We need a lot of resources that War Eagle can't buy, we need to steal the more unique items necessary for a base of operations, and Cork Screw is the man to get them. His status with T.H.A. is "Unpredictable Menace" so any heist won't be out of the ordinary and most won't give it a second thought. One of Cork Screw's most interesting assets was an abandoned "Mike Site" a cold war era missile base he stumbled across in the frozen Alaskan tundra. When I asked him why he was in
Alaska, he replied, "Why? Well, I wanted to see how my Penguin Bots fair with a polar bear of course. Tho it wasn't too fair for the bear, I need to tweak the strength a bit, I lost a fine bear pelt cause of those blasted penguins!" he ranted as he pointed to a pair of penguin bots in the corner who squawked and scuttled from the lab.
In the last few days, we managed to shift all our assets to the Mike Site, War Eagle had the base's location and records purged from the DOD and Strategic Air Command databases and any paper record destroyed. Cork Screw even gave us some unregistered vehicles he stole from the Ford factory in early January. I had War Eagle register them with the DMV with fresh VIN numbers. As of today every one of us has a new identity, and all villain activities have stopped. Except for Cork Screw of course who is needed to retrieve what we can't usually acquire, tomorrow we begin Phase 1.
The News Networks are full of banter of how the mighty Hero Alliance lost four villains. Meanwhile, my colleagues and I are working on putting the finishing touches on the base. We have just finished the installation of the communication and computer systems, and War Eagle has provided, what he called, his "best" hacker, a young woman called "NEO-G", she won't tell us her real name, but as long as she's loyal and is as good as advertised, I could care less if she wishes anonymity or not. Tho she is impressive, and has already tapped into several "secure" military and diplomatic channels, all civilian TV and Telcom satellites, as well as field comms for The Hero Alliance. So I can sit back, monitor troop movements, see where any hero is anywhere, and several HBO channels all at once. This is quite a day indeed.
Cork Screw is out to grab a Rail-Gun from the Navy and is making quite a stir. I need it so our resident mad scientist can design our perimeter defense cannons, he could develop the tech on his own but he said; "But won't it be more fun to steal one?" He then grabbed a Kolola-Bot nearby and giggled down the hall to his lab to suit-up. Between you and me, I couldn't help but smile when his back was turned. I do admire his spirit, he's completely insane, but he's never boring, and
besides, I rather have a psycho on my side than against me. But I digress. Battle Phage is turning into quite a security chief, he has been training and organizing Eagle's troops into quite the elite force. He has been drilling them constantly and I'm very confident they could handle all but the most powerful super. There's a fire in his eyes, the kind one gets when you witness justice being served to your worst enemies, with a pick-ax, and a very dull one at that. He never questions any command and follows orders with quick precision. Sun Tzu would be proud, and so am I. Soon the base will be complete and we can begin our work.
Apollo stood on the flight deck of the U.S.S. George W. Bush staring into the distance, he caught a break when an informant found someone who knew of Cork Screw's latest heist, and now waited for the mad scientist to arrive. Below him was Sakura, Fist, and Sniper, the only colleagues who could make it from the alliance, and several hundred soldiers in strategic positions. His communicator beeped and he tapped the small "A" shaped comm-badge on his chest, "Apollo" "Section 5 sir, Cork Screw is approaching" said a young voice of a soldier, 'Section 5, that's west' he thought as he tapped the badge again, "What's his force?"
"Twelve large walkers, and what looks like several hundred small flyers."
"Hang tight Section 5, and keep an eye on them, do not engage. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 shore up Sections 11, and 12. Sakura, Fist, Sniper, you get that?"
Sniper laid in his position atop a cargo crane, his custom sniper rifle at the ready,
"Sniper acknowledged, moving to cover Sections 11 and 12."
Sakura stood in her attack stance, her signature pink ninja stars spinning in both her hands, "I got it, bring it on." Fist stood beside her, cracking his knuckles, "Let's do this."
Apollo spotted the two-story, humanoid walkers coming over a hill to the west, and clouds of beetle-like flyers buzzing around them like clouds of angry hornets. A line of tanks came from the north and began to fire, "Damn!" Apollo exclaimed as he tapped his badge, "Army tanks fall back! you can't handle this!"
"Get off this frequency!" came the reply, Apollo swore under his breath, "This is Apollo of The Hero Alliance, Cork Screw designed those robots with weapons that are designed to destroy hardened bunkers, let alone tanks! You'll all get killed! Fall back!"
"I don't care if you're the pope! We have orders to engage, and that is what we are going to do.
Now get off this frequency!" the signal buzzed and cut off, Apollo tried again but got a high pitched wail before the comm badges software cut it off. "It's no use! They jammed the comms! We can't talk to anyone, I have sent runners to update them on what's happening!" Sakura yelled from below, Apollo swore again.
The high-velocity shells flew toward the target, about two-hundred yards from the walkers the flyers concentrated in front of the projectiles from the tanks and projected an energy shield in which the round hit and exploded harmlessly, as the walkers continued without even a glance. A cloud of flyers veered from the rest and headed for the Abrams Tanks, the gunners fired the anti-personnel gun beside the main canon and the top gunners let loose with their .50 caliber machine guns as the clouds approached them. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the flyer's shields, as the cloud of flyers divided to attack the first row, a few tanks fired the main gun into the attacking clouds, felling a few with sheer kinetic energy, but it wasn't enough. The flyers fired and concentrated their particle lasers in the small weak point between the turret and the rest of the vehicle, and the first row exploded as the lasers melted through the rotation joint and into the rear where the ammo is stored, igniting three-hundred pounds of high explosive shells.
Without missing a beat the flyers fired on the second, and third rows of tanks, destroying the entire armored company, along with the crews. Apollo's badge chirped, indicating the jamming signal was gone as the flyer clouds reformed and rejoined the main force, but at the same time the towering walkers plowed through the barbed wire, and concrete fence,
"Section 5, contact! They're everywhere!"
gunfire in the background, the poor boy's breath heavy on the mic, "Ahhhh....."
Apollo tapped his comm, "Section 12, how is the EMP?"
"Just about ready sir, two minutes!"
"Fist cover..."
"I'm on it, halfway there"
"Sakura get to Section 5, and assist if possible."
"On it."
"Sniper give Section 12 your priority, but your a GO to hit any target of
"Rodger that." A snap is heard as Sniper fired, his custom made rounds are
designed to give off a plasma charge on impact, Apollo followed the momentary
blue streak, and flash as it impacted a flyer cloud, dropping thirty or so. However,
it was only a pinprick to the hundreds swarming around the walkers. Fist lumbered to the angular housing of the EMP and the techs hurrying to prepare it to fire. "How's it coming?" Fist asked in his gruff voice, a tech looked up, "Starting to charge it now, thirty seconds" said the tech as he pressed the last button, and the electromagnets began to spin with a jet-like whine, Fist looked up as the giant walkers approached, there multiple eyes zipping around as the two-man crew deep within directed the lumbering giant toward his position, "We might have a chance after all."
Sakura used her speed and ninja skills to get to Sector 5 unnoticed, she stopped at the corner of a warehouse and peered from her cover to the building where they set up the listening post. Three of the beetle-like flyers buzzed around the building's entrance, the sound of gunfire meant a few were still alive. She pulled out a pair of blue stars, they beeped softly as she pulled them from there pouch, electricity sparked between the weapon's points as she spun them on her index fingers. She peered again round the corner to check her targets, still just three, and she took a deep breath. She tapped her comm with her palm, "Sakura here, at Sector 5, friendlies still engaging." Her comm chirped, "Acknowledged, you are free to engage."
"Rodger, engaging."
She moved quickly, throwing her primed stars at the left and right flyer, she dodged return fire with a leaping aerobatic move as she flung a third at the center drone. The first two hit the chassis, igniting an explosive plasma charge that punched a fair size hole in the drone sending them spinning to the ground, the center drone projected it's shield, the plasma-star hit the shield and exploded, sending a ripple, and a few sparks, as the shield overloaded and snapped off. However, the drone was still able to track her with its particle laser, the beam followed her like a blood-red shadow, but she was able to duck behind a concrete barrier to catch her breath and ready two more plasma-stars. She'll wait to strike until the beam stopped to let the emitter cool, her heart pounding as she counted the seconds. Then after, what felt like an eternity, the humming drone of the beam eating at the concrete stopped, at the same moment she leap from her cover and flung the charged star right into the craft's optical sensor, the plasma charge blew turning the drone's front into glowing slag, it tumbled to the ground.
Sakura stood for a moment to catch her breath, then the high-pitched buzz of more flyers coming from a distance filled the air, she moved into the building where her skills will shine. She stayed to the shadows, always a hand in or near a pouch of plasma-stars, and one near her wakizashi (Japanese short sword) on her hip. Eventually, she got to the source of the gunfire, she worked her way up a stack of large wooden crates and peered out to the clearing where they set up the post.
There were three marines left out of ten, they grabbed what they could, tables, crates, bodies even, and made a makeshift pillbox. Above them were dozens of the 3-foot beetle-like drones bombarding the morbid shelter with fire timed so there is always a beam attacking them. The beams, while powerful, create lots of heat instead of any real penetrating force, and the smell of burning laminate and burnt flesh from the "cooking" effects on the shelter was nearly unbearable.
Sakura picked up on the pattern, one... two... three... four... five... fire; each drone has five seconds between shots, she then assessed a route around the clearing mapping out points of attack that would give her the best angle to hit the right drone just as it lowered its shields to fire, according to there firing sequence. She gave a five-count, the drone nearest her hovered twelve feet away, 5... she spun up two plasma-stars, 4... she lowered into a runner's stance, 3... her eyes darted around as she tracked the shots, 2... her first target's laser emitter glowed as it's capacitors charged, 1... the drone's shield glimmered blue as it dropped, 0.
She flung a star into the nearest drone's emitter and it blew to bits, she ran in an arc around the marines, she sent a star into the next drone's stabilizer, sending it darting into the drone to it's left, both exploded, a crimson beam flung around, she ducked milliseconds before it decapitated her, the culprit drone tracked her now, she sent a star flying to her next planed target hitting it in its optics, she leaped at the drone tracking her and in a single fluid motion unsheathed her blade and
sliced it in two. Her disruption of the drones pattern allowed an opening for her to reach the pinned marines, she slid under another beam as she flung another plasma-star into the next drone on her hit list. She got her footing and made a run toward the marines, a beam from her right swept toward her, she fell into a judo roll and dodged another beam that came inches from her, she flung another star sending another drone tumbling as she leaped through the pillbox opening, to the shock of the three stunned marines.
She got to her feet and brushed some dust from her suit, the marines just gawked at her, "What?" Sakura asked a tad annoyed, a Sargent lowered his rifle, "What you looking at marines! Get back on
the line!" the stern voice of there Sargent snapped them out of there amazement of her, and back to firing onto the drones. The Sargent did his best to salute in the small shelter, "Sargent Tomas Miller, at your service ma'am" Sakura nodded, "Thank you Sargent, but I'm here to assist you." He relaxed, "We can use anyone we can, if I may ask, how did you take those bogies out so quickly?" Sakura smiled, "I waited till their emitter charged, and the moment the shield glimmers a faint blue, that is when the drone lowers it's shield, now what's your plan on getting out of here Sargent?" He just shrugged, "The plan was to wait for a super to show up." Sakura lowered her head, "This is going to be a long day."
Fist stared into the robot behemoth's eye like cannon, flyers buzzed around them both as the EMP's spinning chamber charged. Fist grinned, "Alright you metal bastard, let's go!" He slammed his fist's together, then with a yell slammed his right fist into the ground, splintering the concrete as a shock-wave traveled to the massive feet of the robot. It wavered as the ground rumbled and the giant fell to one knee, at the same moment flyers clustered between Fist and the walker, projecting a protective energy shield. Fist charged, sending a massive punch into the luminescent shield creating a blast wave as it reacted to the impact. Fist strained as he pushed through the barrier, and with a yell broke it, sending the drones tumbling in all directions. The robot's head spun to glare at him, the main cannon glowed as Fist closed the distance, realizing the peril he was in Fist brought his right shoulder's hardened shield-like guard to face the crimson beam as it fired a massive blast of energy.
The blast stopped Fist cold, his boots dug into the concrete, the shield glowed red hot, as it diverted the high powered energy beam away from himself, and the EMP device, sweat perspired from his brow and he gritted his teeth. He felt the metal of his shoulder guard and his armored leg guards burning his skin from the massive heat of the beam. Then when he started to feel globs of molten metal shedding from his shield, it stopped. The shield was misshapen and glowing white-hot, Fist stood there unmoving as he sucked in deep breathes of cool air before he shed the damaged pieces of glowing metal armor, revealing the red of his burned flesh, and his steel gaze of resolve. "Not bad, that actually hurt." Fist gave a sinister smile, "Now it's my turn."
Fist charged with a yell, the cannon began to charge, but Fist was too fast and with a leap he punched through the head of the giant humanoid robot, and out the other side as the energy backfired with an earth-shattering explosion, sending him flying. He landed hard, tumbling into a parked HUMVEE. The other walkers turned to scan the scene, as one of the engineers shouted, "It's ready!" The optics of the giant focused on the engineer, then the EMP, the optical cluster widened
their irises as it reacted to the confirmation of the EMP device. The behemoths stopped and stood straight. The Engineer turned the key, and at that moment the scores of flyers clustered around the walkers, the EMP discharged with a massive shock-wave that shook buildings and blasted the area with electrified air that engulfed the base and everything in it.
When the dust cleared Apollo saw that the flyers encased the remaining walkers like a metal, cylindrical coffin. Sakura and the marines crawled from there make-shift pillbox, the flyers that besieged them lay on the ground deactivated, with tiny arcs of discharging electricity rippling between the gaps of its components. Fist slowly opened his eyes as he focused on the giant cylinders surrounding the walkers, Marine, and Navy soldiers cheered. Fist forced a smile,
"They did it, eh. Good for them" He relaxed as he laid on the now totaled HUMVEE, but Apollo didn't smile, he saw the flyers start to crumble away, and to his horror the crimson eyes of the walkers staring back at him. The cheering crowd stopped in fear, Fist just gritted his teeth. One of the remaining walkers continued on to the battleship with the rail-gun, however, the others turned to the horrified defenders, and fired their main cannons as the soldiers scattered.
Apollo cursed and leaped from the deck of the aircraft carrier and ran towards Fist, dodging the four foot wide beams and the craters of slag left behind. Fist struggled to free himself as a walker trained its eye-of-death on him, he cursed as he struggled through the pain of his injuries to bend the HUMVEE parts that held him, but he wasn't fast enough. The beamed fired, but at the same moment a figure in silhouette with a shield stood in front of him, blocking the massive beam,
Fist bent back the last bit of HUMVEE and stood beside Apollo, using his good shoulder to help brace the shield, "You're a real pain you know that?" Fist joked, Apollo just smiled, "And you're getting old if you can't free your self from a HUMVEE." Apollo jested.
Fist grunted, "Maybe I am, thanks." Apollo smiled, "Don't thank me yet, we still have a job to do." Fist had a stern look, "Right." The beam stopped and Apollo flung aside the warped shield, the two heroes stood side-by-side, Apollo had his broad sword out in fighting stance, Fist stood in a boxer's stance, "I'll bring him down, you rip that thing's heart out." Apollo grinned, "Right, just don't get
yourself killed." Fist grunted, "Don't worry bout me old friend, I still got enough fight left in me. Besides Sakura, will kill me if I let you die on us." Apollo just stared at the giant robot's huge eye as it glowed, charging for another attack. Fist dashed to the walker's feet and gave a roundhouse kick, the massive foot shifted, then gave way as the giant's own weight bent the massive legs as the behemoth fell to the ground with the shrieking sound of falling steel. Apollo charged and with a single stroke, sliced the head clean off, his blade extended by the ghostly blue of his life-force energy, his special attack, the head rolled into a dry-dock nearby.
Apollo looked at the remaining walkers as they formed a semi-circle around the center walker as it reached into the ship with massive hands, pulling the rail-gun free, magazine, and all. It placed the weapon into its chest's cargo bay and stepped onto the ship as it retreated into the sea, followed by the other walkers. Then they were gone, leaving the heroes in disbelief. Apollo cursed and punched the ground, Sakura ran to them only to witness the battleship sinking at its dock in flames, Fist collapsed exhausted, and Sniper just strolled up to them, his rifle slung behind his
shoulder as he spoke, "How strange," The others looked at him, "Cork Screw isn't usually so precise and focused," Sniper sat on some rubble and lit a cigarette. "What do you mean Sniper?" Apollo asked a little confused, as Sniper blew a cloud of smoke, "Where was his ranting? Or his usual flamboyance? Something is not right." They sat there a moment staring out to sea, He's right, Apollo thought, 'What's going on?'