Witch trial

"Not in that condition! You need to get yourself treated first-" Basil bites his tongue as Drew looks down at him with the very same stare he's been giving Sarissa.

"We don't have time for me. Let's go," Drew urges for Basil to look past his injuries, and as much as Basil doesn't want to, he feels as though Drew wouldn't listen to anything he says.

However, just as Drew turns to face the exit, Caron is standing in front of it with a cheerful smile on his face that contrasts the scowl he's receiving from Drew.

"Those eyes, I can understand where Sarissa is coming from, but it's not fear nor hate I'm feeling from seeing them," Caron comments at Drew's frightening look while keeping his cutesy smile.

"I'm not going to fight you, Drew. I sort of got the gist from him. Here, let me help you." Caron points at Basil and then with his other hand he presses it against Drew's chest and begins chanting a sweet single-word hymn.

Heilen mon ami


Unlike with Lu who transfers the pain that it feels as though the wound never existed, Caron's way of healing is gradual and in a sense natural for Drew.

"I don't need to tell you why this is wrong right?" Andrew asks Caron who removes his hand from Drew's chest.

The ever-friendly and forever-adorable Caron cracks a cheeky grin to flaunt his perfect balance of handsomeness and beauty.

"I've noticed how Erize and Cecil have been acting strange since you defected. I can tell they're worried about you.

So, as a proud knight and a fellow anti-mage soldier~ I'll be taking away their worries by staying by your side!" Caron pushes his index finger against Drew's chest. It's unbelievable that someone like this exists, someone oozing with radiance and optimism that hasn't been curbed by reality.

"You go on ahead Drew, I'll follow you soon. I just need to treat everyone here. Heka and Erize are in the plaza where the execution is taking place. So, take care." Caron walks past Drew and then proceeds to push his back to get him going.

"D, -Do you know what you're doing!?" Sarissa shouts at Caron who kneels and slaps Sarissa's forehead with his hand. "Agh!"

"What about you? Do you know what you just did? Seriously, you're no better Sariri," Caron says snickering as he begins singing the same healing hymn to rejuvenate Sarissa.

"Caron, thank you," Drew expresses his gratitude in a simple few words while keeping his back turned to Caron as he walks out.

He immediately takes off running with Basil to the plaza, leaving Caron to tend to Sarissa and the rest of the knights.

"Different people have different interpretations when they see those eyes you know. But only he knows the true meaning in them," Caron says to Sarissa as he continues to heal his stubborn and arrogant friend who clicks his tongue as his only rebuttal to him.

Making their way to the plaza by running through the empty streets, Basil notices Drew rubbing his eyes out and he swears that he saw tears welling in them.

"W, -Were you crying?" Basil asks confirming his suspicions but Drew turns to the squire with a grin.

"Why would I cry? Also, I forgot to thank you for coming to break me out and talking to Caron. So, thanks a bunch Basil," Andrew says which somewhat moves Basil but he decides not to make it easy for Drew.

"You think thanking me is enough!? After the abuse I had to deal with from you, it's going to take more than a simple thank you!" Basil rants on, putting Drew in a bind.

"Abuse? Isn't it Lu to blame for most of the verbal abuse you got?" Andrew argues.

"You brought her in, so by proxy she's your responsibility! Plus I haven't forgotten the time you shoved your groceries to me!

What kind of maniac buys a month's worth of things and not make back to back trips!?" Basil makes a couple of valid points that leaves Drew quiet. The squire's completely right.

"Then, what do you want me to do? I want to repay you for what you've done, Basil." Drew smiles as they near the plaza. They begin to hear what Drew can only describe as a sermon taking place.

Getting closer, the two see the plaza and what it's become, an execution ground with a gallows that's surrounded by the people of Aspen. They're crying for retribution as the knights within the crowd try to control the violence to keep the doctor safe.

However, Leiger stokes the burning fire in their hearts has he stands at the stage of the gallows preaching.

"I sympathize with your losses! For those who have died by these wretched witches and their demon accomplice were also dear to me!

Five were my patients who were found strewn in a lonely alley. Fifty were my brethren who followed the same faith as I! They were found indistinguishable and buried in the snow!

But more than that they were brothers, fathers, and sons to all of you! And they were taken away from us!" Leiger's booming voice echoes through the plaza as he removes any blame on himself with his empathic cry.

Leiger stands strangely unmoved by his own loud speech, as though he's repeated the same string of words over and over that it's second nature to him, like a prayer.

He then points at the gallows with his outstretched arm to present Aranea and Melissa with their arms bound by rope and a noose around their necks. They stand over a collapsible hatch that will open on them with a snap of a cord.

Melissa has a firm gaze but often she would glance at Aranea to check if she's alright, and the timid witch is putting up a good front as she stands at the stage with everyone's eyes on her.

Normally Aranea would've collapsed to her knees in this situation and start crying but with her newfound courage, she's able to hold herself.

She has Lu and Melissa to thank for this, but she does worry about the archdemon and her father as a grimmer fate will befall them.

Lu and Hagurd are on their knees with their heads resting on a stone block. Their arms are bound by metal cuffs while their necks are wearing an iron collar that shackles them to the stone.

Although, even in that dire situation she's in, Lu's able to keep most of her composure. She's not worried about being executed, but she is concerned about the others. She's gritting her teeth at the thought of Adela not following on their agreement.

"My fellow citizens and my brothers who follow the grace of Arthesia! Please behold as we enact the justice that will free this world of a few tainted apples!

Now, all of you please kindly watch in silence as my brothers bring justice to those who have lost their lives to these sinners.

Honor the passing of your loved ones with a prayer as we execute the accused."

Putting his hands together and hanging his head low, Leiger invites everyone to pray with him as the execution unfolds. The crowd's violence gradually shifts into silent mourning as they too put their hands together, with some holding the symbol of the goddess.

Three knights in full plate armor walk onto the stage, two wielding a Dane axe and the other an executioner's sword. Because Hagurd is still a knight and captain of Aspen, he will be beheaded with a sword while Lu will get the axe. Those at the gallows will have the cord cut by the third knight who's also using the same type of axe.

"Proceed," Leiger quietly orders the three knights to finish off the execution, but just as they charge up to swing their weapons, a loud howl breaks the silence and alarms the crowd into looking towards the source of the frightening bellow.

The crowd of people scatters in horror as they see two cascading blue infernos coming down from the sky and joining together as they crash onto the gallows. More blue flames erupt from the gallows, stretching like tendrils that coil and snake around the structure before freezing into spires and branches of ice.

"What a great entrance~" Adela snickers as she stands on top of the gallows looking down on everyone.

"The timing couldn't have been any worse," Andrew says as he glares up at Adela while standing on the stage with Leiger who's silently observing him.

"Fufu, we meet again~" Adela's words apply differently to those that know her. Lu glares at the Cerulean Witch, angry that she came close to being too late.

"Oh don't stare at me like that Lu. I came, didn't I? I was just busy preparing everyone's escape." The Cerulean Witch's sultry voice annoys Lu, but the one who's taking the most offense is Melissa. With her eyes flaring up, she silently stares daggers into Lu rather than Adela.

It's one thing to meet the cause of your pain, it's another to find out that the person you've come to trust was secretly working with them.