A happy start

Noah and Rita were happy and elated . One was happy because she was going to return to her hometown and another was happy because he could now be with his friend aka special friend , very near to his heart . The plane took off as they both chatted a bit and rested and took some meals in the plane . They preferred to go with the common elites rather than the private jet . they wanted their journey to be as lively as possible ..to be able to say goodbye to the city that they had inhabited in for seven years together .

Noah could be seen seeing and watching out other girls , even the flight attendant as he flirted with them non - stop . This made him to earn a few good compliments as well as some bad comments too . Can't be helped .

Noah watched the sleeping beauty beside him whom he had admire for years . He didn't have to rush things in any way . He had thought that at first his family would oppose his decision of following Rita to her home city , but to his utter surprise they readily agreed to him .

He could still remember the conversation of his mother and Rita when they reached his mansion to take the permission of his parents officially . his mother there , totally ignored his existence as if he didn't even exist and took Rita gently to the living room and the ladies started their women talk . This was one of the things that he loved the most about Rita . She could bewitch anyone , regardless of their age or gender into being in her favour .

His mother had always been very supportive of his feelings towards Rita and that only made him to think if she ever would remember her actual son or not in the future .

Thinking about all this made him chuckle as he adjusted Rita's head to rest on his shoulder and he too went into the dreamland .

The flight was very long and time consuming making them feel very lethargic when they landed on the grounds of Shanghai . However , Rita was very much excited and so she forgot all her fatigue as she breathed the fresh air that surrounded her , the moment she landed on the ground . She felt emotional but held her tears back and helped herself up with her luggage while Noah accompanied her together .

At a distance , at the entrance , she could spot her family butler and she suddenly felt a lump in her throat as she couldn't hold back her tears and let them flow down freely . Soon they reached Butler Wang and the first thing she did was to hug him tightly . It was good that her family members didn't show up together or something like or else she could guess her reaction .

She would have been crying like a cry - baby right now and people would have been giving her weird looks for her incessant crying like a baby . Rita had never taken advantage of her wealth or money to flaunt or show off to the ones lower to her in terms of money . it was an admirable trait that she was very balanced in terms of emotions and everything despite being associate with the underworld activities .

Just like her own , she took the servants , maids and the butler as her own family and always gave them love . This made her being the most favoured one in the whole family , not only for the reason that she was a young one in the family but also because of her way of expressing gratitude . Such a cute and good girl !!

The butler also couldn't fight his tears as he hugged the little grown up girl in his arms like holding his own daughter . After some more sniffling and hugging , they all took off for their home .