WebNovelI am Tobi98.61%

Random Oneshot (Tobi was bored)

A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there lived a boy named Timmy Chunggus Lalastonks the Third, the second being his father and the first, his grandfather.

Young Timmy was gazing at the night sky, the countless stars twinkling as if diamonds were glued to a dark ceiling, shining its brilliance just like the other gems decorated across the galaxy, the universe.

Young Timmy dreams of traveling across the vastness of space, to witness the countless stars, to admire the beauty given by the universe. "I've decided, I will travel across the galaxy!" Young Timmy said.

" Countless planets, stars alike are up there, just waiting for me, begging for me to be the witness of their heavenly glory." said Timmy with fiery passion, one can even see a silhouette of an elmo with both hands up while the background is on fire as if declaring to the world, let it burn!

Young Timmy lives on a planet called Badongkas, where the natives have huge badongkas, yes that badongkas you are thinking of right now, don't try to excuse it.

Young Timmy studied hard until he became Old Timmy, building the ship that will carry him across the galaxy with the knowledge he had gain. "My dream will slowly become a reality now, I'm almost there!" Old Timmy exclamed with ✨passion✨.

But, reality is often disappointing. Years of research had all gone down in the drain after an accident that will forever scarred Old Timmy.

What had happened? Tune in next time on Dragon Ballz 2 (indefinite hiatus).

To be (not) continued...