it been some other day , they would have rather started to banter their nonsense talks and incessant laughing sessions but all of that seemed to be a distant sweet memory to both of them .

They both felt a bit suffocated by the strange awkward silence and so Rita cleared her throat and asked ,"When will you go home ? It's already past seven and did you have anything to eat ? I'm okay by the way and I would like to thank you for the helping hand that you always gave to me and stood by my side till today without asking for anything in return . I'm just quite indebted to you and I hope to not bother you anymore coz of me so .... But now you can go back and rest . I'll be fine on my own . I'll ask someone from my family to send over someone to look after me ."

Rita said all of this in one breath . It was like she was speaking out a well learnt speech , rather than speaking her mind frame but she knew that starting today and much better now , she had to act distant from him .

Also , on the other hand , when Samuel heard her saying all these to him , he was a lot disappointed but didn't show it on his face . Deep down he felt that her words were something which meant something else . It was like she was deliberately distancing herself from him . He didn't like the thought of it but then again his sanity said to his mind that it would be now a lot better and easier for him to leave her .

Although he felt that whatever she said were the words he never wanted to hear from her , he couldn't brace himself to put her in some unknown and unwanted danger , all because of him .

And so he took a deep breath and spoke in a distant tone ,' Alright then !!!! Take care of yourself and get well soon soon . I'll be on my way home . Bye."

Rita could feel his tone turned distant and she could feel his disappointment and she didn't like it in the least bit but what could she do . She herself had to get away from him to save him . So with a heavy heart but a cute smile etched on her face , she bid him goodbye .
