Melissa's conviction

With the ethereal blue glow of the moonlight casting itself down on Lu and Melissa through the large window beside them, it dyes their image with its radiance. Lucifia becomes brighter in comparison to Melissa who dulls in color because of her red features that contrast the glimmer of the moon.

 "You couldn't wait until tomorrow to give her your spiel? There's a bit of a line here," Lucifia bitterly lashes her sharp tongue at Drew in hopes to drive him away. However, all that does is cause him to sigh.

 "I'm afraid of what tomorrow has in-store because I don't know what will happen once I wake up to a new day." Drew walks into the moonlight where the two are and the moonlight paints his blue eyes with a shade of melancholy. "So, I want to get the words out before I think they're too late to help her. Isn't that what you're doing as well, Lu?"