Gotta go ...

"Matters of love , matters of heart are one of the most complicated topics to discuss over and to think over . One can never be too careful , true indeed as you can never make out the time when you fall in love . It's just something that comes and settles into you for a fleeting moment and keeps on growing its roots deep into your heart ."

Reading these lines , Rita felt a dull ache in her heart .

'How true!!! I indeed fell in love with him but he didn't like me . He just took me as his friend and nothing more . Why couldn't I control my heart?? Why couldn't I let go of him?? Even after watching him kissing someone else , why can't I hate him?? There are so many fish in the sea . Why do I have to hold onto him only??'

Rita was deeply lost in her thoughts as she didn't pay any attention to the nearby standing monkey who was chattering non stop with her and nudging her again and again to come back in reality . Monkey aka Noah was now himself getting riled up as he saw the unwavering thoughtful expression on Rita's face.

He was wondering of what Rita was thinking so deeply .

When he got the news that Rita was gonna go back to her home country , he was happy for her that she'd finally be back home but inside he was feeling so horrible that he was choking up .

He was feeling like crying and telling her not to leave him but he didn't want her to be with him , away from her dreams and loved ones.

"Rita , wake up !! Come back to reality or I'll not spare you . I'm gonna spill tho whole lot of jug of water over you you want it to happen??"


Rita was jolted awake from her thoughts when she felt herself dripping wet . She glared at Noah as she pointed her index finger at his nose ," What do you want Noah?? Have you gone crazy ?? Is this the way you treat a girl splashing water all over her ."

"You were not waking up , you fool !! I thought you were dead sitting I splashed water to see if you're really alive or not . You should be thankful to me that I helped you wake up . Huh !! I was so worried . And here you are ..blaming me all the time . "

Noah whined dramatically , wiping his non -existent tears.


"Okay okay ...what do you want now !??"

"I want nothing . you are my such a good and savage friend could I bear to ask something from you for anything ??"


'Are you really sure ? As far as I know , it should be me who should speak this all!! After all , I have helped you in so many of your weird conditions that I myself have lost count of them .' Rita thought to herself .

Rita could only sigh helplessly as she saw Noah's pitiful face . Although she knew he was just faking it , but he looked so cute that she couldn't help but just pinch his nose and ask him to tell her his favor to ask for .